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    • NavoThyRiokin replied to the thread Ring Racers Suggestions.
      Being able to see how many free character slots left when loading character addons. Could be useful in case you don't want to be...
    • NavoThyRiokin replied to the thread Combi-Rings Lock-On Pack.
      A nitpick I have with one with the characters in this pack is that the Slugcat sounds are a little too quiet. Other than that, fun set...
    • Stepping on this specific purple gem floor in Mt. Terracentro in the wrong place can possibly get you softlocked (done on the arcade...
      • srb20000.png
    • I'm not exactly sure how you're supposed to get the Cyan Emerald as Sonic alone or as Amy. It seems that you are meant to climb up and...
    • NavoThyRiokin reacted to ERROR2401's update for resource GlitchPak with Cool! Cool!.
      so I was making Artificer a while ago but got sidetracked with the Missingno. designs, however now I have finished the Artificer. also...
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