Excellent addon, it's very close to the source material, the guns feel great, the movement is fun and you can achieve a lot of speed and air time. He might be a little overpowered, but it feels good to plow through the game as Doomguy.
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You know, after waiting for a DoomGuy addon that has the exact feeling of playing DOOM in SRB2, i never was the same after that, with all of the DOOM weapons in the addon, and pretty much being easy to collect all of the weapons in Greenflower Zone due to the amount of badnicks, i ended up feeling satisfied after this, the only bad qualities is that in some stages it might be tough to beat when you're DoomGuy due to the weight and movement speed he has, leading him to be stuck in some parts, or some cheap deaths, but anyways, this addon really deserves some love to be honest with you, specially with the addon making SRB2 feel like DOOM, which makes sense considered the fact that SRB2 was on the DOOM Legacy Engine since October 1999 up to this day.
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Is epic, I love classic dooms, and this recreates it almost perfectly, adapting well to the game, just that
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As a playtester for the mod, this was worth the wait
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finally! i can shoot that stupid weasel back without having to be him.
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Actual doomguy is finally out in SRB2, This is Amazing and it's faithful to the source material It's 30 years since Doom came out I like this mod. If someone wants Doomguy try this out I know it's been years of development Lugent did great job on making it.
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In time for the whole Doom 30 Year Anniversary thing that's going on right now

Rip N Tear... Until it is done!
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blasting baddies while running at the speed of light is genually really fun and the victory sign is hilarious
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I think John Doomguy is a pretty cool guy. Eh, kills demons and doesn't afraid of anything.

I like the overall approach with this mod where it is closer to its source material instead of being modified to fit SRB2. Just like standard Doom levels, you have to go slow and hunt for enemies instead of blazing through levels. I managed to get 5 minutes on Greenflower 1 alone! Overall, a great character mod.
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This is SO. GOOD. I can't imagine what would make it more perfect. It feels like Doom! The controls are logical and responsive (which makes sense given SRB2's origins), weapons have all the meaty feedback you want, and the non-stop drops from fallen enemies mean you're incentivized to use every weapon at your disposal whenever you feel like it (rather than simply hoarding ammo for the boss). Top tier stuff
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underrated, it's better than normal doom, basically turning srb2 into a movement shooter. the duke nukem mod is similar, with more abilities but handling worse.
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this is a insanely high effort mod, and a great faithful creation to the 90's doom, great job!
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isabelle companion when, jokes aside, this mod is really great, the only thing that would fit it with would be a mappack with every single doom map in it (including tnt and plutonia), besides that, the mod looks great.
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I rated this 4 stars because this mod is amazingly high-quality, but I have a few suggestions which could improve the gameplay (in my opinion--also, I've never played Doom, so this is purely based on DoomGuy's gameplay in SRB2):

The main problem with DoomGuy is he makes the game FAR too easy.
First of all, every enemy is a one-shot. This makes using different weapons sort of obsolete. The pistol is just as affective as any other weapon (in most cases), so why use the others? I suggest making every enemy take a few shots to kill, like Duke Nukem does. Then the weapon damage and fire-rate would matter a whole lot more.
Secondly, bosses only take 3 shots to beat. This makes them so easy that they aren't even fun anymore.
Thirdly, DoomGuy has WAY too much health. It's almost impossible to die to anything other than a pitfall. I suggest making the enemies (and other stuff like lava and spikes) do a LOT more damage.

Another thing, I think the sprinting mechanic is way too overpowered. I'm a record attack player, so I keep the sprint held for almost the entire time I play as DoomGuy. The sprinting is so fast that it overshadows his main mechanics. He is also WAY faster than most other characters, and playing record attack as him almost feels like cheating. I think the sprinting should be toned down a LOT or even outright removed.

I really hope you consider these things because this mod could be amazing but these few problems are holding it back, at least for me.
Upvote 1
That addon have a little problems with balance and gameplay,
I only need little hotfix for match,
little low a jump
well why he goes jumps like Luigi?
and that's all.

(and else want patch for brutal doom)
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This mod is really really good, but I have to point out that the way the BFG works is inaccurate to actual DOOM - originally it worked like a big shotgun with 40 invisible tracers, but in this mod it seems like it's just a bigger rocket launcher
That's pretty much my only gripe with it, but the mod is still really epic
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Really cool but I noticed a few things.

1. He jumps like REALLY high, I don't really see any reason as to why that is, I doubt its for progression as you have rocket jumping and you can toggle running, but this makes it insanely awkward for match play. Maybe just a cvar to disable jumping would help? That or maybe replacing it with double jump idfk.

2. Infinite height explosives. Why? I understand that THINGS in the original doom had infinite height with their height values only being for map collision, but that isn't exhibited here, infinite height explosions were only a thing as a by product of infinite height. I think all multiplayer source ports have this disabled by default. Not much of an issue because most of the time in match you'll only be firing rockets at a mid texture, but still something worth noting.

3. Was originally gonna mention the lack of auto aim on the bfg tracers, but to be fair it would be a bit op with freeaim bfg, and also the fact that srb2 has no true hitscan which would make it hard to implement. However the ability to disable enemy drops would be useful for maps like sonic doom 2.

4. Ok this is like REALLY nitpicky but if you're trying to stay perfectly accurate than the super shotgun shouldnt light up the 3rd weapon indicator on the hud, since only the normal shotgun does in the original. Also on the topic of the super shotgun, the super shotgun correctly (or incorrectly I guess?) has a 7 frame muzzle flash compared to the original doom 2's 9 frame muzzle flash (although thats like REALLY fuckin nitpicky.)

To be more positive though, this mod is like really damn good. Sticks very close to the source material, has all the power ups and stuff with ACTUAL weapon progression unlike some other similar mods *cough* *cough* tails guy *cough* *cough*, has a full screen hud (which seems to be a weird mix between the old zdoom 1.2 hud, boom/eternity hud with the weapon indicators and such.) Also splitscreen support is cool, I think the coolest thing though is the fact that, looking at the code, there seems to be support for custom weapons and items. Thank you for that, you are a real one.
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Serious Sam mod of Sonic Robo Blast 2
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great mod, the only thing i don't really like is that it slips too much xd
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This mod is amazing, like really amazing, you’ve worked REALLY hard on it and it shows. I've been anticipating this release from you for a long time.
There’s just one problem.. The reusability.. This is the only instance where I’m upset about the reusability status of a mod. I feel like this doesn’t represent DOOM because of that. DOOM was released open source with a GNU GPL license. Because of that, we literally have the game you developed this mod on. And because of that, we have a culture of porting DOOM to absolutely anything.

This whole reusability system is built around ethics, not legality.
So if you decide to keep this as non reusable, that's fine. This isn’t a demand.
Upvote 4