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    • ERROR2401 replied to the thread GlitchPak.
      ERROR2401 updated GlitchPak with a new update entry: another mistake Read the rest of this update entry...
    • ERROR2401 updated the resource GlitchPak with another mistake.
      forgot to remove a red line from artificer's sprites. Fun fact, I use a red line to keep heights of various things in the sprites...
    • ERROR2401 replied to the thread GlitchPak.
      ERROR2401 updated GlitchPak with a new update entry: Artificer + Slugcats sounds redone Read the rest of this update entry...
    • so I was making Artificer a while ago but got sidetracked with the Missingno. designs, however now I have finished the Artificer. also...
    • ERROR2401 replied to the thread GlitchPak.
      ERROR2401 updated GlitchPak with a new update entry: Snowlbino tweaks Read the rest of this update entry...
    • ERROR2401 updated the resource GlitchPak with Snowlbino tweaks.
      I've tweaked a bunch of Snowlbino/missingno's sprites, as the only thing that moved on the looking sprites was the head, and the hurt...
    • ERROR2401 replied to the thread GlitchPak.
      ERROR2401 updated GlitchPak with a new update entry: Another Missingno? Read the rest of this update entry...
    • ERROR2401 updated the resource GlitchPak with Another Missingno?.
      yeah, I have 3 Missingno.. designs. This one's meant to be the one Missingno. that can be traded to gen 2 to become a Lugia... somehow.
    • ERROR2401 replied to the thread [Open Assets] Kart Builder.
      Is there a chance for support for Libresprite?
    • ERROR2401 replied to the thread GlitchPak.
      ERROR2401 updated GlitchPak with a new update entry: Fixed Vantark/Missingno's gloat SFX Read the rest of this update entry...
    • Somehow, in between putting it in the folder and converting it to wad to PK3, it somehow got deleted or something.
    • ERROR2401 replied to the thread GlitchPak.
      ERROR2401 updated GlitchPak with a new update entry: Now there's the namesake. Read the rest of this update entry...
    • ERROR2401 updated the resource GlitchPak with Now there's the namesake..
      so I added missingno. However, this isn't the glitch block missingno everyone's used to, this is my own design.
    • ERROR2401 replied to the thread GlitchPak.
      Oh! that'd be great, I don't exactly have ring racers on my computer, but I rather play it on a different device so it's hard for me to...
    • ERROR2401 replied to the thread GlitchPak.
      ERROR2401 updated GlitchPak with a new update entry: Saint Read the rest of this update entry...
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