Maybe you could edit the first post in this thread so people won’t have to search for the redone introduction when more posts will stack up on top of it. And you also can put the old version in a spoiler for preservation’s sake if you want.
And too bad that I already released TWO SA1/SA2 styled stages! >:C Maybe there still might be a chance for me to join, but I don’t know if my creativity will give me permission to do so. (I milked myself out of ideas for stages. :<) But from my experience with this style of level design, I think I’m able to share some stuff that if used wisely can make a pretty cool stage dynamic.
So the level design between SA1 and SA2 is way different. SA1 is more of a 3D translation of classic games. With the higher and lower paths, way more open areas and more incentive for exploration. But SA2 on the other hand is more focused. You have a single focused paths that only have small opportunities to go faster instead of you being able to access brand new paths to do the same thing.
But I learned something new while working with both of these L.D styles. I learned to fuse those both styles together! So you have your regular SA2 type path, mostly a corridor or a bit wider corridor with some platforming challange, and then you get through it and you’re met with a large area with few pathways and a lot of room to run around in, but because it’s a hybrid of both styles the alt paths only lead to goodies like shields or speed shoes. And that’s the cool part in as I like to call it
hybrid style, both styles are always present in one another. You can have a stream lined platforming section with some dna from SA1 and vice versa, you have a large explorable section with few ways to go about it, but they all ultimatily lead to the same path, but just faster and with more goddies!
(I hope I explained it enough. -.-)
And If I had to choose between Neo palmtree zone and Neo emerald coast.
(for lack of a better example, please it’s not an ad I just don’t know any other stages that fit this specific criteria.
) I would choose N.E.C
(And it’s not because of bias for my but) because I really don’t like having 3 alt paths that all lead to other places and only crossover at the end of the stage, I rather just play the stage once and have everything mapped out and ready to go the next time I play! But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like any open stages at all. I just fell in love with SA2 level design. That’s all there’s to it.

And that’s why I can’t wait for the time this map-pack releases! I just hope it won’t be like 100mb in size.