X Sonic

X Sonic v1.1c

I think it supposed to be shown after collecting 7 chaos emeralds so you could see how to transform.
Yes it does but Idk if it get the player a way to show then how to transform into the x sonic way
After playing SUGOI I found out that this message appears any time you complete a NiGHTS level with X Sonic. It doesn't even have to be a special stage.
im glad this is out now (i didnt even realize it was out until i saw a yt video with x sonic gameplay) but im so upset that i cant play this. hopefully web version of srb2 for a newer version comes out sometime soon
there was a very missed opportunity to reference this when he gets hugged by Amy


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just realized this would be better on the x pack thread.... but then again x sonic is the only one this glitch could ever really happen to, so...
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idk fi this bug was reported before, but there's a bug with dark sonic that breaks bosses/enemies and causes them not to die
it's worse in chaos mode where you can get locked out of a perfect due to this happening
an odd little bug i noticed while playing is that the SST counter and beam struggle highscore counters appear while youre super dark
It's your high score for the whole gameplay session, which carries over across levels, so theoretically it should show all the time after you've fought an SST battle or go Super. Dark Sonic alone probably shouldn't MAKE it appear, tho'...

Oh really? and to who is it? I have to right to post what i think if i want and im not breaking any rule (ok since i said "can we" that can be considered as rule breaking but i didn't mean't that as a request) And i don't even see in what there is "A call" to make.
That would be mine. You should dial down talking as if your opinion is some objective truth, and every alternative is wrong. It makes you sound like a condescending, rude know-it-all. It also comes over belittling to me as a gameplay designer who tried their best to weigh decisions carefully, and towards people who don't share your opinion.

Just say you'd prefer X Sonic moving faster underwater, and actually liked the increased hitbox size of the Power Ring. That's enough to get your opinion across. Not getting carried away bloating posts with personal frustration over smalltime stuff helps alot in not getting yourself/others heated, or losing my respect.

Sorry, but this absolutely the case where I can agree with anime accuracy. He'd tear the stage up without them. He already kind of can with Ring Burst if you manage your Rings properly!
Not to mention, and this is purely my own opinion here, I like having to change my approach when it comes to water levels. Makes for a fun challenge.

If you're having trouble with Azure Temple, I recommend taking the left path at the beginning. There's plenty of rings there for Ring Burst. You can get up to 50 almost immediately if you pick up the two ring boxes in the first room.
I also recommend taking the upper path afterwards. The route without the diagonal fire. Good luck!
View attachment 139681
Now there's a chad who faces up to adversity! Bravo!

Let him cook guys, it's fun having anime accuracy character, most people here is having fun playing with him regardless of how bad he is in underwater. Not all versions of sonic are made to cheese all zones.
Ahh. I'm just chilling today, so I'll address the water non-issue seriously, this once.


SRB2 literally has 100+ different Sonics. Variations of the exact same guy. I want to give X Sonic a reason to exist alongside all those options by emphasizing what made him feel unique in his anime in the first place, and obviously to appeal to fans of Sonic X.

X Sonic could've had homing attacks, an instant steerable boost, Sonic Colors movement underwater, doubled base speed so you can run all the time barely even needing to use his zipdash or zipdash leaps, etc. He could've had SRB2-style air momentum so you can fly over the whole level with a zipdash leap and never slow down. Maybe a boostmeter would soon follow in a desperate attempt to "balance" things. These are all things I knew full well some people would've preferred.

...but all those steps set him closer to just being a reskinned Modern Sonic / another generic "ultimate mashup Sonic" for the pile.

And for what? 'cause we gotta do what players are used to? Thousands have shown X Sonic has enough ways to work with his
weakness, and he's objectively super OP despite of it. Speedruns & TAS prove even in DSZ he's WAY FASTER than the vanilla cast.


-Vanilla Sonic TAS DSZ2 - 71 seconds
https://streamable.com/ki15pz- X Sonic TAS DSZ2 - 48 seconds

Even arguing for it being "not fun" is ignorant. The niche fun in Sonic games' underwater levels is in overcoming adversity, not something everybody enjoys. Especially when unprepared, as water is normally used as a punishment for mistakes.

