• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

Team Prismatic (Mystic Realm: Community Edition)


[A person in a place]
Sonic Team Junior

Latest Stable​

Stable builds are released very little and will commonly be missing lots of features and content, but can be considered more complete, with less wip content

v0.4.3a, released November 18, 2023

Latest Beta​

Beta builds are released much more often, and feature much more recent content, but may also contain unfinished wip stages and mechanics. Will still be guaranteed to be 100% playable

Gitlab Auto Build​

Auto builds usually feature the absolute latest features and may update several times a day. As such, these are not to be considered stable at all and may even feature major bugs on occasion, and should not be used when hosting netgames. However, they are usually still functional and are recommended for testing and feedback. Until v2.2.14 releases however, next is unable to update and has remained stagnant for a few months.
Mystic Realm NEXT

Despite next not having updated in some time, progress has not halted, and has remained more steady than ever!
Please refer to the Team Prismatic Discord for DirtCorner experimental v2.2.14 testing

If I am no longer around in the community when this project is completed, I give permission to Xian to release MRCE. If he is unable, then permission goes to Radicalicious.

Now that Mystic Realm is entirely reusable, and anyone is allowed to make their own edits, a few people have expressed interest in a Mystic Realm Community Edition. So I've decided to make a thread for it.

Now, 4 years later, the project has progressed much further beyond its roots in mrv6. Nearly half of the campaign has been revamped, yet there's still so much more to do! Most activity and progress have primarily been moved to the Team Prismatic Discord. If you wish to contribute in any way, please join there first if you can, as proper communication is far faster and simply more convenient there.

Get stage files to edit from the latest compilation, or from the gitlab page @ https://gitlab.com/team-prismatic/mystic-realm-ce
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Because V6 doesn't have TVZ2 in its demo and the remake of that said level is at a playable state. I may as well put it here for some feedback from you guys.



Changes include:
- Several room changes to involve slopes. And more decorative stuff such as trees, flowers, and slime falls.
- Unlike TVZ1, players can't ride in goop falls.
- Some goop pits are now deeper to make use of the goop mechanic. And some prizes?
- Tweaked badnik placement.
- Emblems were kept in, but one of them moved to a different location. (You can't get them when you play the mod.)
- Last half of act 2 is flipped
- Spring in mystic shrine area replaced with golden elemental shield monitor. You must use the elemental stomp to exit the room.

Edit: Fixed a few issues:
- Skewed some sloped FOFs, but sacrificing the grass mid-textures
- Fixed the path to the mystic shrine to prevent players from getting trapped.

Edit 2: Added in TVZ3, Only changes is some textures and addition of more scenery objects. You also fight the Egg Smiler instead.


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Because V6 doesn't have TVZ2 in its demo and the remake of that said level is at a playable state. I may as well put it here for some feedback from you guys.

Changes include:
- Several room changes to involve slopes. And more decorative stuff such as trees, flowers, and slime falls.
- Unlike TVZ1, players can't ride in goop falls.
- Some goop pits are now deeper to make use of the goop mechanic. And some prizes?
- Tweaked badnik placement.
- Emblems were kept in, but one of them moved to a different location. (You can't get them when you play the mod.)
- Last half of act 2 is flipped
- Spring in mystic shrine area replaced with golden elemental shield monitor. You must use the elemental stomp to exit the room.

Two issues so far:

1. This texture here

2. The path leading to the mystic shrine is messed up, players will get stuck


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Because V6 doesn't have TVZ2 in its demo and the remake of that said level is at a playable state. I may as well put it here for some feedback from you guys.


Changes include:
- Several room changes to involve slopes. And more decorative stuff such as trees, flowers, and slime falls.
- Unlike TVZ1, players can't ride in goop falls.
- Some goop pits are now deeper to make use of the goop mechanic. And some prizes?
- Tweaked badnik placement.
- Emblems were kept in, but one of them moved to a different location. (You can't get them when you play the mod.)
- Last half of act 2 is flipped
- Spring in mystic shrine area replaced with golden elemental shield monitor. You must use the elemental stomp to exit the room.

Im stuck lol. https://imgur.com/uBCQhoH
Looks really cool and the waterfalls aren't cheese fodder anymore, but I have a few issues

For starters, I found this awkward to navigate

And this part is blocked on all sides


Also could do with some texture alignment

Other than that, good stage! A great fix for Mystic Realm
Looks really cool and the waterfalls aren't cheese fodder anymore, but I have a few issues

For starters, I found this awkward to navigate

And this part is blocked on all sides


Also could do with some texture alignment

Other than that, good stage! A great fix for Mystic Realm

The first 2 issues you pointed out have been fixed in the latest patch. I'm not sure with the alignment. That would take a while to fix.
Community Edition, huh?

(Please, god. Please let this work.)
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Just a quick suggestion for Tempest Valley in case anyone wants to do it: It would be nice if the section where you have to outrun the rising and falling goop used the old goop that hurts you, even if it has to be changed to green or something. Perhaps it could be used in a few other places too. I find that section in particular though to be pretty awful with the bouncy goop.
Cool idea, I'm interested to see where the community can go with this - I'd be down to code some enemies/bosses as this gets more fleshed out!
Some concept art of my ideas for VFZ2, i thought, "What if it had ruins of an ancient Treehouse Village?"

Just giving some bone in case for anyone who's gonna remake VFZ

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Ok, just want to check with y'all real quick, since this is the Community Edition:
This might sound dumb, but do we plan on reviving the Emerald Stages or do we plan on just hiding the Emeralds with the Mystic Temples ala V6?
Ok, just want to check with y'all real quick, since this is the Community Edition:
This might sound dumb, but do we plan on reviving the Emerald Stages or do we plan on just hiding the Emeralds with the Mystic Temples ala V6?

For the latter, the challenge probably depends if some zones Verdant Forest onwards would be revamps of familiar layouts or completely remade from scratch

(Unless if Mystic Shrine locations are changed completely if it's revamps of existing layouts)

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