- Make an attempt to avoid fake hitscan bullets (fast speedy missile) to not have collision gaps which makes it to fail at hitting targets.
- Fixed a bug with the Chaingun where it errors out about a non-existant function when having odd clip ammo and it depletes. Oops.

No, the BFG is not fixed yet. SRB2's P_PathTraverse (which is where all original doom's hitscan system works) is not exposed to BLUA yet, probably is gonna remain as that until it goes exposed on a later SRB2 update since is not worth making a ugly workaround and probably killing performance in the process.
Sorry for the long delay due to real life's shenanigans, but now I can finally update DoomGuy.
This is a list of changes for this update:
  • Added splitscreen support
  • Added a console variable doom_keepinv_on_death <Yes/No> (Default: No) which makes doomguy players keep their entire inventory (except powerups) upon death and also they don't drop weapons. (Only works on Co-Op)
  • Added console variable doom_dropweapons_on_death <Yes/No> (Default: Yes) which makes doomguy players to drop their current weapons upon death, gets overwrited if doom_keepinv_on_death is enabled.
  • FIxed a bug where killing a doomguy player on match doesn't award points, even with doomguy vs doomguy.
  • Fixed NiGHTS being unplayable and added some sprites to it.
  • Modding for custom ammo types are added for custom weapons to use.
  • Removed SF_SUPER as no actual super form is available and causes problems while trying to crouch causing to accidentally transform into super.