Official Level Design Contest 2021: Round 2

Official Level Design Contest 2021: Round 2 1.4

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Epic stunt srb20003.gif
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So I recorded playthroughs of all the OLDC maps as whatever characters I felt like using (who didn't cause errors or something), and recorded the results... after some technical issues. I'll vote properly later. Watch the playlist for all 5 parts.

I have three Emblems still to find in Bricked Busted Zone but only one is showing on the radar?
I re-entered with Knuckles and now the radar's gone, even though it's turned on. Is this a bug or am I just forgetting how the radar works? It works if I enter other levels...

EDIT: Disregard this post I guess. the map's radar hides emblems from you if you're not playing the specific character for them. I don't necessarily agree with that, but oh well.
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There's a problem with Pineapple Prairie Zone: the anti-gravity water droplets never despawn and tank the framerate after only a few minutes.
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Yeah, that was hard to vote. Every level has something special going on.
Oh well.
Here's my voting.

Follow Your Rainbow by Rogerregorroger
Great, as usual this doofus is more concerned in turning the beloved Sonic Robo blast 2 into one of this cartoons rather then make a cohesive level.
Style over substance, flat overly detailed area's with barely any level design going on.
He still didn't learn to make some area's less cramped, does he ever learn?
The only one as stupid to make this level as this, is tsomeone who votes him number 1.

Bricked Busted Zone by Mikhael Blur
Wow, usually you can tell from the start who the bigger winner is going to be, and huge chance it'll be this one.
The great landscapes, huge area's without any graphical glitches, lot's of different platform challenges.
Nice mix between nature and toyland to keep the visuals dynamic. Incredible stuff, this.
Only problem with these huge levels, they can be overwhelming a bit. Perhaps even over-staying their welcome.
As technically impressive it is to see the level just going and going, I have to admit I was a bit exhausted by the end of it.
Those might cause this level to lose the first spot. Shame, because other then that, this is very much head and shoulders above the competition in quality.

Caustic Crater Zone by Seaballer
I love the aesthetic, the tech base in a coastal cliffside, that's great. Wonderful use of colors.
Very solid levle, has a nice pace, you keep moving, I know where to go, yet it's direct, with specific challenging set pieces and things you need to do.
Just really, really solid. I like it. Got nothing fancy to say, just one of the better level designs.
Kinda weird to have this one up so high, it just felt really pleasing to me for some reason.

Invasion Zone by JABSphere94
Hot darn, these badniks. These badniks.
These are the coolest badniks I ever seen in SRB2.
Usually they're either a joke, or an obnoxious puzzle-esque challenge.
But these are straight up cool. I love them.
Using them in a fast paced City escape esque level design is great too, to keep the player busy during the stretches of road and give the badniks lots of space to manouver.
Intense platforming tough, these badniks can make it very hard.
Yeah, the scenery is very basic, that's a shame. Understandable, this level is huge, and surprisingly stable for it's size.
A super challenging boss on top of that makes it a bit of a bitter pill to finish.
Despite that, just for the cool badniks alone I'm giving this one a lot of points.

Frozen Fissure Zone by Garrean
Now that's cool, a very open level with multeple paths that still retains a feeling of direction and purpose, very platform heavy gameplay yet still clearly designed around Sonic abilities. Very well done. Some cool moments too, love the part at the end, having to dodge incoming bombs on your platform.
Very good design. Level goes on a bit too long tough, with little change in the graphics and an increasing anxiety about the platforms I can't reach, I started to doubt more and more if I was going in the right direction or not. Fortunatly you do change up just enough tricks that I eventually regain confidence again.
Yeah, good intense stuff.

Command Facility Zone
by Twins'R'Okay
Hey, you can't do loops, I was doing that.
Eh, these are way better anyway.
Was so surprised to see the names of Doom levels randomly show up, that was random.
And then, wouldn't you know it, more and more of the rooms in this levels correspond perfectly with Doom's iconic level design.
Huh, so it's a huge tribute to Doom Episode 1 huh? That's a neat surprise, fun to see you translate it's more iconic rooms into Sonic gamedesign.
Some incredible technical feats, the waving slime, the winding slopes and loops. Nice pace and rhytm to this level.
I enjoyed it a lot.
Only nitpicks, if any, is that some area's feel a bit too big and empty for their own good, altough they were always just scenery you didn't have to explore.
Still, it makes gamers suspicious. Yeah, and one weird glitch where you can get trapped in the area where the hidden LMFAOOO trigger is.

