Thank you all for the feedback and bug reports so far. I've acknowledged all of them and will eventually patch them. Seeing as none of them are major, I'll hold the patch off until next weekend in case more are found so that these can be included in the patch as well. (This avoids having to update too frequently for minor fixes)

In the meantime, I'll just adress some suggestions and concerns:
I'd also have you just throw one of your things by default, instead of having to use the weapon select thing in ringslinger.
I figured players would prefer being able to get rid of everything straight away. Seeing as the general train of thought if to pick up enemies / monitors and throw them at walls or use them as ammo against the remaining enemies surrounding you instantly.

I'd have thrown bots break walls, not sure if that's possible though.
Definitely possible and actually a wonderful suggestion. Not sure why I didn't do it.

I'd have the Psychokinesis nerfed to where you can't just pick up every single thing that's in a big circle around you. I'd personally have it only work in front of you, and have like half of its range.
This is already the case.

I hate to be that person YET AGAIN (and this is super low on the priority list even for me) but you can't turn while analog mode is on when psyboosting with the direction keys, instead you have to resort to the camera rotate buttons. It should stand as a testament to how good this new update is though that the only thing I can think to criticize is one tiny nitpick that's probably the game's fault.
When using Psycho Boost, analog mode is turned off, thus strafe keys do nothing but strafe. I could try interpreting sidemove as angle changes, but I don't think I'll be able to quite match the way actual angle changing works.

A few issues I noticed.
Firstly, picking up multiple objects consuming more meter feels unfair as there is no benefit to throwing multiple objects at something 99% of the time. Since you can't decide how many nearby objects to pick up, grabbing a bunch of things at once feels like more of a punishment than a reward given that it severely hampers your hover ability. My suggestion is to eliminate or drastically reduce the meter penalty for picking up multiple objects but increase the hover's meter burn slightly to compensate.
I've myself been beating around this idea for quite a while. I was thinking of just capping Telekinesis use to 1/5th of the energy regardless of how many objects were grabbed. I'll try experimenting with this and see the results.

Secondly, since Silver cannot pick up golden monitors it's potentially possible to softlock if there's nothing around to throw at a required monitor.
It's possible to just Psycho Boost into them. They can't be picked up for the obvious reason that this could actually softlock other characters from a section in netgames if it was thrown in a stupid spot.

Thirdly, certain bosses are too cumbersome. GFZ3, ACZ3, and BCZ3 all involve a lot more waiting than they typically do, and the egg robos can be very annoying to grab in CEZ3. BCZ3 in particular suffers from an inconsistency where you cannot pick up the ground fire despite this being used as the tactic to defeat GFZ3.
Sadly there isn't much I can do besides letting Silver interact with what the bosses use on him, which leads to the boss interactions with Silver being more counterattacks than anything else. Changing their entire behavior isn't something I'm willing to do (Metal Sonic has the biggest behavior change of them all, seeing as he can be grabbed directly). The intended way to fight Eggscalibur is to fly up to catch 4 Egg Robos, and use them 1 by 1 with the selection buttons.
The inability to grab Brak's stray fire isn't an oversight, the boss is actually way too easy if they become grabbable. Though I suppose I should try and make it so Silver grabs the first boss's laser shot instead of the flames left by it to make it look more consistent.
It's possible to just Psycho Boost into them. They can't be picked up for the obvious reason that this could actually softlock other characters from a section in netgames if it was thrown in a stupid spot.
For some reason I didn't think of trying that. It's a bit of an awkward solution since you often wind up inside the monitor afterwards, though. I know moving golden monitors around would be problematic but how I was expecting it to work was that the monitor would teleport back to its spawn point after being tossed.

