What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

why aren't you happy that the community gets more mods? even if they may be ports, you're still getting more mods for the gam and that's what matters at the end of the day
as much as having people enjoy making mods for the game is nice for the community, it is more enjoyable for both authors and players when people take their time making a good product instead of cheaply pushing out mod after mod of dubious performance and quality

quality over quantity something something
actually, why can't you just leave them alone? why aren't you happy that the community gets more mods? even if they may be ports, you're still getting more mods for the gam and that's what matters at the end of the day.

Pure, parasitic selfishness. That's all there is to it in your response, really. You just want mods, doesn't matter where from, doesn't matter who they were taken from without the author's prior knowledge and permission.

Is it really that difficult to treat artists and modders with respect like the human beings they are?
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as much as having people enjoy making mods for the game is nice for the community, it is more enjoyable for both authors and players when people take their time making a good product instead of cheaply pushing out mod after mod of dubious performance and quality

quality over quantity something something
say that to your sonic recolors
As for that specific example, the mod has original sprites and therefore should be allowed
so it's a sonic that's based on the early days of srb2, with VERY low quality, plays the EXACT same as sonic, but it's okay.

and then we have ports, which are also taken from the past, also wit low quality, plays the same way, but they're not allowed because of permission?
if we're going by community wide definitions, whereupon
  • a recolor mod is basically taking the sprites of an existing character, changing its base color and making a mod out of it
    • in that case, i'd be okay with it? if it has something unique to it and the artist doesn't see a problem with the recoloring, i don't see any problem with it
  • a port is a mod that is based on a version of a preexisting mod, tweaked specifically to be played on a different version
    for example, a 2.1 mod modified to work on 2.2, or viceversa
    • in that case, i'd be okay with it? it's up to whether the author doesn't see a problem with it
as you can see, it all boils down to
"is author ok with it?"

i'm not a judge though, i can say all the dumb shit i want but i'm not the paragon of guideline following

i should clarify that i never said ports aren't allowed, i have no clue where did you get that.

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