Nimbus Lake Zone by Yyeellooww7
Oh, very nice. Beauty in it's simplicity.
Well, simplicity, some effects still have a great impact, going underwater for the first time.
Changing the colormap for a bit can be effective.
Yeah, nice flow, nice gameplay, just plain got stuff, got nothing fancy to say. Pleasant aestetics. Even winter-ey without being an obvious snow level like most.

Lucid Landscape Zone by Othius
Why is it the stones in the grass that impress me so much with the graphics? It's always these small weird things I like.
Yeah, impressively colorful and abstract level. Filled with complex slopes and a fun rollercoaster vibe to the whole thing. Surprisingly straight forward for a level that looks this intimidating and complex. Wish there was a bit more guidance for the player if they missed a ump and fall down, having to start over. With the room with the weird sideways jump you have to make to get to the next sloped area. Hate it when these punihsment routes after players missed a jump don't at least guide the player straight back to the start.
Some incredible technical feats, the wiggling giant platform is amazing in it's complexity. Well done.

Grass Planet Zone by Voidy2246
Yeah, that's the problem being between all these big show off-ey maps while being a perfectly fine straight forward map, you get all the thunder stolen.
Points for using the rope transports, I rarely see them in levels and I know they're a pain to set up.
Solid platform experience.
Nice aesthetic. Not always immediatly clear where to go, tough.

Botanic Space Zone, Act 2 by DeltaSanic
Wow, the moody USA Sonic CD tracks are a perfect fit here, real more atmospheric and surreal mood.
Was a little concerned with the opening area being a bit barren, but as soon as it was clear that was just the "prologue" to the proper level, that went way better.
Nice focused level design. Love the fact you can explode the consoles, get a monitor out of there.
The fact you NEEDED to do so to open doors was very unclear to me for a while tough, even tough you did set up a clean example right at the start. Guess I wasn't really paying attention what really set the door open.
Not helping is that it's a bit inconsistent, some consoles can't be broken, some doors open on their own.
Either way, small irritation, other then that, very good level, nice eye candy.

Junkyard Jeopardy Zone by PhilJFou /// ChaRG
For technical excecution and creative level design ideas and platform challenges, I have to give you a lot of points.
The Mario esque "platforms move when you touch them" gimmicks gives the level a great platforming feel to it, so that's good.
A lot of neat tricks pulled off too, with the slanting platforms and everything. The 2d area was very creative and a satisfying puzzle to think your way trough.
Level can be punishing a lot too. Putting a teleporter to send you back to the early stage without warning is not a good move.
Not to mention the punishment routes, when you miss a jump and fall down.
That's already enough of a punishment, to fall down and work your way back up again.
But then make it a confusing labyrinth where I can barely tell how to get back up, that's a little overkill to punish players. Just kill them off straight then.
Yeah, high quality in creative original set pieces and having original level design ideas, but the execution can be a bit wonky and, tragically, in the end it isn't always fun to play. Would have been better if you focused on one concept, like the 2d area's, perhaps. Now it feels like it was too ambitious for it's own good.

Lofty Woods Zone by Vixuzen
Woa, graphically the level immedaitly leaves a good impression. Rarely the realistic graphics look good in SRB2 instead of muddy and unpleasant, but you nailed it here. Having the bright blue backdrop helps offset the somber brown level textures I think.
Yeah, fun straight forward level. The upside down stuff feels a bit random in this envirement, but oh well. Magical forest, I guess.
The area inside the vertical cave where you have to platform up is neat, rarely see these vertical focused platform area's in SRB2.
Probably for good reason, it's a pain to do, but still impressive for you to pull it off.
I wish the punishment for falling off wasn't so severe, at the very least have a quick way to get back to the start. Just dropping the player in a confusing maze is a bit overkill in punishment.

