
Whirlwind Shield could use a passive ability like pushing nearby badniks away whenever players backpedal from running at high speeds, much like how Elemental Shield currently spawns a damaging flame trail.
I like it because it sounds like a 90s cartoon
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Don't know if it's just me but I think the invincibility theme sounded better pre 2.2, would be great if it gets updated in some future update


I like it because it sounds like a 90s cartoon
I had this idea/shower thought I wrote in my obsidian vault that I think would be an amazing but large project that would make setting up mods and servers very easy for people who don't know how to create and launch a cohesive mod pack. It would require an repo of all mods with the bandwidth to support mass download requests but if done will make modding so much easier and accessible. I would love this for kart the most but SRB2 would like it as well.

I might not know what I'm talking about sometimes so take this idea with an entire can of salt.

SRB2 Mod Repo Shopping and Loading:
#sonicRoboBlast2 #idea

# The ultimate way to host a server under no limits with ease!
This is a website that has a repo containing many mods to be used in a server that can be downloaded and used by hosts and players, skipping the 50mb download limit for connecting players. It also has the capability to help you make a server with any combination of mods avalable in the repo through curating selection features and cfg, soc, and other configs file builder. It also can help you make any mod configs that you may need if you want to tweek your server even further such as a soc selecter so that you can rearange or even add/remove maps from the pack and launch commands that can be searched by mod or name to set the game up on launch. 

## Step 1: The Mod Shop
When you go on the website, you can start selecting which mods you want to add to a server in a similar way to how [vanilla tweeks]( and [Google Fonts]( works.  Once you have your mods selected, the nessasary packs are downloaded and a respective cfg file(s) is included to make launching those mods easier. 

### Bonus features:
* The shop will tell you about mod conflictions you have with current selections.
* For characters, have an optional download for any 3D models for characters in your pack.
* A config step where you can select vanilla and modded server side config options for your pack.

This next sections are stubs! Update when more information is known!


## Step 2: Hosting
I don't know much yet but basically you should launch the game or use the cfg files to load your mods, and you need to link to the mega repo so other players can download the mods you are playing with. 

# Making the site
The website needs the repo that can be requested to download mods as well as the mod shop features.
More "client side" options for mods.
For an example for what I'm talking about, you can use music packs, huds and palletes in multiplayer without the owner loading them.
Something like custom textures in multiplayer would be really nice, for me atleast.
Now that 2.2.11 is almost out, I do believe it is time for the team to define just what the goals are for version 2.2.12. I have a few ideas.

1). Explore the possibilities of UDMF (texture scaling, separate brightness values for walls, ect...).
2). Have Eidolon reveal the progress on the rewritten hardware renderer and assess whether it will be realistic to commit it during the release cycle.
3). Solve lingering issues with the Software engine and optimize it more.
4). Identify areas where the Lua interpreter can still be optimized (for the purpose of facilitating the creation ever of more complex custom assets).
5). Fix as many bugs as possible. A game that barely has bugs at all is a rare gem these days and it would be great to see FOSS games lead the way.

My 2 cents anyway.
  • Add a way to put a dedicated server in sleep mode when the server is empty (pause and only unpause if the server has more than 0 players)
  • Fix leavebug kthxbye
I think I've already suggested an official launcher to be distributed with the game for future versions that lets you load the game with mods already enabled and such before, it occurs to me that a fantastic feature for such a launcher would be for it to come bundled with a tab for browsing and downloading addons that are uploaded to the MB for convenience. This way, even if someone downloads the game from the main website without being aware of/interested in the forums, they have easy access to the community addon content bundled into the main download.

Also a server browser tab that can detect which addons you need to join a server before you even launch the game, as well as information such as game type, map, player count, etc. An option to set individual servers as favorites so you can find them again when they're up in the future would be nice too.
I'm starting to think the Adventure Sonic's falling death animation should be universal. Just slamming into the invisible hurtbox that's supposed to be a pit you fall into just looks weird in 3D in my opinion.

The death animation in regular circumstances looks weird too IMO with how the character just clips into the floor. I wonder if there could be a way for the sprite/model to ignore z-buffer when in the death animation to avoid this, so it's always on the top layer and properly looks like it 'falls off the screen' like in 2D Sonic.
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A way to check secrets checklist on a completed save game without having to return to main menu would be nice.
Could a lua function be added to change the camera control mode? Autorun sections in levels usually only work well in Strafe/Manual mode and my TAS script can't enforce the mode a replay was setup for. (also I think the settings refer to it as analog I think which should be unified at some point)
While using a command works in normal play, both record attack and Marathon Mode don't allow these.
Hide & Seek mode should not prevent players from joining after hide time, it should let them join, auto tag them then finish the level instead so they wouldn't have to wait for the round to be over before they can join when there's no other players in the server.
One ring challenge mode where you have to survive an entire act, zone, or game on one single ring. The story could be a big magnet was built by Robotnik to steal all the rings at once to keep them out of Sonic's hands to make him easier to defeat. Then one ring appears, possibly from another dimension or maybe like SatAM with the generator under the lake that makes one ring every 24 hours. Anyway this sets up a unique situation where Sonic or whoever you play as would have to beat the game on one single ring. That means if you get hit, you drop the ring and you need to grab it before it disappears. If that happens, you need to survive on no rings at all and avoid getting hit. Maybe have a secret area in the last level where all the rings are being held and once you find it, you can go super and with all your rings can stay in your super form for an extended period of time, long enough to finish off the final boss. Or you could challenge the final boss with a single ring or no rings at all for the ultimate challenge!
The story could be a big magnet was built by Robotnik to steal all the rings at once to keep them out of Sonic's hands to make him easier to defeat.
I mean,Eggman did this kind of a thing in SRB1,though you wouldnt rely on one ring.I do like the concept,but its too much like Ultimate Mode (though that has no rings during the game at all),with one ring,more lives and a new secret area for the diffrence.
One ring challenge mode where you have to survive an entire act, zone, or game on one single ring. The story could be a big magnet was built by Robotnik to steal all the rings at once to keep them out of Sonic's hands to make him easier to defeat. Then one ring appears, possibly from another dimension or maybe like SatAM with the generator under the lake that makes one ring every 24 hours. Anyway this sets up a unique situation where Sonic or whoever you play as would have to beat the game on one single ring. That means if you get hit, you drop the ring and you need to grab it before it disappears. If that happens, you need to survive on no rings at all and avoid getting hit. Maybe have a secret area in the last level where all the rings are being held and once you find it, you can go super and with all your rings can stay in your super form for an extended period of time, long enough to finish off the final boss. Or you could challenge the final boss with a single ring or no rings at all for the ultimate challenge!
type "ultimate" in the save file selection screen
type "ultimate" in the save file selection screen
You dont type it in Data Select,since it doesnt feature the button for Console commands (so what you said was 50% misinformation). You shuld type it on the title screen or on the main menu since there you can open Console Commands.
You dont type it in Data Select,since it doesnt feature the button for Console commands (so what you said was 50% misinformation). You shuld type it on the title screen or on the main menu since there you can open Console Commands.


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