
speaking of hexen, something like what it or strife does with a map exit flag for no transition fade between levels would be nice. both sonic 3-style with the results screen and act title cards and also an option for half life-style i.e. no transition screens at all.
obviously would be good for sonic 3-style act 2s and maybe even for entire games wanting to feel like one smooth experience between maps. as far as score goes whatever your bonus is could just be automatically added with the cash register sound effect or whatever.
and i know this could get complicated with the game having to know where players exited to know where to spawn them but this has been done in zdoom
i hope the potential of this speaks for itself. like imagine a 3d 3&k remake with not only seamless transitions between acts but entire zones so the entire game feels like a journey from A to B.

but idk, this might all already be possible with udmf anyway.
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if srb2 is using the doom engine, why not mod sonic into regular doom
Making Sonic into regular Doom aint related to SRB2. Here,we are talking about improve suggestions for this game and SRB2MB,not some other game.

Besides,we can just recreate regular Doom's levels and put them in SRB2.
When are you going to update SRBX and remove the Christmas theme and make the game longer than V0.10
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SRBX is really cool!
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replace the character sprites with SRBX models. That would be sick!!
Now hear me out,because I have a problem with current suggestions: They say things that dont make sense at all or they are impossible to do. Suggestions were 1."make Sonic into Doom Engine", 2." Do a Sega Saturn Sytled Soundtrack Mod", or 3."replace character sprites with SRBX models".

These are answers to them which can make them be quiet:
Suggestion 1.
I already explained in a reply to Nerd123.

Suggestion 2.
If you suggest a Sega Saturn Sytled Soundtrack mod, that would somewhat mean that you asked someone to make a thing for you,hence the Rule 15 Violation.

Suggestion 3.
The game cant look too much like SRBX.These 2 games must stand out from each other,especially SRB2 since it was developing for 25 years at this year and its holding up to this day. SRBX however is a diffrent story.

These kind of suggestion are ones which i dont like at all. The only one suggestion which was actually the one from Tabu,which i liked because he had a suggestion which had some actual sense. I hope the thread will get better suggestions soon.
When are you going to update SRBX and remove the Christmas theme and make the game longer than V0.10
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SRBX is really cool!
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replace the character sprites with SRBX models. That would be sick!!
SRBX is not being developed by Sonic Team Junior. In the past they have said that they themselves would not make a sequel.
SRBX is also being solely developed by SSNTails.

As for an actual suggestion, I'd say adding the SRB1 remake back would be a good idea. Because the SRB1 installation in the archived versions section of the website is partly broken because it is missing a DLL, and someone might not have the knowledge to find the DLL.
And it would be nice to see context to the events of SRB2 without having to download anything else. Still make it unlockable, though.
As for an actual suggestion, I'd say adding the SRB1 remake back would be a good idea. Because the SRB1 installation in the archived versions section of the website is partly broken because it is missing a DLL, and someone might not have the knowledge to find the DLL.
And it would be nice to see context to the events of SRB2 without having to download anything else. Still make it unlockable, though.
Honestly while SRB1 is big history for SRB2, neither the game or the story were honestly really all that great. I'm fine with the idea of the campaign being kept as a separate addon rather than an unlockable, and instead they could update the intro cutscene to include a brief recap of the first game so that new players are caught up to speed.
Honestly while SRB1 is big history for SRB2, neither the game or the story were honestly really all that great. I'm fine with the idea of the campaign being kept as a separate addon rather than an unlockable, and instead they could update the intro cutscene to include a brief recap of the first game so that new players are caught up to speed.
I mean,the intro cutscene did mention Eggman's defeat from SRB1 and it passed 2 months ago since that,but your right with the suggestion. To my knowledge, Intro Cutscene for SRB2 wasnt updated after they re-did the cutscene at the time 2.2 released,which was *ahem* 3 years ago. So it would be a nice addition to update the Intro Cutscene,probably at the time for SRB2 2.2.11 releases.Not the dev build,but when it actually releases.
Changing the intro is probably out of scope for 2.2.11. And it's not like 3 years is long considering the previous intro was introduced in Final Demo which was released in 2003.
You are basically asking for changing something in a minor version because you feel 3 years is long even considering that the previous intro lasted for 15 years and was there for 3 major versions.
Not saying it's impossible but it's very unlikely to be changed before 2.3(if it change the intro).
Changing the intro is probably out of scope for 2.2.11. And it's not like 3 years is long considering the previous intro was introduced in Final Demo which was released in 2003.
You are basically asking for changing something in a minor version because you feel 3 years is long even considering that the previous intro lasted for 15 years and was there for 3 major versions.
Not saying it's impossible but it's very unlikely to be changed before 2.3(if it change the intro).
It wasnt because of that,the real reason was to give new players the way how we got to SRB2 by making a short recap of SRB1,and then the plot of SRB2.In that way, new players introduced to SRB2 discover the existance of SRB1 and what was the story at that point,and also getting back into current story with SRB2 part.And also,to not change the cutscene entierly.

To complete my suggestion for the cutscenes,now im gonna finish it.The parts of 2.2 cutscene can stay,but i will give out that SRB1 portion of the cutscene could be way shorter,so the cutscene wont be too long.Besides,most of the newcomers i met never watched the intro cutscene,so im gonna say the length of cutscene can be middle length(maybe around 4 minutes); SRB1 Recap in begining,the introduction of Black Rock to destruction of Greenflower Mountain in the middle, and Team Sonic finding out where to start their journey at the end.

Since you thinked i was going to say this suggestion just because it was a 3 year long gap between 2.2 and 2.2.10, im just gonna say that im not forcing it to be in a minor update. I can write an litreal Bible text if i want to go in details a LOT, but im just gonna simplify it in this way.
I got 2 suggestions 1. combine any 2 partners together like sonic advance (for example Tails and Knuckles, Sonic and Knuckles). 2. Mix in a few 2D sections into the zones (Like Mario Odyssey but without the 16-bit)
honestly i think knuckles could use his sa2 ORAORAORA move. though not to dig up treasures, but to divebomb enemies/monitors and get a huge vertical momentum boost he could then use to keep gliding. would be a skill-based way to keep yourself in the air, and otherwise obviously just a good way to get down fast which knux currently doesn't have imo.
Welcome to the SRB2 Suggestions topic. Before you post, there are a few things you should know:

1. We know this is a really large topic spanning over 6 years of posts, but try searching to see if your suggestion has been posted before and see if anything comes up. You don't want to beat a dead horse, after all.
2. Please keep discussion to a minimum. If something is going to involve a detailed and long discussion longer than 30-40 posts, please post in a new topic in SRB2 Discussion.
3. Keep discussion of other's ideas civil. You knew this already, though.

Remember that there is absolutely no guarantee that we'll use anything posted in here. We do read this topic for general opinions of what SRB2 lacks, of course, but no promises.
A bit late, but you should add something like sprites and models changing angle with the slopes, like in the classic physics mod. It would be really cool! Also loops would be cool but I can't code so do whatever
maybe a directX video option for the windows version that would use directX for graphics so the game would look better but then md3s would have to be ported to directx either using a converter or doing it manually. anyways this would be a good idea!
Control bind presets that you can toggle back and forth between so that you can have separate control setups for different people on the same PC, or just want to quickly and easily swap for first person character mods and regular characters.
Please Give me two!

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