Input Viewer

[Open Assets] Input Viewer 1.1

Why this isn't an option in vanilla by default is beyond me.
Upvote 4
This add-on is simply epico. I always wanted to make use of Record Attack's input helper outside of RA/NA. Sure, there's that other add-on, but this is better in a lot more ways than that.
Upvote 1
Good. Very good. The cherry on the top of cake of my own perfect version of SRB2! Thank you!
Upvote 0
Welcome to releases! I think this mod is great at what it does, but I am often confused when a mod disables a core part of its functionality and it needs to be enabled. I imagine a lot of players like myself would expect input_self to be on by default. I also think it would be a great addition if the Custom Button inputs and maybe even Toss Flag were there as a (default off) toggle, for the more complex character mods that use them. Still, good stuff!
Thank you! As for the reason input_self is off by default, is that you would *usually* know what you are pressing down. And since this will (often than not as I've played around with this) be the case, it would be wise to not display, and the view clean even though it takes a small portion of the screen. And thank you for the feedback! I do agree having the other inputs shown when you have custom characters at play (and one that really fits that bill is SMS but I haven't seen them at all for a good while now in servers... but there's that blue moon chance).
I was also considering the addition of manual positioning of the input viewer for players who prefer a better spot for it to sit at. This is a small detail, but I know there are people out there who love to customize their HUD.
Upvote 2
I totally agree, it should be in vanilla game.
Upvote 1