Lapis "Blue" Adair

Lapis "Blue" Adair 1.2.0

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Modify: ASK ME - Maintain: IN MY ABSENCE - Others must ask me for permission before modifying my submission or use it in their own work, and I reserve the right to say no for any reason. However, if I can no longer be contacted, I give permission for my entire submission to be maintained by others.

Introducing Blue, the Dissonant Descendant!

📖 Overview
Blue is a highly movement-based character with powerful skill in the right hands. Although a bit slower than most of the cast, and unable to spinjump, he makes up for it with an incredibly high jump, exponential acceleration, and extremely useful abilities that let you zoom past any obstacle with ease.

Dr. Robotnik stole all of Blue's Hyperium-- an extremely durable metal, breakable only by itself or the force of a supernova-- while he slept. Desperate to get it back, Blue follows Robotnik through space on his fighercraft-- the Azure-- back to Mobius, and finds himself in Green Flower Zone.

If you'd like to learn more about Blue's abilities, click these spoilers! Unless, of course, you'd like a pleasant surprise once you install the mod :wink:
Blast those boots! Blue's boots have jets inside them that let him boost forwards or upwards twice while airborne. This lets him access areas too high for other characters, leap across massive gaps, and even defeat enemies!
Slide and stomp! Instead of spinning in a ball, Blue can slide forwards at high speeds on the ground-- allowing him to zip under spindash gaps-- and defeat enemies. He can even jump into a spin in this state, allowing him to continue forwards unabetted!

In the air, Blue can dive down and stomp onto enemies, gaining INSANE height and refreshing both uses of Jet Boot Blast-- useful for chaining over large gaps, or just for feeling like a badass!

Blue can also turn super after collecting the 7 chaos emeralds. Unlike Sonic, Blue doesn't draw from the power of the chaos emeralds, but rather, the trace amounts of Hyperium hidden inside-- transforming him into Hyper Blue; a faster, stronger, but much more mentally unstable state.


Besides the fully-functional skin with custom sounds, models, and abilities, Blue is also fully voiced by me! I'm no five-star voice actor, but I definitely tried to give him some character! :wonderful:
He has voicelines that play when he uses his abilities, takes damage, and turns super.
The feature is currently broken until I figure out how to properly code console commands, but soon, you can get him to shut up with the blueVOEnabled console command. You're no fun if you do...

This mod also includes a custom tutorial, built from scratch by me with original music (also by me), to teach you how to play as him! It's completely optional, I just wanted to shove even more character into him. :grin:
Go ahead, take a listen! :wonderful:

🤔 Read Me!
Before installing Blue, it is HIGHLY recommended you install and use his 3D model for OpenGL rather than stick to his sprites.
Why, you may ask?
I have many talents, but pixel art isn't among them. Blue's sprites are all just prerendered images of his model rather than hand-made drawings, meaning they don't look that great.
I urge you to play with 3D models rather than sprites if you can.

How, you may also ask?
Included on this page is a ZIP. Extract its contents to the root of your SRB2 folder-- generally C:/Users/<your name>/SRB2 v2.2. (If you're updating the mod, it may prompt you to skip or replace files-- replace them, obviously.)
Additionally, find models.dat and add this somewhere:

If you do not know how to enable models, read this.
  1. Under Settings, go to Video Options....
  2. Make sure Renderer (F10) is set to OpenGL. No other renderer allows 3D Models.
  3. Go to the bottom of the list (easiest to just press up until it wraps back) and open OpenGL Options...
  4. Enable Models. I also recommend enabling Ambient Lighting, as it looks good on Blue, but this is personal preference.

🤓 Nerd Stuff

⚠️First, a MAJOR disclaimer!

Although I've made Blue netsafe to the extent of my knowledge with netgames, I cannot confidently say he's 100% netsafe. Please report any netgame-related bugs to me and I'll do everything I can to ensure it's fixed.

