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[Open Assets] S.A.S.S - Special Ability Skincolor Suits [v1.3.6 + vPre2]

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aw thats really nice and sorry im tiring you

It's not your problem. It's mainly the fact that I put so many releases in one day that tired me a bit.
I really just wanna go forward with planned features that I have to do.

I'll probably continue tomorrow. That is enough for today.
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I must say, I never thought using the skincolor suits would be this fun. Hope there will be more suits available in the future, Nice Job.
Funny you guys could have this. 'Cause guess what?
I'll be using these as a base concept for a very "special" character (pun seriously intended, you know, for my latest thread in SRB2 Discussion).
I'll give out a hint once I get going with it. And for once, I'm on my own because I still feel like a numb-nuts after I freaked out the other month and in this month, got myself sent to inpatient for the second time this year.
Wish me luck.
Well, if you want. It doesn't matter.
Funny you guys could have this. 'Cause guess what?
I'll be using these as a base concept for a very "special" character (pun seriously intended, you know, for my latest thread in SRB2 Discussion).
I'll give out a hint once I get going with it. And for once, I'm on my own because I still feel like a numb-nuts after I freaked out the other month and in this month, got myself sent to inpatient for the second time this year.
Wish me luck.
Well, if you want. It doesn't matter.

Well I wish you good luck on that. I hope that once you will be done with it, it will be a success.

I must say, I never thought using the skincolor suits would be this fun. Hope there will be more suits available in the future, Nice Job.

Don't worry. There will be more of course.
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Active Nitro CEZ "Exploit"

Oh no! I found a bug!

If you use Active Nitro's ability after launching off of a CEZ Swing, the ability messes up until you hit the floor. Glitched effects include:

You don't bounce off of walls.
You have infinite uses of the glitchy move. (until you hit the floor)
The particles don't spawn.

After 10 minutes of posting this, I'll share the problem with you on Discord DMs if that's alright with you :>

EDIT: I have confirmation this is already patched for the next release of SASS. If you wish, use this ""exploit"" while it's still available.


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Oh no! I found a bug!

If you use Active Nitro's ability after launching off of a CEZ Swing, the ability messes up until you hit the floor. Glitched effects include:

You don't bounce off of walls.
You have infinite uses of the glitchy move. (until you hit the floor)
The particles don't spawn.

After 10 minutes of posting this, I'll share the problem with you on Discord DMs if that's alright with you :>

That bug I already have noticed and it is currently patched. You should not experience this no longer. When v2 comes out of course.

Expect this update to be bigger than what I would normally do for this mod.
Got more SASS, bugfixes, touched up collision with the plates and right now I am working on a custom menu. However due to my PC being away for a couple of days (it really needed a cleanup), I can't work on it.

And who knows? Maybe there will be a shop and a menu for switching SASS that you collected so far.
Rainbow talks 'bout SASS yet again

That bug I already have noticed and it is currently patched. You should not experience this no longer. When v2 comes out of course.

Expect this update to be bigger than what I would normally do for this mod.
Got more SASS, bugfixes, touched up collision with the plates and right now I am working on a custom menu. However due to my PC being away for a couple of days (it really needed a cleanup), I can't work on it.

And who knows? Maybe there will be a shop and a menu for switching SASS that you collected so far.

Well I guess y'all know what to expect :>

Also one last thing: The plates don't seem to care about vertical height. If you're way above the plate it'll still pick up.

One of the new SAS Suits has something to do with water. That's all I'll say for now.
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Sad news for the future of S.A.S.S

So basically. I have sad news about what would be the future of S.A.S.S. I'm afraid I am no longer able to work on this project. I'll explain why that is the case.

Basically an Intel graphic driver update caused some major issues for either my monitor, or my processor. And thus, I am not in a position to use it. Go screw yourself, Blender and you, crashing on me because of outdated drivers. Outdated drivers, my arse. Like it wasn't an issue before.

Now my only option left would be to work on mobile, but I obviously can't go for it. There is no SLADE for it that would work well.

I will be lending the latest, pre-stable build of this mod for you to experience what it was going to be. I can't exactly update my page to its fullest. Recording gifs would be a burden. Don't expect this build to be perfectly stable. There are bugs, obviously. You can still play the previous stable build, located on the bottom of this post, in the download now section.

However I still believe that there is hope to what this is supposed to become. I can't work on it, for the reasons you already know. But I know that you are able to do something. You are allowed to edit and redistribute as you wish, with my credit afterall. I guess then nothing could stop you.

I would be able to work on it once I get a laptop, or get my PC fixed up, if enough time was going to pass. So lemme ask you something. If I were to finish this as soon as possible, would you like to experience it with help of others that have more experience, or make it an effort only by one person, that sees themselves as a bit incompetent?