It speaks volumes to X Sonic's water weakness being done well when opinions sway so strongly, and how many people purposely go out of their way to face ATZ. Who normally does that with random chars? Beyond proving to yourself "I CAN DO THIS!", sitting through Sonic water levels is just a no-fun chore to sludge through. Just minimizing water's effects doesn't make water levels fun, either. It just makes it a lesser chore, and removes the trait its niche audience derived joy from.

But X Sonic instead magnifies the adversity immensely, to the point he completely changes how you deal with water. If you fall in water unprepared, there's now a genuine reason to worry you'll die. If you MUST go through water, you don't blindly jump right in. You plan how to get out ASAP and think if you should prepare first. DSZ's very existence brings dread. Water alone is capable of making players suddenly feel truly vulnerable instead of like a clumsy superhero

And STILL X Sonic's got all the tools, enough to even be stronger underwater than the vanilla's cast. It means X Sonic succeeds at making water intimidating, yet made it interesting & unique enough to purposely be sought out by players in its intended niche.

But yes, I know that niche isn't everybody. I might be Super "Mystic", but I'm not actually sadistic and wanna help people (learn to) find a fun time. I can't, however, simply remove DSZ. (...no, I totally could, actually.)
One of two things I can change is make X Sonic act like other Sonics. I explained why that's an issue. If SRB2 was it's own Sonic X game without 100 other Sonics, I might've, but more likely I wouldn't make mandatory underwater stages in the first place.

A second option is to NOT allow players to brute-force their way through DSZ, making thinking or preparation mandatory. In my earliest build I had Sonic lift off and lose momentum whenever he got too much runspeed, before making that trait zipdash-exclusive. While I love players experimenting & learning, I can't FORCE it, and won't softlock casuals as punishment for the way they think.


So the current approach: Let X Sonic also brute force his way through DSZ, but in a way that if people choose to do that, encourages them think: "Okay, this is terribly sluggish. What can I do to improve this terrible situation...?"

Those thoughts might lead to: "Hey, I notice if I DON'T spam jumps and just walk calmly I move faster! Aye, the Ring Burst still works! Ah, this shield/invincibility lets me play like the vanilla cast! I should look for those, and try extra hard not to get hit!"

...or at least: "I'mma nab all emeralds before DSZ to cheese it". That's valid.
Anyway, if it wasn't obvious, I was teasing about nerfing him further. Y'all played Xsonicc already. The actual plan's to add a shield converting option underwater, an idea I forgot to implement before release.

Then beat azure temple if anime accuracy is so fucking fun
Whining about your ATZ runs is like turning on "Sonic Must Die" mode, then bitching Sonic died. It wasn't mandatory, nobody made you do it, you knew EXACTLY what to expect, but you went in anyway and look like a fool complaining afterwards.

Cant you snapdive off of the bullets they shoot?
Super/Invincible Sonic can. (And maybe if you have an elemental/fire shield. I can't keep track of what were just ideas and what I actually implemented sometimes.) The Snapdive acts like a dodge until it's over, however. So it's not very hard to get past.


the all emeralds message for X sonic appears as any character, also I have 1 emerald in this screenshot and it appears (look at my continue icon)
View attachment 140009

there was a very missed opportunity to reference this when he gets hugged by Amy
You're 100% right. I'm firing Blue Blur immediately for not making those sprites.

idk fi this bug was reported before, but there's a bug with dark sonic that breaks bosses/enemies and causes them not to die
it's worse in chaos mode where you can get locked out of a perfect due to this happening
Got a GIF recreating it? List of mods, maybe?
Honestly I like the underwater physics; It's like playing Metroid you go out of your way to avoid water with Samus without the gravity suit until you are properly equipped. MOST levels will allow you to avoid water all together, and treat such as a punishment. There's a lot of rings on most levels if you explore, and there is almost always a shield to help you combat the water.
That would be mine. You should dial down talking as if your opinion is some objective truth, and every alternative is wrong. It makes you sound like a condescending, rude know-it-all. It also comes over belittling to me as a gameplay designer who tried their best to weigh decisions carefully, and towards people who don't share your opinion.

