StephChars v3 - Bold & Brash Update

StephChars v3 - Bold & Brash Update v3

really all he can do is punch and climb or stick to walls, sticking isnt very useful and taunt... useless probably
What do you expect him to do? Pull a gun out of nowhere and shoot at his enemies?
At least appreciate the work and effort which was put in the character,not talk like how his moveset is gonna make him a bad character.

Also,the Taunt is there for fun and mostly for Multiplayer Modes, so its not useless.
ok i dont plan to start drama but basically skip n jana had their unique mechanics like scrap/saber & dash, but kou pretty much reuses another char steph made's punching and can climb like knux (hes the knux counterpart basically)
although its been 5 months since his reveal so im probably underestimating the update
and yes i do appreciate the work for the sprites and special effects since they always look great
lets not make this a big argument (i wouldnt want that its a pain to look at dramatic stuff going on)
quick edit: hold up ima watch the trailer again
quick edit 2: he can also do some sorta dive attack and a stomp if he falls from high enough, probably am underestimating (and breakdance)
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ok i dont plan to start drama but basically skip n jana had their unique mechanics like scrap/saber & dash, but kou pretty much reuses another char steph made's punching and can climb like knux (hes the knux counterpart basically)
although its been 5 months since his reveal so im probably underestimating the update
and yes i do appreciate the work for the sprites and special effects since they always look great
lets not make this a big argument (i wouldnt want that its a pain to look at dramatic stuff going on)
quick edit: hold up ima watch the trailer again
quick edit 2: he can also do some sorta dive attack and a stomp if he falls from high enough, probably am underestimating (and breakdance)

Also, don't be so quick to judge when the mod isn't even out yet, that's such a silly thing to do.
oh crap, i've unintentionally started drama... felt somewhat like it lol
either way i don't feel like dragging this on
bye, now we wait for the release
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2 and a half years after the release of Jana, and people (like me:threat:) still pretty much ship them--
I hadn't noticed up until now since I use LonelyFoxz model, but why does Skip's super form have a halo?

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