This was Verwex, signing out.


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And before you say that this seems like beggary for help from others.

It isn't. I really am in this issue. Did I make myself clear?
So basically. I have sad news about what would be the future of S.A.S.S. I'm afraid I am no longer able to work on this project. I'll explain why that is the case.

Basically an Intel graphic driver update caused some major issues for either my monitor, or my processor. And thus, I am not in a position to use it. Go screw yourself, Blender and you, crashing on me because of outdated drivers. Outdated drivers, my arse. Like it wasn't an issue before.

Now my only option left would be to work on mobile, but I obviously can't go for it. There is no SLADE for it that would work well.

I will be lending the latest, pre-stable build of this mod for you to experience what it was going to be. I can't exactly update my page to its fullest. Recording gifs would be a burden. Don't expect this build to be perfectly stable. There are bugs, obviously. You can still play the previous stable build, located on the bottom of this post, in the download now section.

However I still believe that there is hope to what this is supposed to become. I can't work on it, for the reasons you already know. But I know that you are able to do something. You are allowed to edit and redistribute as you wish, with my credit afterall. I guess then nothing could stop you.

I would be able to work on it once I get a laptop, or get my PC fixed up, if enough time was going to pass. So lemme ask you something. If I were to finish this as soon as possible, would you like to experience it with help of others that have more experience, or make it an effort only by one person, that sees themselves as a bit incompetent?

This was Verwex, signing out.

Sorry for the loss of your ‘puter, Verwex...
So basically. I have sad news about what would be the future of S.A.S.S. I'm afraid I am no longer able to work on this project. I'll explain why that is the case.

Basically an Intel graphic driver update caused some major issues for either my monitor, or my processor. And thus, I am not in a position to use it. Go screw yourself, Blender and you, crashing on me because of outdated drivers. Outdated drivers, my arse. Like it wasn't an issue before.

Now my only option left would be to work on mobile, but I obviously can't go for it. There is no SLADE for it that would work well.

I will be lending the latest, pre-stable build of this mod for you to experience what it was going to be. I can't exactly update my page to its fullest. Recording gifs would be a burden. Don't expect this build to be perfectly stable. There are bugs, obviously. You can still play the previous stable build, located on the bottom of this post, in the download now section.

However I still believe that there is hope to what this is supposed to become. I can't work on it, for the reasons you already know. But I know that you are able to do something. You are allowed to edit and redistribute as you wish, with my credit afterall. I guess then nothing could stop you.

I would be able to work on it once I get a laptop, or get my PC fixed up, if enough time was going to pass. So lemme ask you something. If I were to finish this as soon as possible, would you like to experience it with help of others that have more experience, or make it an effort only by one person, that sees themselves as a bit incompetent?

This was Verwex, signing out.

Wait a second, a simple graphics driver update caused your computer to go boom?
Wait a second, a simple graphics driver update caused your computer to go boom?

Not necessarily a boom. Just my monitor can't seem to display anymore. But a tech friend said that either it is a link cable between the PC and the monitor, a processor, or a graphics card that ended up damaged. It was a processor related gfx driver. Intel HD Graphics more specifically.

But eh, you can already ignore that, `cause I got a laptop, and I can work on this again!
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Not necessarily a boom. Just my monitor can't seem to display anymore. But a tech friend said that either it is a link cable between the PC and the monitor, a processor, or a graphics card that ended up damaged. It was a processor related gfx driver. Intel HD Graphics more specifically.

But eh, you can already ignore that, `cause I got a laptop, and I can work on this again!

That's a good thing to hear! And what graphics driver are you using now? I just want to know.
Not necessarily a boom. Just my monitor can't seem to display anymore. But a tech friend said that either it is a link cable between the PC and the monitor, a processor, or a graphics card that ended up damaged. It was a processor related gfx driver. Intel HD Graphics more specifically.

