SONIC R CHARS - A Collaboration between FlyingNosaj, HattyBoyo, SMS Alfredo and TripelTheFox.

After being disowned by their creator after their failure to acquire the Chaos Emeralds in Sonic R, Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll join Sonic and Co. to take down Dr. Eggman! This duo of doppelgangers have returned from their previous outing with some new tricks that players can utilize to explore stages in brand new ways, similar to that of their original organic counterparts.

While this titular floppy doll might seem weak at first; due to his prior outing in Sonic R combined with his soft, plush appearance, Tails Doll has come equipped with a brand new moveset to show how versatile a gem powered plush doll can be if given the right tools.
As for his in-game appearance, Tails Doll is quite similar to other characters, using sprites made by me, FlyingNosaj to bring the character to life. However, thanks to the efforts of SMS Alfredo, Tails Doll has achieved maximum floppiness and has ragdoll esque physics. While achieved by splitting up his sprites into parts and through a lot of coding work, it gives Tails Doll an aura of silliness to him that most other characters won't have.



Unlike most other characters, Tails Doll does not use regular jumps. Instead, Tails Doll uses the power of his head crystal to lift his body high up into the air. That said though, this is activated in the same way as a jump; Simply press and hold jump to float upwards for the desired amount of time. However, if you were to let go of the jump button at any time (or float high enough), you will not be able to ascend anymore.

If you happen to slip off a platform or just want to cross a large gap, Tails Doll can use the power of his gemstone to slow his descent. This slow fall ability can be used by pressing Jump while in the air, and it can allow Tails Doll to weave around aerial obstacles that could otherwise knock him out of the air with little effort. Remember, Tails Doll is vulnerable while both floating and using his slow fall ability, so utilizing Tails Doll's spin ability in tandem with both of these aerial abilities can allow Tails Doll to slip past dangerous obstacles.



Channeling the power of his powerful gemstone, pressing Spin will allow Tails Doll to create a protective Polygon Barrier around himself for a short period of time. While active, this barrier makes Tails Doll immune to basic damage, allowing him to parry enemy attacks and slip through obstacles with ease. With good timing, Tails Doll can even reflect enemy projectiles directed at him! However, with such a powerful, defensive ability comes the drawback of having a short cooldown; While Tails Doll can protect himself from harm temporarily, he must wait a short period before being able to cast the Polygon Barrier again.



SMS Alfredo

-Slow Fall Sprites-

Rougher than the rest of them, and absolutely tougher than leather; Metal Knuckles, an absolute powerhouse of a badnik lost to time, has an array of abilities that allow him to both speed through stages and explore them with his powerful Charge Glide and Jet Climb. Built up of absolutely wonderful sprites by HattyBoyo, and through a combination of SMS Alfredo and TripelTheFox's coding magic; Metal Knuckles wants to prove that he isn't just a robo-double, using his raw power and strength to destroy walls, badniks, and spikes.



Starting off with his jump ability, Metal Knuckles can use the power of the Charge Glide to soar across gaps and redirect momentum built up with his dash mode. To use it simply hold jump to charge up, and either wait long enough or release jump to unleash the beast and barrel through anything standing in your way. With such a powerful ability, it's only natural for it to have a weakness. Metal Knuckles is vulnerable while charging up a glide, allowing an enemy to take advantage and strike.



Similar to his organic counterpart, Metal Knuckles is capable of climbing onto walls, controlling similarly to that of the original echidna. However, Metal Knuckles has a trick up his lack of sleeves! Holding down spin while climbing will allow Metal Knuckles to charge up his jet boosters. Releasing spin will fling Metal Knuckles high up into the air, where he can then use another Charge Glide to create a chain or zoom off elsewhere.



Tripel the fox, SMS Alfredo

-Super Color-

td battle.gif

mk battle.gif

Through the RChars v1.1 update, Tails Doll and Metal Knuckles have been brought into the chaotic combat arenas of CobaltBW's Battlemod! With Tails Doll's Dummy Bullets and Metal Knuckles' Mecha Rockets, they'll test their strength in battle against the many opponents that SRB2 has to offer!