📜In his current state, Blue is in a releasable, presentable state, but I wouldn't quite consider him finished-- there's features and other stuff I intend to add to him as time goes on. Here's a list of some stuff I want to add.
  • Custom super theme. Already in progress, but not anywhere near finished. Compared to the other things, this is on the backburner, but probably the easiest thing to do. Music is my passion.
  • Revamped model. Blue's model isn't the greatest-- it could have less verts and better textures, especially the face textures. I want to also improve the geometry, since I'm still new to the art style I used for Blue (it deviates from my normal art style) and I modeled him without any reference besides the sketches I did of him in the art style.
    • Another very major issue with his model is that Blue's boots don't have a "flame" to signify the jets boosting, which makes his run look like he's hovering. ...Which he is, but it's not clear through what method, is my point.
  • More animations! Super-only animations, a skid animation, more frames for other animations... The list goes on! I'll probably entirely reanimate him once I finish his new model. A lot of his animations don't look as good as I thought they did (his idle animation, for instance) and I personally don't like how his forward JBB just reuses the same animation as his run. I'm going to add custom states for his JBB animations.
  • Better looking sprites. Yes, I am a 3D artist too, but Blender is complicated as hell. Eventually, I'll make the renders look better and less like Sonic Schoolhouse assets.
  • More 2D assets. My girlfriend made most of them, and they look great! It's just that we're missing lots of them. Blame ADHD.
  • Better voice acting and more voicelines. Giving Blue voice acting was literally a decision I made overnight and I recorded the lines in my closet. I think it makes the mod as a whole more unique and adds a lot of character to Blue, but some of the current lines sound really wimpy and a few are just annoying. Eventually I'm gonna rerecord most of them.
  • Support for other mods. I'm still pretty new to the SRB2 community, but I still want people to enjoy Blue with their other mods flawlessly and seamlessly. If you have any suggestions for mods I should add support for, let me know in the comments!
  • Other minor, miscellaneous changes. Example: For some reason, SRB2 flips 3D models. This means as a 3D model, Blue's (asymmetrical) hair is flipped to the other side. This bothers literally nobody but me. Other changes are just things like organization, clean code, et cetera.

📄Additionally, here's a changelog I'll update whenever I add anything new.
V1.0.0 - Release
  • Mod released! :)​

🐞Now here are any known bugs, glitches, or issues caused by or otherwise related to Blue. I intend to fix these, but either lack the motivation, method, or compromise to.
  • Some animations are janky looking, especially any that change Blue's face texture.
  • Rapidly pressing both Spin and Jump has odd effects sometimes.
  • the custom console command blueVOEnabled doesn't work nor save between sessions.

💕And of course, finally, the credits! Blue is a fully original character, including all of his assets, but that's not to say I didn't have help.
:wonderful: Thank all of you for helping me accomplish my dream of my very own original character in SRB2!
  • Lightdasher and SMS Alfredo - Thank you both for creating Cacee! She was such a huge inspiration to me and the reason why I decided to make my own SRB2 mod in the first place. I also used Cacee's mod as a role model of quality, to judge my standards for Blue. I also studied Cacee's code when I got stuck on my own lua code; I didn't steal anything, of course, but you definitely saved me a few headaches. An additional little thank you to Lightdasher for the cute little one-up icon. I love it! I hope you enjoyed the music I made for Cacee :)
  • SelvaVoid - The love of my life, always being there for me whenever I was frustrated and helping me with some simple netgame testing. She also made all of the beautiful 2D assets, except for the character select art. She isn't a part of the SRB2 community, if you were wondering, but you can check out her carrd here.
  • Sparkette - Thank you SO much for the Blender template for rendering SRB2 sprites! It saved me many a headache and allowed me to quickly export all of Blue's animations to sprites in just an hour.
  • The SRB2 Discord Community - Numerous times, I was stumped with Blue's code and SRB2's oddities, but time and time again, you all came through and offered your very best support! Extra special thanks to Amperbee, since the majority of my idiocy-correction came from you!
  • Me! - As I said earlier, all of Blue's assets are completely original and made by me and Selva. That means his concept, model, lua scripting, map, sounds, and voicelines-- just assume if it's in this mod and not noted otherwise anywhere, I made it.
  • You! - One, for reading this and letting me give credit to those that deserve it; and two, for checking out my mod. I poured my heart and soul into this, and I hope you enjoy playing as Blue as much as I do! :wonderful:

💌Ending Note
I hope you enjoy playing as Blue! He was a total joy to create and I loved the entire process, even when I was frustrated and stumped. SRB2 may have piqued my interest before, but developing Blue made me truly appreciate the game and come to love it as one of my favorite games. I'm so glad I got to live out my dream of my own character in a Sonic game-- fangame or official. I've beat the game as Blue several times... Purely as playtesting, of course!

If you're interested in Blue, and want to draw art of him (or simply want to know more about him) he has a ref sheet here. I'd love to see art of him (or any of my characters), so go nuts and do what you want! :wonderful:

Blue may be my first custom SRB2 character, but I can assure you he won't be my last. Message Board rules (and my desire to surprise everyone) forbid me from sharing details, but all I'll say is I have 3 more characters planned and ready for development! :wink:
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  1. A Slammin' Update (V1.2.0)

    Hey, long time no see! Sorry, I got burnt out on SRB2 for a while and ended up putting down work...

Latest reviews

you forgot to update the sprites
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blue is such a ʳᵒᵇᵒ blast to play with, the voice acting is really good too!
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