By the way, I found an actual bug with the golden monitors while I was messing around with that. After they respawn from being hit you can no longer target them with thrown objects.
Though I suppose I should try and make it so Silver grabs the first boss's laser shot instead of the flames left by it to make it look more consistent.
That would be a much better fix to the inconsistency than being able to pick up the ground fire anyways.
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Here's a small suggestion: What if Silver could damage enemies with the Psycho Boost? This would give him a more direct option for fighting bosses and leave him less vulnerable when a boss fight doesn't have anything for him to throw.
Consider adding the psychic stomp move, mainly because using psycho boost and aiming it down isnt the easiest thing to do, of course you could just change the controls on the psycho boost to be better, but i dont know if you know the best way to do that. Mainly for breaking those pesky amy doors, when the game forces you into an amy path... which of course isn't TOO often, but it'd be easier for newcomers. Maybe even allow Silver to roll out of the move to make it easier for newcomers to well uh... you get the idea i'm sure.
I'd also like SOME WAY to break those stupid spikes, I mean I know psycho boost does that but I mean that one section in deep sea zone doesn't really let you do that. I mean that's not a good reason why Silver should be able to break spikes with the stomp (if it does get added), or his normal psychokinesis. I always thought Silver could lift spikes out of the ground.
I've picked up an oversight/bug: When using PsychoBoost, Silver ignores height checks for spikes (best seen in Black Core Zone Act 1)
Also I think Silver's default color is "Slate", rather than the "Silver" color that's in SRB2. Looks fine honestly. Just a neat random thing I thought i'd mention.

---------- Post added at 07:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 AM ----------

Umm... is it just me or is it impossible for Silver to run over water, even with speed shoes? I mean i'd think he could use his telekinesis to hover over the water or SOMETHING.
Here's a small suggestion: What if Silver could damage enemies with the Psycho Boost? This would give him a more direct option for fighting bosses and leave him less vulnerable when a boss fight doesn't have anything for him to throw.
This is already the case for any enemy with less than 2 health. The issue with letting you boost to damage bosses is that it would often be more efficient than throwing objects, downgrading several fights into a glorified thokfest.
I've picked up an oversight/bug: When using PsychoBoost, Silver ignores height checks for spikes (best seen in Black Core Zone Act 1)
The height check seems to work fine when going over objects, but not under them. See this gif of Silver breaking a monitor far above his z position.
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The height check seems to work fine when going over objects, but not under them.

Yeah, I didn't GIF it, but I happened to find that out when I was super (in a netgame) in regular gravity, and i boosted along the spike path (which was in reverse gravity) and I picked out the sound where the spikes were breaking along all the other mess that was going on. You know what I mean, though. I mean, I could easily fix it myself, but it's not mine to mess with.
When using Psycho Boost, analog mode is turned off, thus strafe keys do nothing but strafe. I could try interpreting sidemove as angle changes, but I don't think I'll be able to quite match the way actual angle changing works.

I remember now that that was your solution, I wouldn't mind at all if you made some alternative. However, since analog's sadly probably going to be removed soon anyway, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Yes I agree with throwing enemies individually being default and being able to float after hitting a spring
But most importantly

I don't know what this is but it looks like yuri
Attaboy, Silver
Progress report on the upcoming update; Silver will include a config file that will allow you to set some user preferences such as inverting flight controls, or having Telekinesis default to throwing objects one at a time!

Also included in this gif is the fixed energy cost for using Telekinesis among other QoL changes.

I remember now that that was your solution, I wouldn't mind at all if you made some alternative. However, since analog's sadly probably going to be removed soon anyway, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Last I know, the next branch only replaces old analog mode with an alternative that's functionally about the same thing but better.

I mean, I could easily fix it myself, but it's not mine to mess with.
local player = p

Yes I agree with throwing enemies individually being default and being able to float after hitting a spring
But most importantly

I don't know what this is but it looks like yuri
Attaboy, Silver

1: Floating from spring is inconsistent with how the vanilla cats handle things. If Amy and Fang can't use their abilities from a spring, why should Silver be able to? Although I would agree with this practice given that the frame is visually indentical to a jump.
2: This image had a (1/64)^2 chance of happening.
3: Attaboy, Silver
Is Silver's Psycho Boost going to deal damage in an update? While he can use the Egg Robos in CEZ3, any other mod that uses that boss without objects gets him softlocked.
Silver version 2.0 update!

Hello there!
Since 2.2.1 has been released and brought forth a number of fixes to the game itself, I can also release the new patch for Silver which should hopefully fix every bug reported thus far, and add a lot of QoL improvements taking into account the feedback I've been given as well as support for CobaltBW's battle mod! Introducing version 2.0! Please make sure to read the changelog as there are some important playstyle changes in there.

Or don't, but know that I'll slap you if you ask me questions that are answered in there already!!

