Ring Racers Suggestions

Skins should have an optional field ("clone color"?) to allow bot clones to appear with the specified color if a human player is already using that character.

Dark Rider Shadow already has a Lua implementation for something like this (Shadow bots become Copper), though technically they're just two different skins depicting the same character.
Just notice it right now, and man, just out right disabling the music is kinda lame tbh like I was expecting just replacing the music with something less copyright-able
Yeah an alt music thing for it is something I've requested. Of course you can just replace the song yourself even when playing online.
The text when reaching a new lap should be hidden or made smaller when you are looking behind you. Makes it hard to aim a whip at someone who is about to pass me when I can't see them because the text is so large.
Speaking of music, the volume should be consistent between tracks. Some are too loud and others are too quiet, no matter what your settings are.

Every other fangame has this issue, it can't be THAT hard to fix, right?

I'd love some way to see which achievements are chao-keyed without having to hover over them. I have 99% achievements, and I've only used chao keys on four, so it's pretty easy for me to remember which they are. But if you actually use chao keys as they're granted to you, which seems to be encouraged, you'd wind up with a sea of white boxes that don't tell you where your next tasks actually are. I know that looking at an achievement and whether it's text is white or gray tells you whether you've actually done it, but you can only see that indicator after you've already found where that achievement is in the huge menu - pretty redundant. I imagine you could simply make chao-keyed boxes gray instead of white, like the text itself, or perhaps the inverse color of your current spraycan (to contrast new achievements using your current spraycan's color.) Anything to prevent the need to scroll through every challenge one by one would be great
Am I the only one having trouble with Virtual Highway's color palette? I seem to careen off of certain parts of the track because the course blends in with the skybox. (Especially the part with the zig zag near the end of the course)
Okay, having tried the Noire build (thank you, srb2bld!), I turned off bot rubberband boost, as well as basically disabling all of the Rival "cheat" options. After playing a few cups...

I gotta say, while nerfing the CPUs like this certainly makes completing cups on Intense less stressful, it absolutely doesn't make them unchallenging (on most tracks, at least). In fact, they're still very capable of making sure you don't feel remotely comfortable in first, which speaks a lot as to how aggressive the CPUs are. It feels a lot fairer, but still fairly challenging.

(I will admit that I did turn off lives for getting the last few Super Emeralds, though. Considering how insanely hard those stages are, redoing an entire cup just to take another crack at them feels like the height of insanity. Noooo thank you, I value my time and sanity much more than that.)
I don't normally post (or even talk for that matter) on the forums, but I reminded myself to finally make a suggestion after a long while, so I'll keep it to the point.

My biggest pet peeve when it came to doing Record Attack back during the SRB2Kart days (Time Attack as it is called in Ring Racers) was not having the general option to manually delete either my lap times, or overall race times from previous game versions or past iterations on a map that had a patch change which would not allow me to set a new time, without having any sensible means of contesting the old one.

Those moments ended up requiring me to request towards a contact I had to hex edit the times away for me to be able to set new fresh times, and felt the process itself would begin to become contrived if I continued to do so.

I believe it would be a nice QoL addition to have the option to manually reset/delete past Time Attack times both per the individual map, and in bulk, so that it would make clearing previous times easier for those who are deep into the Time Attack mode, or simply individuals wanting to keep their data consistent with evolving changes, especially as the game progressively ages over time with future updates.

Another suggestion that comes to mind stems from the same mode itself- and it's rather niche (at least in my opinion).

Having the ability to separately view a Time Attack ghost that was done with addons, how the game itself takes care of part of the labor where it loads all the files used within that ghost data in the same order it was added, so that the player themselves don't have to worry about circus act balancing what was loaded first to even view a single replay from a custom map, or even replays done on the base game maps with custom characters (if it was not saved as a replay to circumvent the issue beforehand, which frankly still felt a bit roundabout). Maybe something along the lines of an option saying load/view an addon replay.

I'm no game developer, but I wish for Ring Racers to properly thrive for a long time coming, and I'll give every suggestion I possibly can if it happens to help in any regard.​
I'd like a way to be able to mute specific players from chat if possible. There's been a player I've been running into on multiple servers lately that's been pushing some buttons, taunting people who call votes to redo or skip levels and shaming players who leave or spec mid race, and while I don't think that's enough to warrant trying to kick them I'd be remiss if I didn't say I kinda wanna shut them up at this point
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I personally would like to see Match Race Mode revamped to be more like Mario Kart DS's VS mode, where you can set up a specific number of races you want to do, along with doing them in order, random, or picking them yourself and winning a trophy at the end based on performance. The Bonus (Prison) rounds could maybe also be enabled or disabled as well.