Team Kinetic (Dirk, Whirl, & Vesola)

Team Kinetic (Dirk, Whirl, & Vesola) v2.2.0

A rather odd bug i've noticed recently is that for some reason, When Team kinetic is loaded, Amy's Pity shield doesn't work,
It doesn't come up in any console errors, and nothing else was loaded when i tested (other then a palette and skincolour.)

It only seems to happen with team Kinetic too, i've tested everything else i usually load, (For that extra bit of Note, it is the most recent version of the mod, 2.0.3 And SRB2 2.2.9.)


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A rather odd bug i've noticed recently is that for some reason, When Team kinetic is loaded, Amy's Pity shield doesn't work,
It doesn't come up in any console errors, and nothing else was loaded when i tested (other then a palette and skincolour.)

It only seems to happen with team Kinetic too, i've tested everything else i usually load, (For that extra bit of Note, it is the most recent version of the mod, 2.0.3 And SRB2 2.2.9.)
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Not sure on why this issue occurs. Could be one of the three characters that causes this issue. Each character was scripted by each individual coder. While I mainly coded Vesola's abilities with Jimita's assistance, I barely know lua that much. Which explains some of the bugs/flaws that she has. There's a lot of coding that I couldn't even figure out on my own.

Taking a bit of my time away from these characters since August (2.0.1 - 2.0.3 was such a hassle. I keep forgetting to fix a few issues) But it doesn't mean I'm not taking priority away from them. Been radio silent on Team Kinetic for 2 reasons.
A: Either I'm focused with different projects or taking a break from SRB2 projects.

B: Me and a few others are taking our time and needs on other projects or in general.

I'm actually taking the time that I need to make some patch or an update that fixes the issues and/or improving the quality of gameplay for all three characters. I find Vesola the most that needs some improving. And with some development, hope you guys will enjoy her gameplay more than what she has right now. Wouldn't expect anything huge just yet, but stay tuned.
Not sure on why this issue occurs. Could be one of the three characters that causes this issue. Each character was scripted by each individual coder. While I mainly coded Vesola's abilities with Jimita's assistance, I barely know lua that much. Which explains some of the bugs/flaws that she has. There's a lot of coding that I couldn't even figure out on my own.

Taking a bit of my time away from these characters since August (2.0.1 - 2.0.3 was such a hassle. I keep forgetting to fix a few issues) But it doesn't mean I'm not taking priority away from them. Been radio silent on Team Kinetic for 2 reasons.
A: Either I'm focused with different projects or taking a break from SRB2 projects.

B: Me and a few others are taking our time and needs on other projects or in general.

I'm actually taking the time that I need to make some patch or an update that fixes the issues and/or improving the quality of gameplay for all three characters. I find Vesola the most that needs some improving. And with some development, hope you guys will enjoy her gameplay more than what she has right now. Wouldn't expect anything huge just yet, but stay tuned.
It's great to hear that you aren't just done with the characters, and are taking the time you need! Definitely looking forward to when the improvements come out.

I did a little bit of messing around and i was able to find out that it was something in Dirk's Ringbattle Lua that was causing the Pity to not work, (Found that out just by removing the lua and seeing what happened.) Dunno if that'll help with much when you're working on the patches/Updates, But it's good to know regardless.
I might be missing something, but I can't gain any points as Dirk in ringslinger with any of the 3 abilities he has.
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I might be missing something, but I can't gain any points as Dirk in ringslinger with any of the 3 abilities he has.
Because all the weapons he has are used to slow opponents down and freeze them. These include Frost Breath, Snow mine, and Ice Wall Ice Shard is the only weapon that deals damage. Its set onto weapon slot 1 and you can use it by pressing "ring toss normal" It acts like a rail ring, except it's not instant snipe.

Trick to using this weapon is to of course, freeze your opponents. This gives you a huge opportunity to strike while your foes try and break free.

Unlikely that I won't be updating my chars to have support for Ringslinger unless if it's for balancing reasons.
Wonder how the SRB2P support is coming along. Can't wait for it!
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I can't figure out how to go super as Vesola, am I stupid or does she not have a super form?
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DirkTheHusky updated Team Kinetic (Dirk, Whirl, & Vesola) with a new update entry:

v2.1.0 - Vesola ability set improvement, Battle rework, and brand-new Team Kinetic option.

Hello! It's been 9 months since the last update of Team Kinetic. I've decided to take a break from focusing on these characters to focus on different projects. Another reason why I wanted to take so long was to do a lot more than just bug fixing the characters (v2.0.1 - v2.0.3 was something because I missed a few things.) So, this isn't going to be a typical v2.0.4 patch. Instead, it's going to be a Version 2.1 update. This update is very big one who I'm going to list the highlights...

Read the rest of this update entry...
DirkTheHusky updated Team Kinetic (Dirk, Whirl, & Vesola) with a new update entry:

v2.1.1 - day one emergency

Oh boy, another day one emergency patch. This fixes up an issue with battlemod and an attempt to fix Team Kinetic in NiGHTS Special Stages. If any oddities appear involving bot skins and placements, its literally nothing I can do to fix and would be unlikely to get fixed real soon.

- Fixed a typo with Whirl's battle script
- Hopefully fixed NiGHTS Special Stage issues involving bots with the Team Kinetic option.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Wasn't expecting an update like this-- trying them out was fun! Glad Vesola got changes like that-- makes the Flower Boost way more useful!

I do have two questions though, although it's probably small problems?
I was wondering what kind of usage the voices would get-- so far I've only seen them voiced when changing characters and nothing else. if I missed something neat then like, that's my bad, but I was wondering if voice clips could apply to more actions? There's already a command to turn it off, so there's a solution in case one gets tired of it.
Second and Last question, is it weird I find it odd that the character swapping is done with Custom 1 and 2 instead of Next/Prev Weapon? I'm definitely curious-- did it clash with something else, by any chance?
This update is great! Though I found a few issues.
1: Vesola's Character Description is unchanged and thus, incorrect as to how she plays now
2: I think (from what I gathered) dying as Whirl with Team Kinetic crashes the game with a SigSegv
3: I found this out from the crash, but if the session is exited with Team Kinetic, the save file will revert to a duo of whoever you were playing as, and with your partner being whatever was in the first bot slot
4: HUD-wise, Team Kinetic incompatible with MRCE, so a check for that with custom graphics would be neat
This update is great! Though I found a few issues.
1: Vesola's Character Description is unchanged and thus, incorrect as to how she plays now
2: I think (from what I gathered) dying as Whirl with Team Kinetic crashes the game with a SigSegv
3: I found this out from the crash, but if the session is exited with Team Kinetic, the save file will revert to a duo of whoever you were playing as, and with your partner being whatever was in the first bot slot
4: HUD-wise, Team Kinetic incompatible with MRCE, so a check for that with custom graphics would be neat
Thanks for the reports. Ofc I coded the Team Kinetic function, it was going to have a few issues. IDK if the whole save issue can be fixed. Due to no lua for any thing save data related.

The first issue that you reported is now fixed in the v2.1.2 patch. It should now state the correct controls for her updated gameplay. Thanks
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DirkTheHusky updated Team Kinetic (Dirk, Whirl, & Vesola) with a new update entry:

v2.1.2 - Fixing some battle exploits.

Another patch to fix up those exploits that you could do in Battle

- Tweaked Vesola's character description to be more accurate with her new controls.
- Fixed an exploit where you could parry to get out of overheat status for Whirl's ram charge.
- Fixed an exploit where you could spam sting strike to keep hover after the exhaust timer is used.

Read the rest of this update entry...

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