Do you remember srb2kart V1? I remember srb2kart V1. I was working on another map for it when Ring Racers released, and didn't want to let it to go to waste. So even though not as many people will care now, here it is, my (final?) new map for V1!


NEW MAP: Lakeside Loop Zone (MAPWX)

A simple track around a lake and through a nearby forest.

Uses the "MBMWF" series of textures from Ivo, and the "UTRN" textures by Soupbowler from the community resources pack.


GSD Human Village:

Changed filename to MAPWH to prevent conflicts with Patafoin's Baugette Pack.

Sewer Surfway Zone:

Changed filename to MAPWT to prevent conflicts with Super Chris' Kart Mania Reborn.

I'm working on a new map, but I decided to make a couple minor tweaks to what I already have in the meantime.


Deleted some unused community flats and textures from the .pk3 file.

Added encore pallets! (Copied from vanilla maps...)

Human Village:

Deleted some out of bounds sectors that didn't really do anything.

Fixed a visual glitch around second to last the last turn.

Changed a few sectors around the second shortcut that probably shouldn't have been offroad to instead be normal road.

Fixed a star post activator that was next to the second shortcut that didn't have the proper effect.

A few minor visual fixes. Renegade pieces of gfzrock, some inconsistent texturing, etc

Sewer Surfway Zone:

Changed arrows on the second to last turn to make it hopefully easier to read.

A few minor visual fixes.