No, no, you silly fools, Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 are too advanced and require GOOD PCs to run... I have actually been using Quake 3 Arena, as I think it has a nice balance between pretty and required power.
And no, there will not be any more SRB2 stuff from me. Sorry.
I've become too busy lately, but not because real life has set in yet... I've actually been working on programming Kid Radd and my little "SRB3 Arena" (the name won't stay, of course. I don't even want it to be associated with SRB2, mostly for the complete lack of ringslingers and first person mode) projects...
What is Kid Radd? See my sig. I am programming the first 30 comics into an actual game. But not a crappy RPG or anything like that. The game the comic is depicting. It is going fairly quickly because, while I am making it from scratch, it is but a simplistic 2D 8-bit game... Easily enough programmed, and I have plenty of resources available to me.
Unfortunately, my Q3A mod isn't as lucky. I have almost nothing to work with, just the Sonic model with the huge forehead and Q3A's built-in stuff...
I can't model, can't skin (outside of very well done but basic edits, like making a more suitable Super Sonic skin by making the normal Sonic skin gold instead of blue...), can't make music, textures, or maps...
Well, I can try at all of these, of course. I have the tools and ability to do so (except for modeling, which I tried in the past and failed and never bothered to get the tools for again after I lost them...) and I am skilled very well in .shader scripts... But...
All I am is a programmer. Without help, I can make nothing. And noone can help me. Doesn't that suck? So I make Kid Radd... At the very least, I have sprites and music for it already...