But eh, you can already ignore that, `cause I got a laptop, and I can work on this again!
(Listen up, y'all admins and moderators and such. 'Cause I'm only gonna say this once or twice.
Everyone here is allowed to do as they please. You don't control their actions, not now, not tomorrow, not next year, not in a million years, not ever.
Moose was an innocent fat cat. All he did was fight for his right to say what he wants about you guys. And you permanently banned him for just that.
And Sapheros/Purpsky, he's been banned for, what? Like, three years or something?
It was only ONE thing for him to send the little people of this message board suggestive and inappropriate images, and therefore, you should have given him a different severe punishment that DOESN'T involve him getting banned, and let him go on to create more Boss Mayhems.
And CyberKnux, what did HE do? Don't know, don't care, don't wanna hear it.
You have NO right to act like you're "grandfather god" or something else "better than god."
Oh, and before I forget, my "special what if" post. You can't just assume I know everything about LUA and spriting characters and just lock it for no reason.
Someone ought to force you to work the hardest job on earth for only one penny a day.
Extend my next ban all you want, I'll still hold a strong grudge against you.
Clear your internet history while you can, virgin. Because if one more thing happens, I'll resort to something no one here has ever resorted to ever.
You wanna know? Ban another innocent person and I'll show you first-hand.
Now then, my reply to this thread.)
Good job, Verwex. Hope you can finish up those skincolor suits.
Maybe you can even make one for me.
(Listen up, y'all admins and moderators and such. 'Cause I'm only gonna say this once or twice.
Everyone here is allowed to do as they please. You don't control their actions, not now, not tomorrow, not next year, not in a million years, not ever.
Moose was an innocent fat cat. All he did was fight for his right to say what he wants about you guys. And you permanently banned him for just that.
And Sapheros/Purpsky, he's been banned for, what? Like, three years or something?
It was only ONE thing for him to send the little people of this message board suggestive and inappropriate images, and therefore, you should have given him a different severe punishment that DOESN'T involve him getting banned, and let him go on to create more Boss Mayhems.
And CyberKnux, what did HE do? Don't know, don't care, don't wanna hear it.
You have NO right to act like you're "grandfather god" or something else "better than god."
Oh, and before I forget, my "special what if" post. You can't just assume I know everything about LUA and spriting characters and just lock it for no reason.
Someone ought to force you to work the hardest job on earth for only one penny a day.
Extend my next ban all you want, I'll still hold a strong grudge against you.
Clear your internet history while you can, virgin. Because if one more thing happens, I'll resort to something no one here has ever resorted to ever.
You wanna know? Ban another innocent person and I'll show you first-hand.
Now then, my reply to this thread.)
Good job, Verwex. Hope you can finish up those skincolor suits.
Maybe you can even make one for me.

And you're breaking the rules on their forum that they moderate and own. You're in the wrong here. I've been here for years now and it's not only them who think this way about some of these people. And a lot of these people who get banned keep breaking the rules, do horrid things off of here and as such are kept OUT of the community (Such as Sapheros, who we are not allowed to discuss for good reason.) , and all you have done is jump on another person's thread to complain about the RULES that you are AWARE of and are being ENFORCED as previously WARNED. If you have issues, you should go to the mods. Not someone else's post. You're literally being the exact opposite of anything good right now. If I get an infraction because of backseat moderating (Which I don't think I am? I'm telling them how it is) I'll accept it. But YOU need to learn that the world is not your perfect oyster and nobody owes you anything. You have basically come into someone else's house and demanded they do exactly what you say, despite having read the rules of the household. You're the issue here. Learn to grow up and take responsibility for breaking the rules.

You are no god or person of power, you have no following, you have no influence. You are a user on a forum that you do not own, and have done nothing but antagonize people telling you to follow the rules. We owe you nothing. The mods owe you nothing. You are owed nothing by anyone here. This is not a world made for you. Learn to grow and accept that.
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(Listen up, y'all admins and moderators and such. 'Cause I'm only gonna say this once or twice.
Everyone here is allowed to do as they please. You don't control their actions, not now, not tomorrow, not next year, not in a million years, not ever.
Moose was an innocent fat cat. All he did was fight for his right to say what he wants about you guys. And you permanently banned him for just that.
And Sapheros/Purpsky, he's been banned for, what? Like, three years or something?
It was only ONE thing for him to send the little people of this message board suggestive and inappropriate images, and therefore, you should have given him a different severe punishment that DOESN'T involve him getting banned, and let him go on to create more Boss Mayhems.
And CyberKnux, what did HE do? Don't know, don't care, don't wanna hear it.
You have NO right to act like you're "grandfather god" or something else "better than god."
Oh, and before I forget, my "special what if" post. You can't just assume I know everything about LUA and spriting characters and just lock it for no reason.
Someone ought to force you to work the hardest job on earth for only one penny a day.
Extend my next ban all you want, I'll still hold a strong grudge against you.
Clear your internet history while you can, virgin. Because if one more thing happens, I'll resort to something no one here has ever resorted to ever.
You wanna know? Ban another innocent person and I'll show you first-hand.
Now then, my reply to this thread.)

.........why did you choose this thread in particular to complain about your completely deserved ban....?

anyway, glad to hear you've gotten a new laptop, verwex! it was initially a shame to see your progress halted by something as inconvenient as a graphics error, but looks like it's worked out for the best now!
ignoring all the mess...
i never knew something like this was able to be created.
I hope this project continues with other palettes and other skills

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