Pineapple Prairie Zone by SupaCustardbro
A very Nintendo-ey level, not just in aesthetics and music but level design as well.
And gains the advantages of those. Little to no messing around, pure design, pure platform challenges, giving the level a very tight and arcadey feel to it, which is nice. It's pretty solid and well done.
Only issue I might have, and this is nitpicking, is that it feels like this level should have just have 2 or 3 gimmicks or platform challenge styles at most.
Now the type of obstacle you're dealing with constantly changes, causing the level to lack some kind of coherent theme.
Usually I don't mind this that much when the SRB2 levels are more about being a vast experience, but with a very tight gameplay focused stage like this, it kinda sticks out.
Especially wish the Sonic Adventure esque moment with going trough obstacle filled tunnel was more of a recurring theme that kept escalating in challenge.

Digital Deluche Zone by RoyKirbs
Unique level theme, great music.
A lot of incredible technical feats like the organic sloped floors. Lot's of nice designed platform challenges, while sticking to a theme.
I did get lost a few times tough, never a good thing in a Sonic game.
Hah, but that RPG battle in the end, that was a great surprise, and detailed too. Very impressive. Bonus points for that.
Can't always tell what area's are part of the level design and what are just background props or visual flairs tough.
Guess that's the problem with a level aesthetic as this.

Rhyolite Ruin Zone by Radicalicious
Yay, NiGHTS. With multeple loops rather then just one straight levle, that's cool.
Pretty straightforward, but good stuff.
The way the difficulity works for the NiGHTS level is a bit weird tough, usually with NiGHTS, it's either incredibly hard to get all the needed blue chips in the first loop, or it's easy and the challenge comes from players re-doing the loop as many times as possible for the max amount of points.
Here it's super easy to get all the blue chips required to finish the round, yet the loop goes on for some long you probably can't do a second loop.
Then again, I guess that's the challenge right there.
Try finish the second loop.
Either way, yeah, good stuff.

Blue Glacier Zone by BronsoKip
Shame you never got to finish it, there's some hints of brilliance here. Lot's of routes, using the classic upper-route lower route level design routine.
I love how the bridge looks like.
Always the dumb small things I tend to like the most.
But yeah, super short and funished, for obvious reasons. Still, what was there is pretty decent.

Something Zone by Marcos
Cool idea to go trough a medley of all vanilla stages. Some cool twists on it too, love the look of futuristic daytime Eggcorp.
And fun with the axis camera giving the 2d a bit more of a dynamic feel to it.
Level design is a bit all over the place tough. The first area is amazing with the muteple paths and rich looking area's, later on it gets a little more stiff.
Also bit disorientating when the camera is right behind your character, yet the gameplay remains in 2d.
Still, no big deal, I had a good time.

The Twins Palace Zone by Chaolino
Kinda cool when you have your own recurring theme in your levels in each OLDC.
These challenge buildings. I still prefer the Dojo for having a little more atmospheric touches and set pieces, but here having the constant presence of the Twins in the level design does lend it a bit of extra personality.
It's a decent level, some good platforming challenges. Sometimes a bit in lacking of direction tough, which interupts the pacing a bit.
And you always have this typical style of level design I can't quite my finger on why it kinda bothers me.
Too boxy? Not sure what it is. It's roomy enough, but yet never feels like Sonic levels. Hmm.
But that might just be me. Overall this level is pretty good, nothing wrong with it, and in fact a few very nice setpieces. Well done.

Sunset Summit Zone by Entropy
Yet again a perfectly solid level suffering the tragedy of being surrounded by all the other show off-ey maps.
It looks decent, plays nice, it was fun enough to play. Just not too memorable. Altough the swirling skyportal at the last area was cool looking.
Great music. Love the use of balloons, even if they don't really make sense in the level theme. Eh, who cares.
Yeah, pretty decent. Nice warm level.

Powder Park Zone by DakotaSpine
Great aesthetics, love the Sonic 3d blast ey look to it, with the clear path and all that.
Nice, open, smooth.
The problem, if anything, is that it sometimes felt like there wasn't really anything going on, just moving and jumping trough endless area's without their being much of a point to it. I don't know. Could have used more set pieces.
Shame really, it's a good level, as in there's nothing really wrong with it. Just missing a sense of purpose, if that makes sense.
Other then that, just great solid stuff.

