Multi-Carry (2.1 Port)

[Open Assets] Multi-Carry (2.1 Port) 1.2

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I have received permission from the original author, Prisima, to both release this port and make it reusable. The original addon can be found here.

This script allows any flying players or carrying objects the ability to carry more players, instead of just one! Think Sonic Heroes, but with any amount of players. This port is mostly untouched in terms of function if you have used the original 2.1 script, simply made to work in the new version.

In the Manual and Strafe play styles, an enhanced camera is enabled by default, allowing carrying players to see all of the players they're carrying at once. If you play at a non-standard camera distance and height (distance 128 and height 20), it is recommended you disable this. The command for the camera is "mc_cam". Due to the Automatic play style using the camera differently, it does not apply.

Known bugs (taken from original post):
  • If a player is kicked while being carried, a warning will be printed to console due to accessing a nonexistent player. This does not affect the function of the script.
  • The enhanced camera will sometimes not detect when a player is added. This is uncommon.
  • The enhanced camera can get a bit jittery on a rope.
Prisima: Original 2.1 script
Sylve: Porting the script

Screenshots and GIFs:

First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. 2.2.11 Fix

    Just a small update to both scripts to be compatible with 2.2.11 without spitting out a warning...
  2. v1.1: Bugfixes and Alternative Version

    Hello again! Pretty quick update, huh? This fixes a bug where the script did not work properly...

Latest reviews

Let the chaos begin lol
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I loved using Multi-carry back in 2.1, it is just as fun here!
However, I would prefer mc_cam to be off by default
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My greatest issue is that mc_cam is automatically set to on, making this a huge pain to turn off and reconfigure. If you could set the default to off and maybe give the player a notice when playing, that would be apricated instead. Otherwise great and funny mod! Now you can carry all the AFK players!
This is valid! I had it turned off indev for testing, but since that's inaccurate to the source, I changed it to how it was originally. If enough people consider it an issue, I'll upload an alternate version with the camera off by default (just so that the original version's behavior stays intact on the main upload).
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Nice mice. I remember being confused on why i can only carry one person
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Great to see this back! Well done!
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