for me the stick cling doesn't work but otherwise it's great
Soap Surfin
Soap Surfin
What version of SRB2 are you currently using? Espio works best in the latest version of the game. Being 2.2.9 as of now.
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this was probably the best mod I’ve ever played. I haven't played such a fun mod on SRB2 in a long time, great job on the mod!
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I really liked the new Espio, but I think he's pretty pink, I would add a bit of blue to it, or any other color that makes it more accurate. Other than that, everything exceeded my expectations and seems perfect. Well done.
Upvote 2
this mod is amazing. espio has become one of my favorite characters to play as thanks to his amazing moveset. this character can get very high if his abilities are combined right, which is very rewarding to skilled players. this character overall deserves a 10/10.
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Man I love Knuckles here! He can climb walls so fast its insane + it allows for easy height gains.

Sprites are well designed and the move-set is simple yet powerful. We've waited so long for this to drop and its certainly been worth it.

Great job to everyone involved.
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I genuinely don't know where to start to be honest. He's amazing in every aspect. Really fun in Coop, Super cool in Battle Mod and a Solid Party member in SRB2P I have no complaints about him whatsoever but that might be due to bias seeing as he's one of my Top 3 favorite Sonic characters. Thank you to everyone who helped make espio what he is currently in-game he's a fuckin blast.
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Hella rad, don't know what else I need to say
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a really fun character! running on the walls, the ceiling, and the air is really fun! espio is quite the flexible character. i would love to reccomend this guy!
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this mod is amazing! espio is fun, and you even went through the work of putting him to srb2 persona! kudos to all the devs that helped make this!
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I've been excited for his release since his trailer from quite a while back, and he's even more fun that I anticipated. The sprite work on him is also absolutely amazing. You guys really outdid yourselves with him.
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amazing character mod, 10/10
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wow dude eveyone from 2.1 is comeing back lads also thanks for giveing us him for 2.9
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Love it, the gameplay is full of different posibilities, the spritework is amazing and the abilities are too fun, I just started to play with him and create my own paths walking on the walls and the roof.
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His Leaf Torando is very annoying but cool. Like someone uses tornado and you jump on them when their animation ends, but tornado is still there and... you know what happens next
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Espio was so fucking worth the wait.

It's fast, it's fun.
Has a beautiful spritework, i can't say more about this character.
You deserve this 5 stars.
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Its a fun character in general and its real nice that it just uses the jump and spin buttons and his moveset is really good
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This mod is AMAZING! The sprite work is beautiful, the abilities are SO MUCH fun to use! I would recommend this to anyone I know. ^-^
Upvote 0
Another amazing character! The charged jump is really fun, and clinging to ceilings is that awesome feeling that everyone wants with Espio.

My only complaint is while I love the wall running, I kind of wish it transferred your momentum you had going into the wall. Feels a tad bit strange to do it at a stand still but still go up really high and at sprinting speed.

But that's extremely nitpicky and doesn't hurt my enjoyment of the character. Regardless, Espio is now one of my new favorites to play the game with that I'll be coming back to!
Soap Surfin
Soap Surfin
I was considering having Espio do a momentum based wall climb. The thing is I don’t really think that it would work in this specific version of the game. Even with a momentum mod I really don’t feel the need to charge a spindash just to get full height on the wall. Despite this, and seeing how 2.3’s level design is going to be, this idea might be revisited some time.
Upvote 3
What a trial of events that made this happen somehow, very cool! Look's much cleaner to what I previously done before all this but I guess it wasn't so much of a loss cause rather then an improvement. So it was a push in the right direction, which is a stepping stone in itself. But you guys did a great job otherwise!
Upvote 1
Outstanding sprite work all around, a really fun, unique and versatile moveset with a ton of synergy and flow. As well as just a massive amount of both polish and stylistic flare. You all did an amazing job, and deserve a nice long rest!
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