Iron Dominion Zone by MK.exe
Aw, I'm not a huge fan of this level aesthetic, the outside cyber area. Altough your color mapping gives it a nicer red/ pinkish energy to it that's nice.
Neat to have a central level gimmick, the pink gob, altough of course it is THE gimmick of the cyber levels.
Neat and clear level challenges, that's good.
I was lost a lot more then I like tough. Not always clear where to go or what to do, eventually giving me the old doom engine headache.
Alas, didn't quite enjoy myself here.
There's a problem with Pineapple Prairie Zone: the anti-gravity water droplets never despawn and tank the framerate after only a few minutes.
View attachment 59175
Thanks for letting us know, as of writing we're currently working on fixing this bug for 2.2.10. As it's a bug with SRB2 itself and not the custom level.
Yeah, that was hard to vote. Every level has something special going on.
Oh well.
Here's my voting.

Make sure you put this in the Contest Voting subfourm so it can count when we count them up.
i was nudged to post my feedback in the main discussion thread

1. Caustic Crater Zone by Seaballer
2. Bricked Busted Zone by Mikhael Blur
3. Digital DeLuche Zone by RoyKirbs
4. Lucid Landscape Zone by Othius
5. Lofty Woods Zone by Vixuzen
6. Grass Planet Zone by Voidy2246
7. Botanic Space Zone Act 2 by DeltaSanic
8. Nimbus Lake Zone by Yyeellooww7
9. Rhyolite Ruin Zone by Radicalicious
10. Follow Your Rainbow by Rogerregorroger
11. Frozen Fissure Zone by Garrean
12. Command Facility Zone by Twins'R'Okay
13. Powder Park Zone by DakotaSpine
14. Invasion Zone by JABSphere94
15. Something Zone by Marcos
16. The Twins Palace Zone by Chaolino
17. Sunset Summit Zone by Entropy
18. Blue Glacier Zone by BronsoKip
19. Pineapple Prairie Zone by SupaCustardbro
20. Iron Dominion Zone by MK.exe
21. Junkyard Jeopardy Zone by PhilJFou/ChaRG

all levels were play-tested with vanilla Sonic.
some maps were additionally tested with Robo-Hood.
Lofty Woods Zone
was also tested with Super Mario.

link to live review VOD here (warning, 7 hours, with some maps re-rated since the airing of this stream):

REVIEWS as-written (in order):

1. Caustic Crater Zone by Seaballer

seems confused about whether or not it wants to be a speed map or a platforming map. does an OK job at mixing the two, but i think it would do a ton better at focusing on primarily one over the other. 50/50ing is just always a mistake from a gameplay perspective in srb2 maps, in my opinion, because you're balancing on a knifes edge—the player might find themselves geared, mentally, for speed, and feel impeded by platforming; or the player might tailor their play for tight platforming, only to be met with run-run sections.

aesthetic is supremely clean. the contrast of the yellow pipes against the dark greys and light green toxic sludge is very, very nice. it looks great. aesthetically, this is a huge win for "Toxic Chemical WastePlant Zone" lovers, and should be praised for it's simple, yet meticulous design elements. the detailing in the map geometry alone elevates it. executes very well on its core gameplay loop, and overall feels very straight-forward. the player can hop in and play without feeling like the map is working against them throughout. there are multiple paths, but they don't cause much confusion due to tight directioning. map is about as long as it needs to be to have as much punch as it can possibly deliver. cute gimmicks with the electro-hazards; golden monitors are new to me, and i don't see them often. the golden magnet/electro shield section was a smart choice!

8/10 -- i thought this map was an absolute winner in this competition. a good balance of gameplay-centric and aesthetics-centric design. could have focused a bit more on some aspects of its gameplay over others (my main complaints being the room with the simple button that opens the door—its a bit awkward in informing the player, and the button feels pointless; and the ending section, with jumps a bit too tight compared to the rest of the map, imo), but is genuinely fun to play and great to look at. a solid map and the strongest entry i've played in this OLDC so far [as of this writing].