Just say you'd prefer X Sonic moving faster underwater, and actually liked the increased hitbox size of the Power Ring. That's enough to get your opinion across. Not getting carried away bloating posts with personal frustration over smalltime stuff helps alot in not getting yourself/others heated, or losing my respect.
Golden Shine is correct here, but I think the best thing to do so both sides would be happy is to add an option! But that's up to you Golden Shine!
Blur I beg, please make the dark emeralds save to a seperate clientside file like the sol emeralds.
Pfffft. Yeah, Blur!
Go code that in, you total dumbass!

Golden Shine is correct here, but I think the best thing to do so both sides would be happy is to add an option! But that's up to you Golden Shine!View attachment 141135
Dunno about the "best" thing, perse...

It's super easy to throw out there. But all my mods would list hundreds of options if I took the advice of every person that just shrugged at problems, and lazily defaulted to "Ehh, screw it, why not just make X an option."
...they'd also have 2x the oversights & dev time, prolly.

There's reasons you guys don't have Modern v6 yet. My poor guy Motdspork subscribing to that mindset is most of them. Stuck in a loops of tending to code conflicts, getting options suggested from people who got into the mindset seeing Spork make them...leading to him adding a thirteenth HUD option because "Who'd complain over ONE MORE option?" (they sometimes do, unfortunately)

Personally, when diminishing returns kick in for project efforts, I prefer focusing on a clear finish line so I can make new stuff again one day without said diminishing returns! Most devs give up on finishing their project entirely by that point, equally unable to let go of all the extra bells and whistles in their head, as they are unable to force themselves to keep working on the project.


...'tis a bit more complex from a dev viewpoint, 'swhat I'm saying.
Pfffft. Yeah, Blur!
Go code that in, you total dumbass!

Dunno about the "best" thing, perse...

It's super easy to throw out there. But all my mods would list hundreds of options if I took the advice of every person that just shrugged at problems, and lazily defaulted to "Ehh, screw it, why not just make X an option."
...they'd also have 2x the oversights & dev time, prolly.

There's reasons you guys don't have Modern v6 yet. My poor guy Motdspork subscribing to that mindset is most of them. Stuck in a loops of tending to code conflicts, getting options suggested from people who got into the mindset seeing Spork make them...leading to him adding a thirteenth HUD option because "Who'd complain over ONE MORE option?" (they sometimes do, unfortunately)

Personally, when diminishing returns kick in for project efforts, I prefer focusing on a clear finish line so I can make new stuff again one day without said diminishing returns! Most devs give up on finishing their project entirely by that point, equally unable to let go of all the extra bells and whistles in their head, as they are unable to force themselves to keep working on the project.


...'tis a bit more complex from a dev viewpoint, 'swhat I'm saying.
Adding more Bells and Whistles should come at a later point. As a writer in my spare time, I have learned it's easier to add the extra stuff later. After you make a clear goal stick to it and refine it afterwards; cuz then you won't have to worry about if you can fit everything in your project in time. That goes double with mods, Make a goal stick to it and if AND I mean if you want to add all that extra stuff in later, then do so. Of course its not realistic to assume you'll be able to do that, but at least that way the Creator won't have 1000 people breathing down their neck.
Dunno about the "best" thing, perse...

It's super easy to throw out there. But all my mods would list hundreds of options if I took the advice of every person that just shrugged at problems, and lazily defaulted to "Ehh, screw it, why not just make X an option."
...they'd also have 2x the oversights & dev time, prolly.

There's reasons you guys don't have Modern v6 yet. My poor guy Motdspork subscribing to that mindset is most of them. Stuck in a loops of tending to code conflicts, getting options suggested from people who got into the mindset seeing Spork make them...leading to him adding a thirteenth HUD option because "Who'd complain over ONE MORE option?" (they sometimes do, unfortunately)
Oh yeah, I should've known it would take time before making that post. Hundreds of options would be confusing too yeah? Seeing gifs of MSV6, he's probably having a ton of options which would have a bunch of coding problems.

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