[v1.6] Unofficial Level Design Collab: Autumn 2021

[v1.6] Unofficial Level Design Collab: Autumn 2021 1.6

After two delays and nearly three whole months of development, I finally present to you...

(Logo by @SpinSlash165)
The Unofficial Level Design Collab: Autumn 2021
Just in time for spooky season!

After 2 months of mapping: Let's reveal the level lineup!
FIfteen new stages from various authors.​

Boulderstone Alpines by @Yyeellooww7
Close Corners by @Dead
Emerald Prairie by @Jadoinka
Frightful Forest by @The Shadow
Frog Fortalice by @Ruberjig
Fractured Facilities by @Jadoinka
Forrest Run by @Jadoinka
Lunar Satellite by @GomaTheMascar , @Evertone , and @Othius
Icy Greenflower by @AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Plutonium Plant by @Chaolino
Rocky Hollow by @Vixuzen
Rocky Ravines by @Jadoinka
Robotnik Winter by @Kanna , @DaJumpJump , and @Othius
Snow Valley by @Seaballer
Haunted Hill by @Vixuzen

Oh, and we can't forget. Haunted Hub by @DeltaSanic
(Repurposed for ULDC by @Apollyon Woman and @Othius )


This will be THE LAST ULDC THIS YEAR. If you want to submit to something similar, consider submitting a stage into the Official Level Design Contest this December.


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30.7 MB
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  1. [1.6]

    Mmy stupid dumbass built v1.5 off of a 1.4 indev build instead of v1.4 itself, so I had to...
  2. [v1.5]

    -Updated Hub script to use OLDC 2021 Round 2 scripts. -Fixed some errors in the hub -All maps...
  3. 2.2.10 Hotfix

    GENERAL - Updated Title Card graphics to reflect new design changes in 2.2.10 HUB - Fixed...

Latest reviews

Was this unmoderated? Insta kill traps in some levels, enemy spam in others, dimps level dick moves. you guys do know you dont have to accept EVERY SUBMISSION right?
Hah, I meant to respond to this half a year ago, and I forgot.

As a rule of thumb, I don't reject submissions unless they are literally unplayable, or submitted by banned members. This isn't the OLDC, it's far more casual and there isn't as much of a necessity for quality, considering it's not a contest.
I know the levels you're referring to, and there are still 13 or 14 other high effort levels to choose from here from passionate creators.
Upvote 0
Bit late, but yeah, sweet level pack. Surprisingly involved HUB, altough I wonder if all players find all levels then.
My favorites:

Forrest Run:
Love a level focused on pure running and speed. Altough the flow is kinda broken at times when you suddenly need to turn a 180, but there were some good set pieces there, especially the turret tunnel at the end.

Rocky Ravine:
Wow, love the scenery, and the epic waterfall. Nice flow to this level as well.

Boulderstone Alpines:
Another incredible setting, love the atmosphere. Level flows really well too.

Lunar Satelite:
Probably the best level of them, altough frustrating at times. Very epic looking and intense lunar base level, love the low gravety platforming and detailed envirements.
Upvote 2
I'll not say that I had a lot of fun playing these levels. on some levels I even suffered - like Robotnik Winter, a large and empty level that takes me 7-10 minutes to complete it. no, I don’t mean to say that this level pack is bad or anything else. I just hope the authors won't repeat mistakes and it will only get better (but as I understand it, this is all due to the deadline?)
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yall are setting a really high bar for oldc round 2, one might even deduct that it's a flex on oldc. obviously these are really frickin great levels and i could talk so much about each of them (like seriously wtf hows anyone gonna top this pack as a level design contest) but a few other things really stood out to me too - particularly jadoinka's and zaxel's levels. jadoinka, the improvement from each of your levels was absolutely massive. by the two rightmost stages i was thoroughly enjoying just about everything in them - still a few small nuances to work out but that's present in everyone's creations. zaxel, i feel like this is more of a personal thing but i always thought your levels had way too many rings in them - to a fault. this level took that 'footprint' of yours along with your unique design choices (i promise thats a compliment) and made it into a completely new type of challenge - ring drain but if it was actually engaging to the player. i actually found myself feeling good about collecting a massive amount of rings this time around because i needed all of them in case i lost an arm shield --- oh and speaking of shields dude wtf those custom shields are so fun to play with, i really hope we get to see more of them in future levels 👀
but im gonna stop myself before i start gushing about the pack too much. pack is fun, every creator's banger levels contributed to a great experience, stop reading reviews now go play it
Upvote 1
So apparently anyone can enter these, yet every single one of these maps is better than anything we've had in the final demo days. I enjoyed myself in ALL of these, great job to everyone involved!

"ULDC" must stand for Underrated Level Design Contest, this really is just OLDC2!
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Welcome to releases!
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