content warning

  1. MobyKong

    MobyFollowers v1a

    CONTENT WARNING: This follower pack contains blood and foul language/swearing. MobyFollowers is a pack that features followers that are usually status effects or silly things. It also has a MobyFollowers+ Category for personal or other content creator related followers. Followers and what...
  2. G

    [Open Assets] 3-1-2024 v3124

    3-1-2024 New mod to play, free to play new mod In srb2 mods. Please download. Took long time to make. New mods to be had. Sans worked very hard on it. Don't let him down. He's the next creator. Sans dislikes the concept of open world Sonic games. That's a fun fact. Play the game. Welcome to the...
  3. Bandder

    [Open Assets] sarby2.pk3 v1.3

    Your objective: Get The Sign
  4. greennick78sh

    RAMPAGE: Christmas Demo

    WARNING: THIS MOD CONTAINS THE USE OF UH OH STINKY WORDS LIKE F(__)K AND SH(__) AND B(__)CH. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT THEN GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! Hey everybody! I'm back (again (again)), for real this time, no taksies backsies this time (sorry for that last time mods!). So what is the RAMPAGE...
  5. TheOneGoofAli

    [Open Assets] A TOGAthering of Utilities Dr. Watson 32 (1.21b) - MB fix 2

    A trio of scripts that provide assistance/information with maps and/or characters. MapUtils - the map-related third of this pack. Access command with maputils or mu. View the scripts for accepted shorter versions of arguments. [/SPOILER] SkInfo - the character-related third of this pack...
  6. ArtoMeister

    [Open Assets] Creepy Quillers Char' Pack V3

    (Note: Characters will be released on a consistent monthly basis. Expect on the 30th day of each month for a new character to be released. The 31st day of certain months does not count. However, at the end of February, characters will be released 28th.) There is currently a hiatus on this...
  7. Golden Shine

    [Open Assets] = Metroid Vanguard = Samus Aran in SRB2 [v1.5d] v1.5d

    Metroid Vanguard is the story campaign's name for Samus Aran, a character mod originating from much excitement upon seeing Metroid Dreadnought! Whether you play Samus' story which comes with unique dialogue, stages, events and bosses...or play Hunters to fight other players, looking for...
  8. Othius

    [Open Assets] [v1.1.1] PANIC 1.1.1

    CONTENT WARNING!! If you are epiliptic DO NOT PLAY THIS it contain FLASHING LIGHT and GUILLES BOOPE This modpack is NOT E for Everyone! Contains swears and violence. Contains hugging! Oh no! Mild sexual lyrics and drug references in some music tracks. Proceed with caution. After being...
  9. Othius

    [Open Assets] [v1.6] Improper Technique Zone 1.6

    Another mapping collab! I reached out to many people asking to make a short map in 5 days. The goal was to make one massive zone. But I threw a twist into it, a challenge to the maps being made.. The rules were that you had to turn off SNAP TO GRID. And Turn off Render Grid For people not...
  10. Patafoin

    [Open Assets] Patafoin's Pack - RTX UPDATE => 11 new characters 17.1

    Here all the characters that me and my friends has made. There are 4 different file to download : - The normal pack (33 char). - The Pokemon Unite Pack , those are character already in the main pack but with an outfit . (4 char) - The 4k Eeveelution which are actualy in 320p (9 char) - The...
  11. D00D64

    [Open Assets] Espibee & So-Called "Friends" ("SPB-chan" + DVoices) 2021-03-06

    No one can save you now. ~ Espibee the... SPB I had the idea of making an SPB as an android girl for awhile (after a few people actually made their own anthro SPBs), but after seeing A Mod That Ruins SRB2, I was like "Okay, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna make one myself!" As part of my resolution...
  12. RobinE

    Robin E's Character Pack V1.9

    Robin E's Character Pack V1.9 Changelog: Characters:
  13. Tiniest Turtles

    Turtles' Expansion Pak! v2.0

    Turtles' Expansion Pak! At long last, it's time for me to follow in the footsteps of everyone else! I have released a pack of my characters which I have made so far and with their latest releases (and will be updated to have all of them.) Opa Opa Fighting to save the Fantasy Zone from...