You can appeal a ban, it is not permanent. Tracing people's unreleased art, pestering them for more art to trace, and then ignoring mods when they tell you to stop is not a minor infraction. They were banned from the community to stop them from spreading stolen art within it.Yes, but should that result as a ban? Yes, he shouldn't had copy those sprites, but that should be more on a suspension side of things, no? We should only treat bans if they're either so annoying to devs or other people to that point (if he was please say so), or they never asked to port or edit a mod, or being a pedo. But these sprites were eventually going to be released in Ring Racers, right? I think we need to treat bans as a more extreme measure of punishment, not really for smaller scenarios like these. He should be suspended for a smaller period of time, not permanently shunned out of the community and exiled forever. But that's just my opinion, not gonna be regarded much here, is it?
It is not fun for you as a developer/artist to have someone scraping your released material and stealing your art. All that makes you want to do is NOT show off what you're working on, which really ruins the fun for everyone involved. They asked Dirk to stop, but he did not. All Dirk had to do was wait for Ring Racers to release, but he did not.
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