someone named light bein rude on servers

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Idk what y'all are talking about tbh but he should be banned, Ima just agree he should be banned cause idk why tbh
To sum things up, _Light_ is someone that likes to join servers and harass people. He joins a server then starts to bully people in the server, and starts to ask for mods, and admin. He will call you out for something you didn't do for him like give him mod or add an addon.
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he is 16.
also if he was a child he brought this upon himself
If he is 16, he isn't acting like one.
today was an eventful day... because light (now known as necto) pulled up to my server (even though he had a hard time there before). before then, me and my friend Chavalinx were told the reason of why light was acting the way he did, which is why last night we came up with a plan to get into contact with him. Chava and i would host servers on the ms and if light joined one of them, one of us would tell him that we forgive him. he ended up joining Chavalinx's server on the day of the execution of our plan (today). after Chava told light about everything, light joined my server, although Jesus.B (yes, the one in this exact thread), was there. after light joined the server, Jesus banned him immediately. Chava and i got mad about it and attempted to try again. below is a zip file containing screenshots of half of everything that happened after that (for some reason i couldnt find the original log file so i ended up screenshotting the real-time logs from my discord server. i'll also release another zip file containing the other half of the event sometime soon). i really hope that after this, people wont be insulting light... (or telling him to literally off himself)
Yup,looks like _Light_ has been trying to change for good this time,and for real,before that day,Necto (we will now call him like that) pulled up in my own server,after telling me he was _Light_,he started to explain why he wanted to change,he has gone trough some hard times,many people hates him,many people sends death threats and many people tells him to kill himself....then Jesus.B pulled up,and when discovering that Necto is _Light_,he started to insult it a LOT,Necto didnt wanted problems but Jesus continued,after a time,he got Connection Timeout and didnt came back that day,days later,me and Mint (now known as Apex) have been discussing with Jesus about why he was like that and why he wished so much _Light_'s dead,that didnt go so nice....that same day,at night,the plan was planned,and the next day,the plan started,apparently,Necto has been using some dark colors online as a sign of depression,we were told that his grandma died,we tried to help him,after discussing a LOT with Jesus,we fixed up our problems,for now,hes being a nice guy,and we hope this changes remains.
im back with the rest of everything that happened. but i got tired of screenshotting the messages so i decided to create one beeg text file


  • Lights-Off.txt
    17.3 KB · Views: 68
Ok can we not gossip about one guy who have a personal issues? (Ok sorry if you see this light)
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Yup,looks like _Light_ has been trying to change for good this time,and for real,before that day,Necto (we will now call him like that) pulled up in my own server,after telling me he was _Light_,he started to explain why he wanted to change,he has gone trough some hard times,many people hates him,many people sends death threats and many people tells him to kill himself....then Jesus.B pulled up,and when discovering that Necto is _Light_,he started to insult it a LOT,Necto didnt wanted problems but Jesus continued,after a time,he got Connection Timeout and didnt came back that day,days later,me and Mint (now known as Apex) have been discussing with Jesus about why he was like that and why he wished so much _Light_'s dead,that didnt go so nice....that same day,at night,the plan was planned,and the next day,the plan started,apparently,Necto has been using some dark colors online as a sign of depression,we were told that his grandma died,we tried to help him,after discussing a LOT with Jesus,we fixed up our problems,for now,hes being a nice guy,and we hope this changes remains.
He hasn't changed one bit. sonicsof server is solid proof. Im fucking done with him.
so yea um this is proof that light (aka necto) hasnt changed at all. in my server he lied about having stage 9 cancer, and in Sonicof's Server he kicked people for disagreeing with him. and threatened a friend called nibiru to get along with mental (thats right. hes back.)

also this log file contains everything that happened in Sonicof's Server (i changed my name to DistroKid in there)


  • log-2023-09-25_11-55-18.txt
    17.7 KB · Views: 84
so yea um this is proof that light (aka necto) hasnt changed at all. in my server he lied about having stage 9 cancer, and in Sonicof's Server he kicked people for disagreeing with him. and threatened a friend called nibiru to get along with mental (thats right. hes back.)

also this log file contains everything that happened in Sonicof's Server (i changed my name to DistroKid in there)
wow, this is just, wow. i mean nibiru did say some weird shit at times but, yeah. i didnt expect him to be like this.
so yea um this is proof that light (aka necto) hasnt changed at all. in my server he lied about having stage 9 cancer, and in Sonicof's Server he kicked people for disagreeing with him. and threatened a friend called nibiru to get along with mental (thats right. hes back.)

also this log file contains everything that happened in Sonicof's Server (i changed my name to DistroKid in there)
bruh, can no one be normal anymore?
Why did this had to happen...i really trusted him,i had hopes,yet he manages to dissapoint everyone....once again....why _Light_....why Necto...
Status Update:His Name Is Now Neuro (I Think It Was Neuro) I Saw Him Yesterday With That Name
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If You Ask Me _Light_/Neuro Deserves Nothing But Death,I Hope He Kills Himself
Status Update 2:since we discovered light was lying i have this opinion AGAIN,light deserves the worst
yea light doesnt change, makes sense he was lying
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Status Update 2:since we discovered light was lying i have this opinion AGAIN,light deserves the worst
gonna be real with you, shut the fuck up, you actual dickhead
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how the fuck are you gonna wish death on an 11 year old for being annoying in a sonic game
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you are a fucking disgrace and dont deserve to be here
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I know this sentiment has already been echoed a few times but I genuinely do not understand why this thread has continued to persist for as long as it has. It has essentially devolved into gossiping and hate over a child (I've seen a lot of ages thrown around but highest is 16 which yes is still technically a child). If you don't like the guy, fine. But report him to MS staff if you need to. A continued thread for slandering a kid seems so incredibly ill-willed.
I know this sentiment has already been echoed a few times but I genuinely do not understand why this thread has continued to persist for as long as it has. It has essentially devolved into gossiping and hate over a child (I've seen a lot of ages thrown around but highest is 16 which yes is still technically a child). If you don't like the guy, fine. But report him to MS staff if you need to. A continued thread for slandering a kid seems so incredibly ill-willed.
people have tried, they cant do anything about him tho considering he doesnt host or anything
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also he lied about being 16
people have tried, they cant do anything about him tho considering he doesnt host or anything
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also he lied about being 16
Then it's on either the server hosts to ban him from the ip, or the players on said server to report him to the owner. No need for this gossip.
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