The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd

The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd V4.0 (Beta Redux Redux)

OpenGL Palette Rendering still ain't all that good, I'd recommend anyone who wants them software colormaps to just stick Software Renderer until this gets fixed


  • software.png
    610 KB · Views: 95
  • ogl_softpalette.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 94
Maybe I am breaking the 15th rule but could you please add a way to change the jukebox music by command? 'Cuz I want to change it quickly
Besides, why do the window title shows the capture flag thing when playing a Match game with dynamic window title enabled and no addons loaded?
Maybe I am breaking the 15th rule but could you please add a way to change the jukebox music by command? 'Cuz I want to change it quickly
Besides, why do the window title shows the capture flag thing when playing a Match game with dynamic window title enabled and no addons loaded?
You can actually easily change jukebox music using the new customizable keybinds I added. By default, the key to open the jukebox is 'J', the key to play the most recent jukebox track is 'L', and etc. You can customize them in the TSoURDt3rd menu. I might add a command in the future that allows for even more accessibility, but it may be a while.

Also regarding the window title, I'll have to check that out.
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sorry if someone already said it, only i dont find it, but, any chance of 4k or custom resolutions?
Eventually I'll add them, but only when the build is stable enough.
You can actually easily change jukebox music using the new customizable keybinds I added.
IDK if it is just me, but I tried several times and that doesn't work. (I had unlocked Sound Test)
(in fact i want that feature is because i want to play hidden tracks lol)
You can actually easily change jukebox music using the new customizable keybinds I added. By default, the key to open the jukebox is 'J', the key to play the most recent jukebox track is 'L', and etc. You can customize them in the TSoURDt3rd menu. I might add a command in the future that allows for even more accessibility, but it may be a while.

Also regarding the window title, I'll have to check that out.
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Eventually I'll add them, but only when the build is stable enough.
all right! this is happening
hello, how can i only use the autoloading addons and no addon limit feature? other features seems to be incompatible with somethings (2d maps, and clone fighter)

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