XSRB2 vX-010 - Updated 7.17.11 7:11PM EDT (xsrb2-010.zip/xmus.dta)

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lol, you think people actually read those?

Well, I do... You know, just to know what to look out for and test. (And so I don't look so foolish when I ask a question.)

Heh, when I saw this in the Hall Of Fame.
I thought Inu put in there for the lulz again.
Almost pointless post about a glitch. Shield falls slower than the player.

Is it fixable?


  • srb20030.png
    68.8 KB · Views: 615
	* Invincibility will give you one long chain.  Use it well and you can
		score some nice 1ups.  It'll also be a useful tactic for Score
		Attack in the future, but that's for another time and day...
I would think SA2 invincibility (which gives a 2X multiplier) would be more versatile, but.

Slight oversight: The "problem connecting to the master server" error message should not boot you back to the main menu when 2.0.6 doesn't.
If it's booting you out to the main menu when you're in the "host game" menu, I'm pretty sure that happens in 2.0.6 too.
You must collect shards and shoot at others players to collect the shardds they was having.Also,if for exemple you set five minutes in the time limit you must finish the five minutes.How?Collect shards.
1 Shard:Normal speed
This is an excellent WAD but, there needs to be more levels in this. Maybe you can put emerald tokens in the levels (I'm not sure if there is but, I didn't find any.). Anyways, this is a great WAD. I hope to see some more from you in the future.
Looks real good! Reasons:
1: In general I like it's sprites.
2: Golf mode!
3:Finally a boss meter!
4:It seems when you get the speed shoes you get a run just like in Sonic advanced 2.
5: And finally I like the name.
So uh, everytime I start this up it says "A wad file was not found or not valid"

I'm betting the "not valid" part is what's happening, however.
Um... what version of SRB2 do you have, 2.0.5 (or earlier) or 2.0.6?
You Should put Sonic Golf for 2 Player so you can be against other people to see who got the best score, That Would be a fun idea
Do I need to explain why that wouldn't work once more?

In short, ASC8 would put everyone who did nothing at an extreme advantage over the poor sap who hit the button, and ASC9 would make a ton of poor saps out of the people who failed to get to the Whirlwind shield.
It'd be really cool if you could just isolate everybody's gameplay. As in, give one player a chance at the course, then when he's done (maybe add a stroke limit if there isn't one yet), the game reloads the map and gives control to the other player. Sure, you wouldn't have neat stuff like punching somebody into a pit, but I think it'd be enough to satisfy a lot of people (myself included).
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