= Metroid Vanguard = Samus Aran in SRB2 [v1.5c]

[Open Assets] = Metroid Vanguard = Samus Aran in SRB2 [v1.5c] v1.5c

As someone who loves Metroid but didn't get to play 2.1 Samus too much, I have a lot to talk about after playing this. I have yet to do anything related to multiplayer, but I still have a bit to say about it anyway.

The new graphical assets are quite pretty, and the care put into them certainly shows. Some prime examples are the dialogue art and custom menu assets. Some of the smaller touches also help it that extra bit, such as the dialogue art matching the player's current suit/visor colors and subtle differences in shading/lighting between the suit variants for said art.

Samus happens to be the first character that I have ever rebound my controls for, and in a positive way. The controls never once felt frustrating to me after moving some keys around, and all mistakes related to platforming/combat/etc. felt like they were 100% on my end. Sometimes I was even pleasantly surprised at how well Samus controls, the big example being the walljump.

From a gameplay standpoint, this is probably the most fun I've had with SRB2 in a pretty long time. Being able to string together certain actions (i.e. Ice Beam into Missile) felt as smooth as butter and streamlined the experience quite nicely. All of the special interactions Samus has with the environment/enemies also gave the playstyle even more identity and charm than it already had.

Item collection was extremely fun and gave me a reason to thoroughly explore levels again after ages of "knowing the layout." Gathering all the emeralds was also interesting with how the no hit system works and I found myself benefiting quite heavily from knowing more than a handful of token locations.

I was very satisfied with how the story was handled here. The dialogue is written pretty well despite the plot being relatively simplistic in nature, and the extra levels were a very nice treat that helped give the experience a bit more atmosphere along with strengthening the overall impression I was left with by the end.

Overall, Samus is fun, unique, and probably one of the best experiences I've had with SRB2 perhaps ever. The effort put in radiates from it in every direction, and is one of the only mods I can currently 100% recommend.

5/5. One of the best mods ever made for 2.2 so far.
Golden Shine
Golden Shine
Oh wow! Thanks for the big fancy review! Appreciate that alot. Superglad you managed to get into it despite the lack of experience!
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is one of the best characters ever i see in my life... abyways i also im gonna ask if are a opcion to put the story again because the dialogues is not appear anymore when i play again
Golden Shine
Golden Shine
Story dialogue isn't replayed on completed save files, but it will on fresh ones!
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Hands down one of the best character\entire game mods for the game, so much attention to detail with how many new interactions were added and how much the gameplay was changed, genuinely feels like I am playing a different game. I feel like the SRB2 level design plays very nice with a more exploration-heavy character like this. awesome mod i love it
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I find the dark Samus fight to be tedious and not really fun, with the only time I beat it is when I accidentally somehow activated some sort of super Samus form, also brak Eggman is bad but the fact that he gets as fast as the player before he's on his last legs. The addon reminds me of EMW5 (an ancient srb2 addon that gets disturbing) but more competent, but maybe nerf the custom and last bosses, idk. I still found this mod to be great despite dark Samus and brak Eggman, 4.5 stars. (But decimals don't exists so 4 stars instead)
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This is amazing. Although after downloading version 1.2 my 100% run has come to a dead stop by the hands of a horribly consistent crash that seems to occur since the mod's save well... saved after the metal sonic fight. Every single time it gives me a segment violation when I try to start up a run and my save appears present in slot 1.

In the very least, is there any way to delete the save without going into the campaign?
Golden Shine
Golden Shine
The save isn't corrupted or anything. It's the menu causing a lagspike and SRB2 not being able to load all the data fast enough. How often this occurs depends on your device's performance.

-First, try to start in OpenGL and close any programs, see if it works in a few tries.
-If that doesn't do it, rename sav1.dat to sav2 or sav3. That moves the save slot so nothing will be loaded at first and SRB2 gets more time to initialize. You'll find that file in "Luafiles>Client>MetroidVanguard"

I'll probably try to make another patch in the future to try mitigate SRB2's I/O limitations. Sorry for the trouble!
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As a huge Metroid fan, I must say, WOW.
I found this on twitter after Samus was trending, and immediately downloaded and did a full playthrough on it. It's pretty cool how if you aren't used to playing SRB2 in a first person perspective, the levels feel so much different, I found myself getting lost in levels I would normally zoom through (Which is not at all a bad thing), I would find emerald tokens (And alternate paths, though because I prefer playing SRB2 as just Sonic) I NEVER would have found on a vanilla SRB2 playthrough by just casually exploring with Samus. Once I got boost ball and shinespark, I would try to find all kinds of shortcuts especially in ACZ. I also love the couple original acts, with unique bosses, and the entire map giving such a dark and creepy atmosphere, I saw these non-moving enemies and when I shot them they would vanish, and in my head I'm like "Wait what are they doing?" and then it hit me "OH It's just like Super Metroid, those are husks!" or "Watch out for the blue?" and then approaching the boss of that act and realizing what that meant. I love the attention to detail, and the little references. If there ever were an update to this mod, I would personally really like having the Power Grip from Zero Mission (Although that would snap levels in half with all the movement options already lol), and of course 3D models, at least for Samus and her gunship. Overall just a very solid mod and worth playing through if you're looking for something a little different.
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Awesome stuff. Though personally I am not a fan of the change to force the player's crosshair to a particular one, I believe that should be up to the player's preference entirely.
Golden Shine
Golden Shine
Sorry about that! I'd have preferred to give a prompt letting players know SRB2's crosshair isn't accurate for Samus and let it be auto-swapped once, but a silly SRB2 update now prevents Lua from affecting the crosshair.