2. Bricked Busted Zone by Mikhael Blur
struggles as a consequence of its scale. it is not a simple map, and some of its hazards expect a player to move through the stage in a very particular way (this is especially true for springs and spring sections), which informs a lack of playtesting from other players, possibly as an unfortunate oversight (because the stage is so big!!!!!!!!!!!). many of the hazards and areas of the map can be skipped by what seems like complete accident, and the map seems very breakable with anyone with vertical movement abilities; this is a tails wasteland most likely

extremely large, intricate, high effort map with a lot of careful, meticulous map design, environmental design, aesthetic choice and focus going into every element of the map, including pathing, directioning, with a general awareness of what the player might be interacting with at every point of the map in terms of its gameplay. looks very pretty, is very large, likely will not be completely explored by a player in a single or even a few playthroughs.

7.3/10 -- extremely high effort map, but misses the mark with some of its gameplay. aesthetic choice is very sound, and the music slaps, but unfortunately, the music isnt what is being rated here. weigh this map as 7.2 in the event of a tie or a close one with a 7.25 map (but make sure to weigh them closely before making this decision)

3. Digital DeLuche Zone by RoyKirbs
not really platforming-centric? kind of heavily leaned on its gimmicks to deliver gameplay to the player. aesthetic is a bit one-note, and the high contrast can become a bit grating over time.

very FUN gimmicks that effectively deliver gameplay to the player. lots of moving slopes, enjoys the simplicity of that gimmick, and executes on it well. the skyboxes pair with the map geometry nicely creating a cohesive environmental game plan. a lot of creativity and cuteness packed into a relatively short and straightforward map. linear, but not in a bad way.

7 -- fun map, though gimmick-heavy. ball-sections were unfortunately skippable due to gaps near the walls! i enjoyed it, and it was overall good. a strong contender in this competition overall.

4. Lucid Landscape Zone by Othius
deceptively linear. from my perspective, it's not very straightforward that the exploration is available to the player. it is a very cool path from start to end, but the path is very clearly defined, so much so that it can make it challenging for the player to naturally discover the rest of the map on their own unless they're overwhelmed by the spectacle of the environment. some of the platforming is chunky and needed more playtesting to smooth out the experience. anti-grav (im biased) is a cheap gimmick. i hate it lmao.

environmentally insane. pushes the limits of what the "new" slope technology can display in terms of map geometry. very clearly defined architectural design of the map that sometimes transcends the natural order of the game's engine. the game struggles to keep up with what the map's capabilities explain to the player, and this is part of the map's strength in terms of pure spectacle. very fun to look at, and would do extremely well in very modern-sonic-centric gameplay, which is rare (but becoming more popular) for srb2 maps.

7.25/10 -- there are clear strengths of this map that serve as a triumph of the addition of slopes, and the absolute slaying of the big M himself. unfortunately, the gameplay can be a bit lackluster (at least as informed by my two playthroughs of the map as Sonic). very likely problematic for other characters, especially if they lack the ability to take advantage of the extreme slopes. the anti-grav feels like a good method to extend the map design by using the ceiling as another section. it's clever. but there are issues—and sometimes outright bugs—that impede gameplay enough for me to feel like the potential of an 8 or 9 is impossible in the map's current state.

-- note, was informed of a no-spin route, but i still feel similarly despite this knowledge. rate within 7-7.5 when matched against maps in its range.

5. Lofty Woods Zone by Vixuzen
aesthetic was very bland. very one-note texturing, almost like a final-demo map. i personally like that style only for nostalgic purposes; for maps in the modern era, it's just not enough to compete, aesthetically. environment was pretty hot-swappable; the trees and mountanous sorta vibe wasn't at all necessary in terms of the map design itself, and could've been anything. anti-grav sections did not make sense with the environment choice.

extremely fun slope-centric platforming. was "linear" in that there was a clear path for the player to take, but the areas were open enough that the platforming was open-ended, varied, and fun at all times. a lot of care was taken in making sure the platforming made sense, even when the verticality was maximized in the cavernous area of the map with the pillar in the middle. made for a good challenge as a non-vertical character like sonic, and felt varied enough with vertical characters (mario was used here) that the experience was similarly fun, but varied enough that replayability seems to be this map's strong suit, and would almost certainly win this competition (as played so far) if the aesthetics were as strong as its platforming.

