ExAI is a small project of mine which expands on the behavior of single player bots to make the AI more intelligent and versatile.
Commands are as follows:
ai_sys - Turns on/off all ExAI script functionality.
ai_attack - Turns on/off AI aggression against enemies.
ai_seekdist - Distance to seek out enemies. Measured in fracunits.
ai_debug - Streams local variables and cmd info in the console.
- Built from the same code used to create 2.2's standard AI.
- All six vanilla characters now have AI custom-tailored to make use of their abilities. (Usable with botskin)
- Optional: Bot is customized to engage in combat (enabled by default)
- Various other tweaks and added quirks to give the AI a bit more personality.
Commands are as follows:
ai_sys - Turns on/off all ExAI script functionality.
ai_attack - Turns on/off AI aggression against enemies.
ai_seekdist - Distance to seek out enemies. Measured in fracunits.
ai_debug - Streams local variables and cmd info in the console.
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