Encore Mode

[Open Assets] Encore Mode v1.3/v1.2

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Hey why do I have 2 partners I'm not sure if it is my mods but still what happend also nice black core zone har level on the last special stage


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Twins'R'Okay updated Encore Mode with a new update entry:


happy 1 year anniversary btw lmfoa

Changelog v1.3:
* GFZ1E, GFZ2E, THZ2E, DSZ1E, DSZ2E, CEZ1E, CEZ2E, ACZ1E, ACZ2E, and RVZ1E have been converted to UDMF. Due to the conversion, this mod can only be run on versions 2.2.11 or above.
* Numerous additions, changes, and bugfixes were made to stages under the conversion.
* Fixed THZ1E and CEZ1E's sky not displaying properly in 2.2.11.
* THZ1E's thunderstorm event has now been changed to better transition into THZ2E's color palette.
* CEZ2E and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Is there a way to disable characters from the grab list? I kinda want to play encore with all modded characters but having like 6 vanilla characters in the pool gives them high odds
A problem I had with this mod is that the encore colors stay after the addon is disabled, does anyone know how to fix this?
Twins'R'Okay updated Encore Mode with a new update entry:

oh shit delf's awake too

The script has finally gotten an update for 2.2.11 and above.
Changelog (Script):

+ Full 2.2.11 compatibility
+ You can now customize your characters' colors via the multiplayer character customization screen
+ The Encore gametype now has Emerald Tokens and MP Special Stages
+ Invincibility frames after swapping upon death now last longer
+ Super forms are now fully functional
* The game no longer crashes in Multiplayer
* Buddies no longer appear in NiGHTS
* You can no longer change...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Glad to see this is still being updated! Especially joyed to see Super Forms finally working!
Seeing as there's still the issue of not being able to save though, wouldn't it be best to either have the mod create a separate save file like the original 2.1 Encore Mod, or perhaps use a separate Save System like what Samus uses
I'm losing characters when I die even after I beat the level in coop. Isn't death not supposed to count if you've finished the level?
this isn't a problem with the mod i think, just with the ova sonic mod ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
So two problems with the update
1. I cannot switch between characters using the custom3 key
2. In the level pack, when you get to the hectagonal tunnel, it's just completely impassable, like there's a wall in front of it. Also most of the textures don't load for that section. This makes the level pack impossible to beat as far as I can tell
I would assume this must be a problem with other mods, but even when other mods are turned off, this still happens. I don't see anyone else talking about this, so it's somehow unique to me, but I have absolutely no idea how or why
So two problems with the update
1. I cannot switch between characters using the custom3 key
2. In the level pack, when you get to the hectagonal tunnel, it's just completely impassable, like there's a wall in front of it. Also most of the textures don't load for that section. This makes the level pack impossible to beat as far as I can tell
I would assume this must be a problem with other mods, but even when other mods are turned off, this still happens. I don't see anyone else talking about this, so it's somehow unique to me, but I have absolutely no idea how or why
I have the exact same problems and I thought I couldn't switch because of certain character mods using the custom3 key but even without those mods I still can't switch or even lose characters when I die.
@BrasterYakintosh @slob boy Did either one of you load the Encore Mode script?
This doesn't happen for any of us.
I did I think. I turned on the mod that isn't the level pack and then the level pack. The previous versions worked relatively fine, but it's only the current version that doesn't work. In fact, I have to play with the last version to play Encore Mode at all and I most often use it with other level packs. Unless there's some steps that have been added, it should work just fine
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It's not a corrupted download either because I tried redownloading it and ran across the exact same problem
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The CTOP-like Update is going to State that: If you Defeat Black Eggman, and the Next Level will be "Collapsing Base Zone" (with the song "Bye Bye There!")... The Level Immediately goes Encore, and You're given a Harsh Time Limit of 5 Minutes, 40 Seconds!
The CTOP-like Update is going to State that: If you Defeat Black Eggman, and the Next Level will be "Collapsing Base Zone" (with the song "Bye Bye There!")... The Level Immediately goes Encore, and You're given a Harsh Time Limit of 5 Minutes, 40 Seconds!
What about the capsule that sends you back on Mobius then?

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