6.75/10 -- my personal favorite in terms of gameplay, though i may be over-rating this due to my personal bias in favor of gameplay over aesthetics. weigh this more toward 6.25-5 range when comparing with other maps. [personal note] please keep in mind aesthetic choices also concern a great deal of effort, and should be weighed similarly heavily to maps that have strong platforming or gameplay sections, but not any aesthetic prowess displayed.

6. Grass Planet Zone by Voidy2246
this map was re-rated several times during the writing of this review; it is being posted as it was originally written.
also, this map was completed with both Sonic and Robo-Hood.

relies exclusively on gravity-flipping, which is probably the least-accessible stupid gimmick in this stupid-ass game. i hate this gimmick so much. i wish they wouldn't force my dumbass camera to stay unflipped while im upside-down twiddling my thumbs in the upsidedown world like "ohhhhh shit did i just enter mirrorland? where am i? did i accidentally fade into the void? lmao!" i dont understand why people continue to use anti-gravity like it's not the worst possible gameplay mechanic that could've ever been introduced into this game since the multithok, but here we are in 2022 pretending it's a legitimate design paradigm. i hate it so much. i need the console command that makes it bearable, because my brain hurts right now

interesting aesthetic choice, relies on a singular powerful gimmick throughout the stage and executes on it as best as it possibly can. map is cohesive, and probably fun for the right person. there is clearly a good amount of effort put into this map. linear, but makes the map feel open with its environments.

6.5/10 -- good!!! ???

live quote:
the map is actually probably really good lmao i just dont have the capacity to rate it as-is. actually wait, scratch that; some of the platforming was a bit narrow and nonsense for anyone with vertical movement (could skip most of the map by just flying lol tails xd). and one area of the map blended a critical, non-skippable platforming element (the green balloon) with the rest of the environment. i could see this causing a lot of frustration, especially while forced into the upside-down. im re-rating this as i write it. ok. i think this is fair now.

ok flipgrav helped and i am less angry. it is creative. but please force people to use the flipcam or whatever or else they will cry.

ok more information: apparently the judges deleted the script that forces the flipcam. i apologize to the map maker. i liked the map a lot more when the camera agreed with me.

7. Botanic Space Zone Act 2 by DeltaSanic
underutilized gimmick. the monitor-breaking to "destroy" the factory is cool and could have been more elaborate throughout the map, informing the player more obviously that their action was accomplishing what they wanted it to be accomplishing (map effects are challenging though, so it's understandable this wasn't really done as much as it could've, though more monitor-breaking would've made more sense to me). stage starts out very slow, almost confusingly slow, and doesn't become clear about what it's trying to do until about half-way in. struggles with ambiguity in big open areas like many other maps in this sequence, but overall doesn't lean on them too much so this isn't a huge problem most likely (unless they miss the primary gimmick at the beginning; then this map becomes a nightmare lmao)

aesthetic choice was the strongest with this zone overall in the competition so far (as of this writing), telling a story with the actual map design rather than putting an overemphasis on an overall "feel". informs the player of exactly what kind of message the mapper is conveying with the map in terms of what's going on with an implied map narrative. map is surprisingly large, and flows unusually well, with an interesting gimmick that plays into this narrative.

