Simple coder girl
in STB there will be 3 main modes
singleplayer campaign: 8 stages with different gimmicks, reach the required lines to go to the next stage
endless mode: the classic way to play Tetris
netgame match: make lines to send garbage blocks to opponents and defeat them
right/left = move the piece
weapon next/prev = rotate the piece
down = soft drop (the piece falls faster)
space = sonic drop (the piece is immediately snapped to the end of the grid, but it can still be moved)
space (when hold for a bit) = hard drop (the piece is immediately snapped to the end of the grid and its placed)
spin = holds the piece
coming soon
singleplayer campaign: 8 stages with different gimmicks, reach the required lines to go to the next stage
endless mode: the classic way to play Tetris
netgame match: make lines to send garbage blocks to opponents and defeat them
right/left = move the piece
weapon next/prev = rotate the piece
down = soft drop (the piece falls faster)
space = sonic drop (the piece is immediately snapped to the end of the grid, but it can still be moved)
space (when hold for a bit) = hard drop (the piece is immediately snapped to the end of the grid and its placed)
spin = holds the piece
coming soon
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