  • General:
    • Critical energy level increased from 1/5 to 1/4 max energy.
    • Modified some sound effects.
    • Added silverconfig.cfg (Included in the OP's download)
      • /!\ Place this file in your SRB2 root folder, or it won't run. /!\
      • This config file will run as soon as Silver is added and allows you to set your playstyle:
      • 'silv_auracolor <colourname / colournumber>' Sets Silver's aura colour for multiplayer games. Set it to -1 or 'Opposite' to use your current skincolour's opposite colour.
      • 'silv_invertflight <On/Off>' Inverts the vertical axis for Silver's Psycho Boost. You can now play plane simulator and insult air control.
      • 'silv_throwall <On/Off>' Reverts the Telekinesis to the old behavior where all objects are thrown at once by default.
      • 'silv_norollangle <On/Off>'. If set to On, disables sprite rotation on grabbed objects, which makes for a performance boost on weaker machines.
      • Technically speaking, any other cvar can be set in here to adapt Silver's playstyle to your needs.
  • Float:
    • Fixed an oversight where landing on a Spring after dropping from a Float would leave you in your falling frames and wouldn't start energy regeneration.
  • Psycho Boost:
    • Added the 'silv_invertflight <On/Off>' command to invert flight controls. Check the Silver Config section above for more information.
    • Psycho Boost now bumps off sturdy enemies such as the Castle Bot Facestabber.
    • Fixed collisions with spikes and monitors not taking the Z axis into account properly.
    • Psycho Boost now bumps off solid objects instead of hugging them.
  • Telekinesis:
    • Telekinesis now uses searchBlockmap instead of the old table method, which greatly improves performance overall.
    • Grabbing multiple objects only costs a fixed 1/4 max energy instead of a variable amount.
    • Telekinesis now defaults to throwing objects one at a time. This behavior can be changed with the 'silv_throwall <On/Off>' command which can revert it to the old behavior. Please view the Silver Config section above.
    • The delay for throwing objects has been almost nullified. A 1 second delay is still applied after you throw the last object.
      • This creates a way more dynamic combat gameplay for silver where the player is more in control of their individual shots.
    • Single throws now display secondary targets for the remaining items you can throw.
    • Single throws now properly prioritize the target closest to Silver instead of targetting whatever they felt like.
    • Thrown objects now destroy walls.
    • Fixed the Crawla Commander not abiding by the throw's momentum.
    • Fixed the Pointy's spikeballs not following along when it was thrown.
    • Fixed the psychic overlay being offset incorrectly when using models.
  • Ringslinger
    • Silver will begin losing energy after holding a player for too long
    • Added support for CBW's Battle Mod.
      • In this mod, Silver is unable to grab players by default. He must instead use his new ability, Psycho Shock, a chargeable projectile that will render any player it hits vulnerable to being grabbed for a few seconds. Charging the projectile will increase its explosion radius, potentially making multiple players vulnerable to Silver's grab.
  • Modding:
    • Added 'boostbump = (boolean)' field to TKextra tables. If true, Silver will bump out of his Psycho Boost state when hitting that object as if he hit a wall.
    • Added 'boostcf = function(mobj_t silver, mobjt_t bumpedobject)' function to TKextra tables. This will run once when Silver bumps off an object. Will not run if boostbump isn't set.
    • Added a scale field on Silver's idle objects as the 3rd index of the table. FRACUNIT is the default scale, FRACUNIT/2 will be half of the player's scale, and so on.

Is Silver's Psycho Boost going to deal damage in an update? While he can use the Egg Robos in CEZ3, any other mod that uses that boss without objects gets him softlocked.
Silver being unable to damage the vanilla bosses physically is intentional and won't be changed. Modders have the tools at their disposal to support Silver in their mods if they want to.
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The flow of Silver's gameplay feels very good now. Kudos on the update.
every bug reported thus far
The bug I mentioned where a carried RVZ1 orbinaut's spikeballs cause a thok sound to play when you're hit by them still exists. I found some other dubious behavior relating to carried enemies as well.

Skims remain glued to the surface of the water when carried. Throwing them also doesn't work very well due to this.

After a mine you're carrying explodes it's still possible to throw it for a short while.


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Can you double check your wad or something? I sometimes get damaged out of nowhere, or for no reason. I can't tell you whats causing it though.
Yeah I got damaged when throwing an enemy or ring box? I dont understand
that and when i throw a monitor... i cant pick it back up, or even psycho boost spin into it... what?
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Can you add a command to have other Silver players automatically pick you up without having to hold toss_flag, in silv_config or the console?

silv_color Silver doesn't work in the config file.
silv_color Silver doesn't work in the config file
That's probably because there's no such command in the first place.
If you want to change the color of his aura, use silv_auracolor.

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