is there any way to make the camera zoom further back before settling into the zoomed-out view the mod currently has? to replicate the camera effect from advance 2, how the character'd get near the edge of the screen they're running at, almost leaving behind the camera for a moment- it provides a much greater sense of speed when you trigger boost mode that i feel is a bit missing from the mod at the moment (momentum aside). of course, this is a 3D game rather than a 2D one, so i don't know if it'd work as well, or even look good, let alone be good for the player! but if it hasn't been considered or tried, i feel like it might be worth seeing how or if it works out.
after taking a gander at how exactly advance 2's momentum works, I have a couple other nitpicks- namely, boost mode doesn't provide nearly the speed/acceleration gain it gives in advance 2. Though, you can't really even see how acceleration is affected in this mod- there are many cases in advance 2 where you'd be halted by a vertical set piece- namely off a spring, or those strings in music plant- but you wouldn't lose boost mode, even if you ended up bumping into a wall. As far as I can tell, you simply can't lose boost mode in the air in advance 2 unless you get hit. but that's not the case here- i.e. the tornados in arid canyon strip it from you. I feel it'd make boost mode flow and feel a lot better, in vanilla levels in particular, if the mod mimicked advance 2 more exactly in this detail.
re: speed, meanwhile, I feel like it doesn't need a huge bump, but somewhere around the 50-55 mph area could be good. This may also just be an issue compounded by the aforementioned lack of additional camera movement making boost mode feel a lot less fast. in fact, the camera zooming out as it does may also make the feeling of speed lesser- camera angles in general play a lot into how fast it feels like you're going, when it comes to a 3D game. all things to consider in my eyes.
second nitpick- the slope influence in the mod is way stronger than advance 2's, boost mode or no. Granted I only tested on GF2 and AC1, but i feel confident in saying it certainly felt too strong. Now saying this, I know the momentum mod is a placeholder at the moment, but if you are aiming for sticking close to advance 2's feel, slope influence definitely needs something of a nerf. Not even the most vertical downward runs in advance 2 can shoot you to 100 mph like AC1 can. Of course, SRB2 can't even do super-sharp slopes in its current form, and high speed (and the feeling of it) is naturally different between 2D and 3D games... but still!
third nitpick's a smaller one- red springs should probably launch you into boost mode instantly, since similarly strong springs would do that in advance 2. The one in AC1 I tried got me to it quick, but, just another detail to consider for closer advance 2 accuracy, really.
fourth, the way ring gain in advance 2 affects your speed/speed of boost mode gain. granted i don't remember the details of this mechanic, or even if it's an actual thing?? i'm pretty sure it is. nonetheless! another thing to put in mind.
all this said... take everything i'm saying with a grain of salt! any of this mattering mostly depends on how close exactly you want to get to advance 2- and if it's even doable in lua. it's your mod, and if more precise accuracy isn't your aim, that's just fine! plus, really, exact accuracy shouldn't be the aim at all- like i've said, things, and the feel of things, work very differently between 2D and 3D. what works in advance 2 may not in SRB2!