6.25/10 -- good! it's a good solid map, very nice direction, the mapper clearly thought a lot about how to put this map into rotation while also conveying a message purely from its design. clever! you don't see that very often. unfortunately a bit basic in its design, sometimes cluttered, sometimes too open, and the gimmick is cool but a bit thrown-in, but overall very good; shows promise from the creator for sure. lean 6.3-5 ish if pitted against another

8. Nimbus Lake Zone by Yyeellooww7
linear. not much choice for the player. it's a balancing act to give the player choice while also not confusing them, but this one does definitely kinda heavily lean on just pushing forward and calling it a day. tbh i kinda like that but it's not always a good thing. under-utilization of the gimmicks, kinda wanted to fit in a bunch of stuff (it seemed like) but wasnt able to focus on just one gimmick to execute on, so it felt a bit watered down. some areas of the map felt devoid of action, especially water pits and water areas, lack of objects overall really

clear aesthetic, uses linearity to its advantage by creating the feeling of open space with its environmental design, rather than creating ambiguous pits of direction and choice for the player to figure out on their own. some nice gimmicks like buttons to increase water elevation for platforms, overall very lovely feeling atmosphere

6.25/10 -- very good map, very clear strong improvement from this map creator; they're only getting better and better

9. Rhyolite Ruin Zone by Radicalicious
aesthetically bland compared to a lot of maps nowadays. very one-note "lava level" which is alright but not anything particularly compelling, though this might be biased because lava levels are always kinda boring to me in particular.

tight spaces work against the player almost all the time, and not in a precision kinda way, but in a "oh god i really wish i had more space to use this engine lmao" kinda way. i breezed through it on the second try because im kinda a god at this game lmao? but the average player might not have as much success on their playthroughs. nights in srb2 (imo) excells when there's plenty of open space sections to be kinda crazy with it, and this required tightness almost 100% of the way through the map, with lots of sections broken up with hazards or walls to bump into. not fun! (unless you're a god, like me)

some of the MARE were so close to each other it felt confusing as to which axis i was on. my brain

nights stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very well-thought-out nights stage, multiple MARE, had a clear beginning, middle, and end portion and felt like the mapper understood the paradigm they were working in. tons of potential

6.25/10 -- love me some nights, but i miss botanic serenity. i am biased!

10. Follow Your Rainbow by Rogerregorroger
Did not flow very well, gimmicks were funny but sometimes felt shoehorned in, exploration heavy but not much to be gained from exploring beyond funny art assets (which is a pro but also a con)

A creative triumph, very silly, artistically sound, very clear direction in what the creator wanted to accomplish with the map (I think)

6/10 -- good!

11. Frozen Fissure Zone by Garrean
much of the level feels designed for sonic. consequentially, any vertical character will be able to breeze through it, and sonic will suffer almost exclusively. it feels like it's possible forcing the character into sonic might have been a good design choice for this one, though the directioning for a lot of the more open sections became enough of an issue that the player (me) would believe it's possible they're going in circles. some of the areas feel so similar, that even though there could be a big difference in the design of the platforming, the player may end up confused thinking they circled back to the beginning. being a challenge map with a hard-punisher in the form of pits in between every column, jump, and platforming section, there are not enough starposts to allow the player to make mistakes -> learn the area -> clear the area -> make mistakes. can be more punishing than it needs to be, even when the sections are more straightforward than others.

had some teleports that were required due to map size restriction, but they felt unnatural (and could cause a player to accidentally skip a starpost, because they do not halt momentum)

feels like a challenge map that was *designed* for sonic gameplay. it's like the mystic-brand of "hey here are some cubes to stand on, figure it out or just lose lol" kind of challenge, but with significantly more variance in platforming, and more of a focus on getting the player moving where they need to be moving. aesthetic was tight but it's also very generic "ice level", ice physics added for some dynamic challenge, and the slopes were a nice touch in terms of adding to the platforming

6/10 -- it's actually a really good map for a map designed to be challenging. i don't know if that was the intent, but its platforming is its primary strength, but lean 5.5-6/10 when pit against any map in the 5-7 range to account for over-compensation of bias. i had fun playing it, but it also wasnt the best map. it was above average overall, but flatlined in a lot of areas.

12. Command Facility Zone by Twins'R'Okay
very basic runny-runny run run straight line map. not particularly complicated with the gameplay loop it executed on. simple.

hilarious gimmick. made sure to execute on the "doom but runny runny run run straight line" paradigm, and it works well to create some laughs if you understand the reference. plays pretty well, though it is simple. aesthetically, it's doom.

6/10 -- funny map, referential humor. basic gameplay, but i had fun. above average! i liked it.

