Sonic Robo Blast 2 the Past Version 2.0

[Open Assets] Sonic Robo Blast 2 the Past Version 2.0 2.0.17

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Heya, I have an idea for the SAGE 2000 GFZ Unlock Method:
1 - You do classic 1.04 springing to the zone of Unlock
2 - Find out that there is a wall instead
3 - Find a button on the Hub change place in the Hub
4 - Press the button and go to "Special Stage 8"
5 - Beat the stage and get 2000 Emblem
6 - Do step 1
7 - See that the wall is gone
8 - Press the button and get teleported to SAGE 2000 GFZ
Heya, I have an idea for the SAGE 2000 GFZ Unlock Method:
1 - You do classic 1.04 springing to the zone of Unlock
2 - Find out that there is a wall instead
3 - Find a button on the Hub change place in the Hub
4 - Press the button and go to "Special Stage 8"
5 - Beat the stage and get 2000 Emblem
6 - Do step 1
7 - See that the wall is gone
8 - Press the button and get teleported to SAGE 2000 GFZ
2000 emblems?
Yeah, I think the normal unlock method is fine for the SAGE demo GFZ...
And I found out that:
When I want to enter the vent place to enter the abandoned museum of 1.01 - 1.08 in a server the game runs a Segment Violation. It's way too annoying to need L1 perms to noclip walls and go to the museum by cheating. Is there any way to fix it
Just some pictures for the Stage (FakeRTX.ini Disabled):
srb2win 1.png
srb2win 2.png
srb2win 3.png
srb2win 4.png
srb2win 5.png

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(FakeRTX Activated):
srb2win 8.png
srb2win 9.png
srb2win 10.png

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No idea, and the old museum is technically not intended for netganes currently.
You mispelled netgames lmfao
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2000 emblems?
Yeah, I think the normal unlock method is fine for the SAGE demo GFZ...
Not 2000 emblems. The name is 2000 emblem (as a joke related to the fact I was talking about SAGE 2000 GFZ)
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The Stage was supposed to be a GFZ Escape like zone.
Just when I uploaded the post of the method I thinked of using that Stage and adapt it to the method.
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Hey glaber
I know this is getting large but
I just wanted to tell you I made a 2.1 to 2.2 pack (its just purchasable, im going to giveaway you by dm on gmail)
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For breaking into the old building.
Hey,it looked interesting to me! My curiousity couldnt be handled without getting into the building itself.

Also,im pretty sure completing Amagmal with this time is normal
I am on the recommended 2.2.10 version and have numerous issues involving lua errors, really sad I can't play through much of this because of it.
Is anyone else having several soft-locks?

I finally barely managed to get to the end of the Metal Sonic's final challenge, but when Metal Sonic cheats, he actually cheats via a lua error and staying in a charging up orange animation and doing nothing, even if the other is defeated.
Also got stuck on Deep Sea's boss in TGF even after defeating it with Knuckles with the wall staying up, soft-locking a save forcing me to start a character over.
Most boss rushes can't be completed because the Deep Sea Zone boss stays under and does nothing while being unreachable.
Spike balls and the white grab rings are broken in older versions of Castle Eggman, the list goes on.

How do I fix all of these issues that nobody else seems to be having, did I miss a required file or setting?
What order do I select the addons and what else should I be doing?
If it helps, I have a bunch of log files with one recently that I made a trimmed edit of to point out some errors.


  • srb2 the past
    243.6 KB · Views: 66
I am on the recommended 2.2.10 version and have numerous issues involving lua errors, really sad I can't play through much of this because of it.
Is anyone else having several soft-locks?

I finally barely managed to get to the end of the Metal Sonic's final challenge, but when Metal Sonic cheats, he actually cheats via a lua error and staying in a charging up orange animation and doing nothing, even if the other is defeated.
Also got stuck on Deep Sea's boss in TGF even after defeating it with Knuckles with the wall staying up, soft-locking a save forcing me to start a character over.
Most boss rushes can't be completed because the Deep Sea Zone boss stays under and does nothing while being unreachable.
Spike balls and the white grab rings are broken in older versions of Castle Eggman, the list goes on.

How do I fix all of these issues that nobody else seems to be having, did I miss a required file or setting?
What order do I select the addons and what else should I be doing?
Uhh,the mod works on 2.2.11 perfectly (to me at least),so might use the current version of the game.
I am on the recommended 2.2.10 version and have numerous issues involving lua errors, really sad I can't play through much of this because of it.
Is anyone else having several soft-locks?

I finally barely managed to get to the end of the Metal Sonic's final challenge, but when Metal Sonic cheats, he actually cheats via a lua error and staying in a charging up orange animation and doing nothing, even if the other is defeated.
Also got stuck on Deep Sea's boss in TGF even after defeating it with Knuckles with the wall staying up, soft-locking a save forcing me to start a character over.
Most boss rushes can't be completed because the Deep Sea Zone boss stays under and does nothing while being unreachable.
Spike balls and the white grab rings are broken in older versions of Castle Eggman, the list goes on.

How do I fix all of these issues that nobody else seems to be having, did I miss a required file or setting?
What order do I select the addons and what else should I be doing?
That recommendation is out of date and is no longer part of the overview. Please update to 2.0.14 of srb2 the past for srb2 2.2.11
How do you unlock Sonic Doom 2?
Copied This From NerfPlayeR135:
Complete Metal's Challenge (including History Clash Zone) and the Boss Gauntlet (labeled "Everyone" in the Boss Rush room; unlocked by completing all other Boss Rushes)

Go to the Hints room in the museum, where a vent has come loose in the back-right corner. The ventilation shaft leads to an old, abandoned variant of the museum.
While you're here, head to the SRB1 Badniks section on the second floor. Metal Earless has broken loose from his cage, and he can be pushed into a birdbath, just like the gargoyle in the new museum.
Doing this opens the shutters blocking off access to Sonic Doom 2, which is behind a breakable wall in the Campaigns section of the old museum. (Don't worry, Fang players - you just have to touch the wall to break it.)
Completing Sonic Doom 2 leads to the Grand Credits, and lets you access Sonic Doom 2 from the Campaigns section of the new museum. You can also replay the Grand Credits, as well as Sonic Doom 2's final boss, at any time from the cafeteria in the old museum. Congratulations!
I could've sworn either an older version of this mod or a separate sort of archival mod had an earlier development version of Arid Canyon Act 2, but that doesn't seem to be present here. Is there any reason why? Is it a permissions thing?
You Mean The Arid Canyon Act 2 Museum
I could've sworn either an older version of this mod or a separate sort of archival mod had an earlier development version of Arid Canyon Act 2, but that doesn't seem to be present here. Is there any reason why? Is it a permissions thing
What Songs Even Are These, And How Do I Get Them?
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