The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd

[Open Assets] The Story of Uncapped Revengence Discord the 3rd V4.0 (Beta Redux Redux)

Pretty much the ultimate edition of SRB2, as of time of writing this quick review, compiling features from previous builds like Discord Rich Presence (which I don't personally use, but it is nice to have), Palette Rendering and with many new additional options from silly stuff to useful graphical effects, and features by author of this build like Autoloading Addons to enrich SRB2 experience. However, I have minor caveat with not able to switch to "regular" menu language. I do understand putting a little humour here and there, but it would be nice to have option to read in more generic language from vanilla SRB2.
Hey, I appreciate the review and all the points you listed! I hope to add even more cool features to the build as time goes on!

Also, the menu language is there because the current build was released for April Fools Day. There was going to be a way to switch the menu titles back, but I wasn't able to implement it in time. However, the full release for 2.2.13 will have a way to change all the menu titles back.
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why do windows users get all the glory with everything coming pre-packaged, while us linux users have to compile it? some people like me have no idea how to do it, and there is a thing called an .x86_64 file. all you need to do is chmod it, then run it. that simple. until you do that, this is a 0 star.
Since we're copying posts now, I'll just repost the point I made in the discussion tab.

Look, I understand the reason behind why you're upset, but as a linux user (and now temporary windows user) myself, I'm fairly certain there's more too it than that. Plus, given that the build updates and adds new libraries to SRB2, I'd have to supply the libraries for different arches myself, and that in itself is a hassle to do.

However, I haven't completely just thrown linux users out the bus, as I plan on releasing AppImages for TSoURDt3rd one day, since that might just negate my issue entirely. But my focus is on releasing 4.0 right now (hopefully sometime this month), so I don't have time to deal with that.

In the meantime though, why don't you use srb2bld? It provides the appropriate tools needed to compile and run SRB2, and has added support for TSoURDt3rd. It even runs on linux too, so that may help negate your problem.

(And also, when it comes to Linux users, they actually get more glory in my SRB2 build than Windows users, so that negates the first point you made.)
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It's great for performance yet I really like mods but the limit made it a bit of an issue for me so I can't really play a bunch of my favorite mods. guess its my problem. Well It's good on it's own I give it 3 stars.
Yeah that's fair enough. The final version of 4.0 won't have that mod limit any more though, so that's something to look forward too. Glad you like the build though!
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the best thing in all srb2 history!!!
I don't know about all of srb2 history, but I do appreciate the flattery :)
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The perfect SRB2 client doesn't exi-
It still has issues with OpenGL software palette rendering but this is a step in the right direction still for Software/OpenGL parity. Now if only this had clientside prediction (actions happening on clientside before they are sent to server then everyone else) so we'll be able to say goodbye to netgames input delay.
Regarding Palette Rendering, I still have some changes I need to check out too, so that's something I'll take a look at soon. I'm fairly certain this build won't get client-side prediction, but never say never, it could happen eventually. Regardless, I'm glad you enjoy the build!
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I love this, it has many features I like. Sorry, I'm not the best at describing stuff but it's good and I like it!
I'm glad you enjoy the build!
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The best alternative version of the game, with the best and most necessary options IMO. I'll always use this build when possible.
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AMAZING build, fixed most of my issues and preferences i had with SRB2.
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What Does Dispenser going up do?
First of all, this isn't the right tab to ask this question in. Second of all, if you have the extra tsourdt3rd pk3 loaded, it basically just spawns a TF2 dispenser.
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what is sonic CD mode?
This isn't exactly the tab to ask this question in. With that being said though, it basically just turns flickies into flowers, like in Sonic CD.
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what version is this currently for
While I appreciate the review, the discussions tab would be the best place to discuss this issue. With that being said, this build is currently for 2.2.10, but will be ported to 2.2.11 sometime between today and the next 3 months.
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honestly the best srb2 client imo
I'm glad you like it.
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don't press read me
you get sigsegv'd
That's not supposed to happen, sorry lol
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Absolutely amazing addition to the uncapped exe resource! I love the added discord rich presence and mod autoloader as well as the ability to redirect save files into folders. the only reason I'm not giving a full five stars is because I thought the discord invite feature would work without me port forwarding the game (like SRB2K does).
got me to finally make an account after lurking for sevenish years to leave this review.
Discord invites aren't what allows people to join Kart without port forwarding. Instead, its a feature called holepunching that allows that. Of course, holepunching has already been ported to this build too, but in the current version, it doesn't work. The next version, however, should allow holepunching to work pretty much smoothly, so you'll just have to wait for that version. Besides from that though, I'm glad you like the build.
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It's better now
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This is actually outstanding, (sorry for the complain from 2.3) I like the features that i can invite people with discord so i can play with the boys, and add custom songs into the game! (still having issues with the lump but still really good)
I'm still very sorry about that 2.3 issue by the way, so your complaint was very much warranted. I'm glad you're enjoy the custom build though, and if you need any help with adding lumps, try to follow along with the tutorial in the overview.
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this custom build is pretty awesome, and has some cool additions, i get way more resynchs with this than regular uncapped. though that is minor, it happens frequently enough to the point it's annoying. on the other hand, preventing the same file from being loaded multiple times is a very smart feature, and it's even saved me from breaking an addon by having multiple instances of it. unfortunately, this feature doesn't check for music wads, so it wont let me add multiple of the same music wad at once. overall, pretty cool
Hey, about the resynch issue. Until 2.2.11 comes out, there's not exactly going to be a proper way to fix this. However, there'll be an update pushed out sometime tonight that looks to solve some of these big resynch issues that everyone's been having. Sorry for the inconvenience, but asides from that, I'm glad you enjoy the build.
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I like it. a lot, its really nice having so much customization and freedom with how my game looks and feels. only complaint is that it seems to really not like models, (that my just be my computer though.) as any time i try and play the game with models on my framerate is lowered to a fraction of what it is normally.
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