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Specific Character Notes:
Shantae has an additional file that makes her hair recolorable instead of her clothes, you can find it in the Individual zip in downloads.
Captain Falcon has an alternate version (DCL_CaptainFalcon) that replaces the default engine sounds with noises from the SNES F-Zero.
Kirby has an alternate version (DCL_WarpStarKirby) that replaces the default engine sounds with Warp Star noises.

2.5 (reupload) - Fixed Waluigi being missing from the pack file.
2.5 - Added Spike Spiegel, adjusted the inverse colors on all characters with custom palettes, tweaked some sprites on Wario/Waluigi/Shantae/Banjo/Johnny, fixed a typo in Cell's rivals, renamed Kermit's palette to prevent conflicts with a custom palette from another mod.
2.41 - Fixed Cell's default color being incorrectly named and preventing it from truly being his default.
2.4 - Added Cell, fixed a few of Kermit's sprites.
2.3 - Added Kermit, fixed everyone else's drift sprites having some inconsistencies, made Master Chief have the machine flag.
2.21 - Fixed Raichu's map icon being off-center, adjusted the map icon position of Wario, Shantae, Banjo, K.Rool, Master Chief, Johnny, and Waluigi.
2.2 - Added Alolan Raichu, fixed everyone else's map icons having darker outlines than intended.
2.1 - Resprited Wario and gave him a cusotm palette, made Wario and Waluigi rivals with each other, gave everyone other than Wario/Shantae/Captain Falcon some minor anti-aliasing on their select and rank sprites I had forgotten to do before.
2.0 - Added Waluigi.
1.9 - Added Johnny Bravo.
1.8 - Added Master Chief.
1.7 - Added King K.Rool. Gave Captain Falcon an alternate version that has SNES noises for the engine (credit to RzaorVolare for finding the sounds) as well as fixed some sprite offsets. Heavy is back down to one version since apparently lua characters can be used in Time Trials. Also removed the non-lua version of the character pack as well due to Heavy always having lua now.
1.6 - Added Jack-O', fixed some minor issues with the offroad/heavy bounce sprites of everyone else.
1.51 - Added an online-safe version of Heavy.
1.5 - Added Kirby.
1.4 - Added Heavy (TF2).
1.31 (reupload) - Had somehow saved version 1.31 of the pack file with just Banjo in it because I'm an idiot, reuploaded with all characters in it.
1.31 - Fixed some of Banjo-Kazooie's sprites using the idle bounce sprites instead of tire highlight sprites.
1.3 - Added Banjo-Kazooie. Fixed one of Wario's drifting sprites being slightly cut off.
1.2 - Remade Shantae's sprites.
1.11a - Hopefully fixed a crash that somehow cropped up in 1.11's pack version.
1.11 - Fixed the windshield on the right-facing sprites of Captain Falcon not matching the left-facing side, fixed the idle using the offroad bounce sprites instead of the smaller bounce sprites, and some other minor sprite issues.
1.1 - Added Captain Falcon.
1.01b - Added a file to make Shantae's hair recolor instead of her clothes, fixed some minor sprite issues.
1.01 - Added Shantae, fixed some minor issues with Wario.
1.0 - Initial upload, added Wario.
First release
Last update

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Latest reviews

Vroom Vroom Sir.
Upvote 0
Very nice character pack, although I would like to have the characters individually for who I just want. Here's my thoughts.

Kirby -- 4/5
Very Cute, easy to play as, love the Warpstar sounds. His sprite coloring might need lil more details to fit in. Do hope maybe he'll get other AirRides with different stats & Kirby Colors.

Captain Falcon -- 3/5
The Goat. Looks great but like Kirby could use some more sprite polish. I can only give 3/5 since the Blue Falcon doesn't have any SNES/99 SFXs, like how Kirby has the Warpstar Sounds. Handles nicely but feel he could be better. Not sure what I'd give however.

Shantae -- 3/5
Not gonna lie, I kinda like the first take with the Smaller head. Head Too big if you ask me Still nice, however, to see her on the track. Only two graphic issues I spotted.
- Her Icon Sprite Hair uses select character color and it looks really weird.
- Her outfit top should be the selected character color. It's her vest (not drawn) and choker that's usually black/purple if on.
Her handling is abit iffy. I'm not so sure bout it. Risky is so S8-W8, Rottytops S6-W6....Shantae S7-W5? She was faster then Rotty in GBC. Idk, maybe I'm overthinking it.

