Character Voice Library

[Open Assets] Character Voice Library 1.0

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This script eases access to sounds that are used by each individual character currently loaded.
  • Store a sound as a local for use later.
    • Example: storing Sonic's gloat.
      • local songloat = CharVoiceLib.GetSkinSFX(skins["sonic"], "gloat")
  • Get a table of the character's sounds.
  • Includes recreations of K_PlayAttackTaunt and K_PlayBoostTaunt, as well as a version for the hurt sounds too, with randomization and all.
    • Example: play a random hurt sound of Knuckles on a player object.
      • CharVoiceLib.PlayHurtSound(, skins["knuckles"])
    • If you don't want to load the script to use these, you are free to copy the recreations to your own script and modify them as you wish.
  • Play a character's sound from any object.
    • If you want Amy to pity you from all the item boxes, this will work too! You will have to have her loaded, however...
The main script by itself isn't interactable out of the box, which is why an example script is included alongside for you to be given a console command to interact with.
  • charvoicelib is the main command. It accepts up to two arguments, first of which is required.
    • First argument is sound type. Required. Valid inputs:
      • attack1 or attack2 will play the specific attack sound. a or just attack will execute the K_PlayAttackTaunt recreation instead, playing a random one.
      • boost1 or boost2 will play the specific boost sound. b or just boost will execute the K_PlayBoostTaunt recreation instead, playing a random one.
      • hurt1 or hurt2 will play the specific hurt sound. h or just hurt will mimic the two aforementioned functions, playing a random hurt sound.
      • Example: play the second boost sound of your skin.
        • charvoicelib boost2
    • Second argument is skin source for the sound. Optional. Uses internal skinnames.
      • This will play the requested sound type, but of a specific skin instead.
      • Example: play either of Metal Sonic's boosting sounds.
        • charvoicelib hurt metalsonic
      • If you are having trouble with finding out the internal name for a skin, use SkInfo.
This isn't exactly a serious enough script in my opinion, but I figured some might benefit from this. Whether it's a MapLoad hook that makes every object in the map play Tails's first attack sound or have a server command that plays Eggman's gloat on just the player objects, it's up to you to decide.
  • Cool!
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