It's only active while Samus is loaded, at least.
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Great mod, great levels, great character,but there's one thing i noticed, the last level function is broken af, you can grind on the first half of the game to reach ultimate power before you even beat dark samus, and i have no idea how to recharge the hyper beam, other than that it's awesome👍
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Overall this mod is good but there is one problem there is no way to change your save file in multiplayer unless the game mode is changed (I think) so i was thinking to add a command that lets you select a save and if the server wants you to start fresh make the command not work.
Golden Shine
Golden Shine
I can't, unfortunately. SRB2's method of "loading saves" online is incredibly hacky, and it's a miracle Samus' complex save files work at all, both in terms of actually syncing and not crashing the game. If a player could deload their saves and access the menu on will, we'd have crash/desync-fests and griefers would be given a great tool to destroy netgames.

...so I opted to only allow it once for stability.
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This mod was a blast to play, I played the Prime games (Got to the artifact hunt for MP1, forgot where I am in MP2, and near beating MP3 I think)
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so cool i love metroid and this is awesome!
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nice mod. check it out if you like metroid prime i guess.
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y'ever run out of health due to something stupid and instead of dying you just go full metal unga bunga and proceed to destroy everything in a 3 mile radius

yeah that's happened to me
in all seriousness i absolutely love this mod
all of the cool details from the dialogue to the hidden final boss just make this mod probably the most expansive character mod on the MB if i'm gonna be honest, the only nitpick i really have is that i feel like it's a little TOO hard to find the special items
i still haven't found the FIRST ONE EVEN AFTER I LOOKED UP A GUIDE, although that may just be a skill issue on my end
very good mod, caveman brain do enjoy a lot
even tried the bosses as fang which went incredibly poorly as i should have expected
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Made an account just to post this review. TL;DR, it's absolutely bonkers incredible. I'm an enormous Metroid fan and not a very big Sonic fan, used to play a ton of Metroid Dreadnaught and this scratched that nostalgia itch and more.

This "Character" is incredible. Calling it merely a character is nowhere near the amount of endless fellatio this addon deserves. It's very funny to me that the criticisms put forth by the other reviews tend to include "add more stuff >:(" when this already goes so far above and beyond.

As far as actual criticisms go, the sound effects are in general way too loud and clip the audio frequently, but at some point it begins to just become part of the experience. The world of Sonic the Hedgehog wasn't ready for Samus Aran and neither were your ears.

The Samus-only sections were incredibly atmospheric and it made me wish the whole game was that stuff. You did an incredible job translating that early Prime 2 creepiness here. The first boss replacement was incredibly tense and hectic, it was awesome. The second was pure fanservice and it was also awesome, though not nearly as challenging. I didn't get the Hyper Beam until just before fighting Metal Sonic and Robotnik so it was extra cathartic to unload on them.

Absolutely hysterical and wonderful experience. Absolutely download.
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My one of favorite addon for srb2 are update!
And it's cool!

Well just like somewhere there was a new battle with eggman...
But I've had enough and new hmm shooter super metroid prime randomizer gameplay.

Thanks for game! ( U wU)
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10/10, the translated gameplay of Metroid Prime was really good and kinda fits for SRB2
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Oh boy, where do I even begin with this mod? This is simply one of THE best SRB2 mods I've ever played, period.

I'm a sucker for anything Metroid, especially Metroid Prime, and this mod is a beautiful hybrid of both the 2D Metroid and Metroid Prime gameplay formulas.

The core gameplay is just as amazing as the 2.1 version, made even better by 2.2's better level design and new engine features, the revamped bosses are amazing, the new art is amazing, the new levels and bosses are amazing, simply put, everything about this mod is amazing.

I've played the campaign on both the normal and Hypermode difficulty's, Hypermode definitely spiced things up, though it shared the same flaw as hard mode in the Metroid Prime games, the bosses are bullet sponges, especially the final boss, it took me nearly 15 minutes to beat it.

I also experienced some performance issues with a few of the Beam Combo's, and the secret weapon, they would drop the game to single-digit framerates until the effects were off-screen.

But other than those two issues, you have exceeded my expectations with this update Shine.
Golden Shine
Golden Shine
Glad you had fun, I'm sure you in particular were ecstatic for the ACZ4 boss!

Sorry about the lag, though! Software mode in particular can be a big offender. Right now enemy rolling is also enabled, which lags like crazy on 2.2.8 but not 2.2.9 and beyond. Making different code to be cross-compatible with SRB2's different versions and renders is a pain. I've made a temporary fix for it in v1.1.

Though you kinda NEED the beam combos and fancy powerbomb explosions to take down the final boss. It's designed to only take 2~3 minutes, but that can easily become 10+ if you mainly use the basic beams.
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Y cant metroid crawl?

In all honesty being my favorite addon from the 2.1 era, im really glad it got updated to 2.2 and the new additions are extremely great as well, it might be my favorite mod of 2.2 as well
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This is one of THE BEST mods I have ever played and it is extremely immersive its clear you went all out with this just based on the attention to detail. Thank you for this masterpiece.
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