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Normal Mode v1.0

This is a great mod for beginners. however, it can ruin some of the experience. Skipping from GFZ1 to GFZ3 could be overwhelming for new players, so remove one of the pinch phases from the Egg Mobile. Every boss after that gains +1 health and you start with less rings every other boss. Fang, Metal Sonic, and Brak should stay at 8 hits, but nerf Fang's bombs. I feel like making these changes can help unexperienced players not only get better at the game, but even try beating the game normally, too.
I summoning that I could possibly make theses nerfed at first, but I'll try what I can do at first.
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This literally makes SRB2 very easy not "normal" AKA not fun anymore
Let me explain this, I don't know sometimes when I ever think that it's normal mode or not. It looks like it's a very easy mode, lucky I might just fixed this after chaos mode is combined with normal mode (because I just annouced it's coming).
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