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A Family (Co-op) Guy


Faster than a stinking fart, powerful enough to open a pickle jar, able to jump a reasonable height in a single jump!

Even if he doesn't actually have any pizza, he has a beer that'll hopefully last him all of Arid Canyon Zone Act 1.

He's as fast as Sonic & friends, but he starts slow, so be sure to keep your speed up or make use of his abilities to circumvent his drawback.



Spring Jump + Crouch

Hold The Jump Button


PTG can coil himself like a spring and take off the ground!
The longer you hold the higher you'll jump


You can also hold the button to crawl through small gaps.


Make sure to attack foes by jumping into them too...


C2 Button

You can teleport to teammates on multiplayer!
He's great for when you can't seem to keep up with your friends.


He can also teleport to checkpoints on singleplayer.
Teleporting while midair will make you lose all your rings and tiers


Tier System
Spin Button

PTG has a 3 different tiers that charge overtime.
You can use rings to speed up the charge time too!

The 2 images represent which kind of attack you can do!

Press spin while midair (or Fire at any time) to use Ability A (left)
Press spin while grounded (or Custom 1 while midair) to use Ability B (right)


Tier 1A: Bottle Throw
Press spin while midair (or Fire at any time)

You'll automatically aim bottles and throw em.
Pro tip: Go in first person and use the fire button to turn SRB2 into an FPS.

Tier 1B: Slide
Press spin while grounded

Slide through the ground, damaging enemies and crawling through small spaces.

Tier 2A: Tummy ache
Press spin while midair (or Fire at any time)


Spit a bunch or rings to give rings to yourself or your teammates.
You can also use it midair to give yourself an extra jump!

Tier 2B: Kamehameha
Press spin while grounded (or Custom 1 while midair)


Shoot auto targeted lasers at nearby enemies.

Tier 3A: Rage
Press spin while midair (or Fire at any time)


Speed up and go into a flurry of fists for a small period of time.
Great for going up slopes and clearing many targets.

Tier 3B: The Bible
Press spin while grounded (or Custom 1 while midair)


Help any friends nearby and yourself with a random shield type.
You also give your friends 50 rings.
Really handy for when you want your friends to go super quickly.



Pizza Tower Guy / McPig
- Creator of the character and sprites
Crayola and RealScotty18 - Character select portrait
Basinga (me) - Scripting
Radman - Additional sprites

Also a HUGE thanks to the following SRB2 content creators, for allowing me to use their scripts, which I used for reference for this character:

DrStephen, Golden Shine & SMSAlfredo

I made this mod one year ago but I didn't get to publish it until now.
He's based on his doom version where he's meant to chill and help his team out, while still holding his own. I hope you guys enjoy playing as him too!
Do let me know if you find any bugs with him! Thank you!
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  • PAUL
    Hi Paul! From Antonball Deluxe

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Latest reviews

haven't checked this out in-game but where is peppino?
Upvote 0
This truly is the mod of all time. This mod is life changing, heartwarming, thought-provoking, and other.
Upvote 0
relatively good character, but i take off 1 star for it being a remake of the pizza tower guy from BYOC (bring your own character, it's a doom wad go investigate if you want)
if it had a little more unique gimmicks apart from the jump then i'd be able to give it more than one star but as of now i can't consider it distinguishable enough from the BYOC version to give it 5 stars

respectable character, either way
I work on BYOC so I guess it makes sensse that he's similar to how he is in BYOC. It kind of was the point of him too, but I'm glad you liked it!
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Funny spritework, a unique and fun moveset, and him having Kirby compatibility is the cherry on top as a Kirby main. Very well done.
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I'm actually speechless. I have NEVER been speechless before in my life, i'm being dead serious.
Thanks obama
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I did not expect this character to have their own complex mechanics that feed into one another, it genuinely took me by surprise and finding out each quirk about it amused me enough to distract me from actually releasing this.
I was too busy laughing at how ridiculous some of these moves are, the constant shape-shifting sprites made the character absolutely chaotic and fun to look at. I especially love the squash and stretch used for the jump, I swear I spend half of the level walking around squished into the ground.

Honestly, it was a wonderful surprise to see such attention to detail put into this, amazing work. Welcome aboard!
I'm glad he cracked up! Thank you!
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