Hi It's me again aka Xkower and today I think it's time to finally to release my greatest creation ever... THE NPCs and yes I got this idea from SF94-Serv but it's more than it's base and I build it from scratch.
Also by the way it map number is 1416 (1417 for pushable and match ones) and it's SOC Object name is MT_NPC (MT_PNPC for pushable ones and MT_MATCHNPC for match ones) and there is test map included in first zip file.
So now let's list the unique features (since everything that SF94-Serv NPCs had is here)
Match NPC Exclusive Functions
Everything in the spoiler down below should not be reported as bugs as they either a side effect of how NPCs work or it's purely how it's supposed to be.
There well some plans to upgrade the list of NPCs to play with and update those that are already out!
Planned Features
I have permission for all the Lua scripts used in the wad also if you like to edit the wad please give credit to me and all people who helped me with wad also there no comments in wad but I'm going to add them soon
Also by the way it map number is 1416 (1417 for pushable and match ones) and it's SOC Object name is MT_NPC (MT_PNPC for pushable ones and MT_MATCHNPC for match ones) and there is test map included in first zip file.
- 1.0 - First Release
- 1.5 - Fixed bug with NPC kepping spinning on convelvol belts and added spring frames also if NPC touches Level End Sign it ends the stage like player does
- 1.6 - fixed NPC actually not having ability to end the level
- 1.7 - removed the finishing scipt because it had it's problems
- 1.8 - First fixed bug with errors spilled out loud in console because flying out rings, then there no ring cloning, no hurt momentum getting transfered to jump and that's it.
- 1.8.5 - Added Solid NPCs to defualt wad and a "addnpc" command also release of Match NPCs (as a standalone wad check "Known Issues" why)
- - quick fixed the addnpc command
- 1.9 - NPCs are now capable of collecting ring they spilled and other players n npcs too
- 1.0 - Initial Release
- 2.0 -Match NPCs can now shoot weapon rings (only bomb and bounce ring, other coming soon). Now they can steal your precious rings when you lose them. I added an action that removes the rings they collected when they are shoot and added soc files that can make the emerald spawners into Match NPC spawners and another soc file that makes Match NPCs solid and pushable.
So now let's list the unique features (since everything that SF94-Serv NPCs had is here)
- Jumping (Which can destroy enemies,bosses,etc)
- Player like ring collecting physics (able to collect rings for itself and when it gets hurt it spills them all over the place)
- Ability to use springs
- All colors are avalible for NPCs
- "addnpc" this command allows to spawn NPCs with whatever type you want (normal for normal ones,push for solid ones)
Match NPC Exclusive Functions
- Hunting for rings,players,weapons,etc
- Player-like ring shooting mechanics (when they shoot a ring they lose it)
- They can use the Bomb Ring and the Bounce Ring and the Rail Ring make them shoot standard red ring
- "npcspawner.soc" changer the places where emeralds spawn into spawners of Match NPCs
- "pushbots.soc" makes Match NPCs solid and pushable
- They are not compatible with SF94-Serv!
- Solid NPCs can crush you when at high speeds (GOD command is only known way to prevent this)
- Do not mix Match NPCs with normal ones since they are not compatible yet
- Please be nice and report more issues!
Everything in the spoiler down below should not be reported as bugs as they either a side effect of how NPCs work or it's purely how it's supposed to be.
- Due to how ring disappearing works with NPCs rings disappear faster
- Due to nature of the script you cannot choose which character or color that NPC will be as they choose it themself
There well some plans to upgrade the list of NPCs to play with and update those that are already out!
Planned Features
- Match NPC (Basiclly a NPC that is designed to be fighted with in Match Mode) IN WORKS!
- Following NPCs (They are like a bot in co-op SRB2JTE aka when you walk they walk after you when you jump they jump and so on) IN WORKS! kinda...
- Support for custom characters (WARNING this may not work with every character but it is DONE)
- Not spawning too many npcs using npcpspawner.soc ( or it's replacement...?)
- Ammo,panel and having all kinds of rings at the same time system for Match NPCs (DONE)
- Drowning,invincibility after being hurt and all these kinds of timers.
- Comments for these who are going to edit the wad for their use
- Bug fixes
- Ideas are welcome!
I have permission for all the Lua scripts used in the wad also if you like to edit the wad please give credit to me and all people who helped me with wad also there no comments in wad but I'm going to add them soon
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