Wario -- 4/5
WAH! I'mma Wario, I'mma gonna win~ Handles almost as expected; not sure if S9-W8 would be better. (DK would be S8-W9 and Bowser S9-W9 by looks alone.) Real nice, however, two/three nitpicks.
- His voice pitch is off, sounds lower then it should.
- Why he smol like a gremlin? I mean, yea, that was the OG Concept but still, his Fat @$$ should be overtaking the whole seat. xD
- Personal nitpick: Needs "OH MY GOD, WAHHHHHHHHH" when he Blows Up/Retires to complete the "Wario Ring Races and suffers a horrible accident on *insert track here*" joke.

Banjo-Kazooie -- 4/5
Almost Perfection. Love me Bear Un Bird. Just wish Banjo had more lines, Kazooie I know is the loudmouth squawker but still. I'm not so sure about his Weight and Speed. In DKR, he was Heavy Weight with a Top speed of 4 of 5. S4-W7 doesn't feel right.
(T.T. would be S9-W5, Wizpig would S9-W9, Taj would be S9-W8, Drumstick S8-W7, Krunch S7-W8.) Maybe S7-W7. That's just me tho.

Heavy Weapons Guy / Mikhail -- 4/5
Best Class. Hearing his lines splits my sides. He feels very stiff to drive. My only gripe is that his Team Spirit R/B do not work well with other characters. Makes the wrong colors.
Also ha ha ha, Heavy S1-W9. I know, slowest class but he's not THAT SLOW. Let's see... If Saxton Hale/Medic/Spy/Demoknight are around S6, Scout S8, Pyro/Engi/Sniper are base so S5, Demoman slightly Slower S4, Solly S3, Heavy would be S2-W8. Saxton Hale currently is biggest and heaviest in TF2 now (S7-W9). Too bad there are no Enrage/Head taking mechanics/Blaster Boost; that would be S9.

Jack-O' -- 0/5
Nope, not touching this one. Not a fan this fighting game nor the characters. No Further Comments.
You can get the characters individually, "DC-AaronPackIndividual.zip" exists for that sole purpose. As for the other feedback:

Captain Falcon - Only reason I haven't given him custom engine sounds is due to not being able to find any. Believe me when I say I've tried to find some.

Shantae - The hair thing being recolored in the rank/select sprites was there for clarity on the scoreboards in case multiple people were playing Shantae since there wasn't any part of her outfit visible in those sprites. As for the top not being recolorable, that's to prevent people from using brown palettes and making her look topless, Ring Racers is a game for good boys and girls.

Wario - Wario's had a lot of different voice pitches over the years, older games tended to give him a deeper voice (particularly N64/early Gamecube era games). And I agree with the small size thing, I actually plan on eventually redoing him someday and will make him a little bigger at that point.

Banjo - Technically Kazooie only has three voice lines out of the eleven total, the two voice lines for throwing items and one for getting hit by something.

Heavy - I had a bit of a roadmap in mind in case I do the other mercs, thought I'd stick each one in a different engine class. If the Heavy already in base Ring Racers didn't exist I probably would have made him a 3 speed 9 weight instead. The custom colors really were designed with just Heavy in mind so that the logos on his sleeve and the tops of his bullets can be recolored, not surprising it doesn't look perfect on other classes.
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Amazing, Warp Star Kirby is back!
Upvote 1
Awesome roster! Can't wait to see who else you add
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Upgrading Shantae from a 4 spd 6 wgt to a 6 spd 6 wgt for Ring Racers is interesting, and welcome. The voice lines are a good deal better, too. However, I'm a little thrown off by the visuals. It appears to be a pixelated version of an SFM model made for her, and the coloring is based off of her pants, instead of her hair. I'm used to her HGH appearance, thanks to SRB2K, and it might take some time to warm up to, though the victory sign seems... uncanny. Nevertheless, seeing my favorite bowling pin from Sequin Land in Ring Racers fills me with joy.
I did use the SFM model as a ref, I tend to pose things in SFM to make things easier in the long run. The discrepancy between the HGH appearance and this shouldn't be too bad since you'll be staring at her from behind 90% of the time. As I mentioned on the update page, I'm working on a version with recolorable hair, should have it available in a day or two (hopefully tomorrow). And if the victory sign bothers you, I'm not against taking suggestions for it (or you could try the silly sign.)
Upvote 1
They look pretty good, looking forward to more characters
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Never been a big fan of the thin limbs and how much I can tell that 3D models were heavily referenced, but your work is always consistently pretty good! Especially like Shantae's alternate signpost.
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Wario Number 1! Pretty good mod, played through a bit of SPB Cup with him and he's great!
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