Thanks to the help of NRM379, Tails Doll and Metal Knuckles are playable in SRB2P! However, due to how SRB2P still uses 2.2.8 as of the writing of this post, Metal Knuckles' wall clinging abilities will not work properly! This is an issue that RChars can't really fix, so hopefully once SRB2P updates to 2.2.9, there won't be any more issues.
SMS Alfredo, HattyBoyo, Tripel, NRM379 and I have all been working these past few weeks to bring a fun experience with these two forgotten characters, so we hope that you have as much fun with them as we did making them!

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Latest updates

  1. RChars V1.2

    RChars V1.2 is now out, with some new effects for Tails Doll and some other changes. Check it out!
  2. RChars V1.1.1

    Quick hotfix that makes Metal Knuckles' spin glide cancel actually damage enemies, and that...
  3. RChars V1.1

    After several months of waiting for 2.2.9 to release, bug testing, and other miscellaneous...

Latest reviews

the sprites look good, but metal knux can't climb or glide, and tails doll can't attack. this might just be a prblem with githud, but it still bothers me
Upvote 0
My child Metal Knuckles is here. His moveset so good yes.
Upvote 0
Perfectly polished, IMO. Excellent work on Tails Doll's moving parts, and overall just great takes on the characters overall. Making Metal Knuckles a combination of Metal Sonic and Knuckles was especially neat and worked surprisingly well!
Upvote 1
These two are great. They both have excellent graphics and extra mod support. They feel very at home in SRB2.

Metal Knuckles plays a lot like Knuckles but with a lot of twists, so he's about what you'd expect. His battle mod rules are fun and appropriate. Overall he just fits in really well.

Tails Doll is the odder one. He plays in a very unusual way but is well balanced and interesting. Probably one of the most unique characters for SRB2, yet again he fits right in.
Upvote 0
This mod is nothing short of amazing. You can tell that a lot of effort was put into it. I'll try to cover the pros and cons of each character.


- Amazing use of sprites, a ragdoll approach to his character shows how silly he is as a concept.
- His abilities are well thought out, even if the floaty jump may take a while to get used to for some characters.
- Out of the two, I feel like TD is the best.

- Battlemod ability could use a bit more creativity. I do know it's inspired by the Tails Doll for when you're playing battle mod alone but it still feels a bit bland. Though you could argue that his abilities in normal gameplay work.


- Amazing sprites.
- Abilities have been made better, now they complement each other better. Earlier versions had a worse idea for a moveset.
- Battlemod ability is balanced. A strong move with a hefty price.

- He's a bit uninteresting compared to Tails Doll in my opinion but is still a fun character.

Upvote 1
Both characters are very interesting to play as! Especially Childhood Terror- I mean Tails Doll.

+ Metal Knuckles has abilities both similar and different than Knuckles. Similar as to not be completely different, but still different enough to not feel exactly the same.
+ Tails Doll's red diamond shield is very fun to play around, especially with parrying enemy attacks!
+ Super Metal Knuckles!

/ Just like his fleshy counterpart, Tails Doll cannot use the Chaos Emeralds
/ It takes a bit of time to get used to Tails Doll's floaty jump. Tapping Jump barely lifts you off the ground now...
/ Metal Knuckles has to take Knuckles' paths, obviously.

- You have to know a lot about playing Knuckles before you play as Metal Knuckles. If Metal Knuckles touches a wall he cannot climb onto during his dash, he will bounce all over the place, leaving you vulnerable to getting hit, or falling into a death pit.
- Tails Doll's arm and leg segments tend to dislocate from his body when running... a lot.
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I love it but how did you make tails doll work?
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I'm going to be honest, I had no idea who these characters were until I saw this mod.
They're pretty cool, Metal Knuckles is probably my favorite character to play as.
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I love the mod, but my favourite part is the image on the front page just looks like metal Knuckles slapped the stuffing out of tails doll lmao.
Upvote 1
truly a masterpiece, both characters are fun to play as. but for people who are playing this one for the first time, i won't spoil it. but do check it out!
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