This is one of the more mechanically interesting maps I've seen lately. The large amount of springs make playing Amy very satisfying here. That said, the map has a lot of rough edges and visibility issues. I'll go over them quickly.
Firstly, on my initial playthrough I boredom hammered in this elevator and got sent flying upwards into the void. I had to type retry to get out of this and was sent a long way back as the latest starpost was rather far. The music didn't reset either.
These blind spring landings are basically guesswork. The player shouldn't be launched nearly as high here.
This hazard needs to be heavily reworked or scrapped entirely. Sitting around in pain state for 5 years after getting hit is obnoxious. It was at this point I gave up on this path and went the other way.
The other path is immediately more fun and also very forgiving because this section uses a teleport pit rather than a death pit. Teleport pits should definitely be used more often in this level. As far as I know this is the only one that exists.
The rotating springs here are just low enough that you can't see them until you've already jumped out. I misread this as a downwards fall because there's nothing immediately visible besides walls.
It's not really clear what's going on with this water block and it's entirely possible to miss the springs if you're too close to the edge of it.
This is my favorite room in the map. I kinda wish the chains were utilized more often.
I'm not sure why this section is here. It serves little purpose except to be annoying while you wait around for the cycles to not deny your progress.
This would be a nice gimmick if not for the giant thorn obscuring your view of the moving spring platforms. The player should already know they need to use the booster by the time they see this setup so the thorn isn't really doing anything besides making it needlessly difficult to time when you advance.
The cracks in the ice here are too hard to see. Since they dissolve on contact anyways they should really just be normal holes.
Another instance of not being able to see where to land
Lastly, this final obstacle is a bit weird. I see no reason to ever aim for the left booster, and the crabs are instakill obstacles in a low control situation.