13. Powder Park Zone by DakotaSpine
The map approaches most of its design in a very straightforward way, which is its strength, but also its glaring weakness; comes across as pretty average, though well-decorated, pretty almost filler-ish of a map

Again, extremely clear and focused aesthetic decision, works very well; level layout utilizes slopes in a decent way, flat areas are full of stuff to do in them (scenery or enemies), flows pretty ok after getting used to the map layout, probably more to explore on multiple playthroughs

5.5/10 -- average leaning to good, probably lean 6/10 in the event of a tie (so give it the edge in a tie)

14. Invasion Zone by JABSphere94
map design at first (and sometimes toward the middle) felt like someone's first map ever. i mean like legit long stretches of rectangles drawn in zonebuilder, weird broken thok barriers, that kinda thing. aesthetic choices were weak until the map unfirled, but before then, it felt like a "run forward and thok" sorta situation. some of the directioning is jank and sometimes feels a bit random. especially that terrible loop-around button section. yikes. a vertical character will just ascend through everything.

it's GOOD verticality! the map definitely became more defined the further into the map the player goes. tells a story with the path it sets the player on, and ends with a satisfying conclusion. takes its hazards relatively seriously, with several sections dedicated toward either confronting enemies directly, or juking enemies through long cooridoor sections. on-the-surface a very basic map, but actually deceptively dynamic. plays better than it looks.

5/10 -- i think it's a good map with gameplay-centered design choices, and very clearly wanted the player to experience these designs as-written. the map suffers from some of these basic choices in that the map's design is very basic almost all of the time. but this opens up a bit when the slope and half-pipe platforming come more and more into play. the boss fight at the end saves the entire map.

15. Something Zone by Marcos
relies almost exclusively on its gimmick, doesn't really venture far beyond it. because it's axis2d, there's a higher likelihood of the map forcing the player to hold right for several minutes. unfortunately, this map falls into that category. you just hold right and jump a bit. some of the sections had you hold right while changing direction, which was very jarring and not very player-friendly, though i dont know if that's necessarily the mapper's fault or if that's just how axis2d works. most of the sub-zone areas of the map, while cool-looking, didn't really do much of anything with those little areas; they just sorta existed as a "wow look, its this zone! cool! okay next one? wow okay that was something". had some memes at the end but i cant factor that into the actual map itself in terms of this competition. memes cant be the saving grace of the entire map experience, unless the setup itself was to exit the map and go into the skybox. not much to interact with; map was a straight line.

REQUIRES (or heavily recommends) SOFTWARE. no good!

was something!!!! creative use of axis2d, 2d maps getting love is always good. paths were interesting even though you mostly held right throughout the stage. took you through every zone of the game as part of its narrative. very creative, and a good showing for a unique gimmicky map.

5/10 -- fun map because of the memes, cool setpieces with the zones, but pretty average in terms of gameplay; probably not replayable, and suffers due to axis2d restricting gameplay to a very basic loop. maintain 5/10 when comparing with other maps

16. The Twins Palace Zone by Chaolino
hazards are very, VERY hard to see sometimes. can basically chunk up gameplay to a "lmao im gonna just keep collecting and losing rings and thokking i guess" bit of a slog. the branching paths all lead to the same places in a short amount of time, so they feel a bit pointless? it's possible i fucked up and accidentally backtracked but it felt a bit like a gimmick that wasnt fully executed on. the map can be a little bit hard on the eyes with the neon blues and purples. it's very high contrast, and makes for a bit of an unpleasant look in some areas.

i don't really understand the virtual world that's being created with these maps. i don't know who these characters are. but i do know that whatever it is they're doing in this virtual world, it's clearly their world and one that im interacting with. (so basically, it's aesthetically very focused, but i dont honestly understand the aesthetic that well lol). the map has lots of open space and not in a bad way; gives the player room to breathe between sections that might be more puzzle-y or closed, so the player doesn't feel claustrophobic during gameplay. environments and hazards are varied and interesting, and custom assets look very nice in the engine.

5/10 -- it feels about the same as the last oldc map from this creator in terms of pacing and direction. i feel very solidly in the 5/10 range for this map. in the event of a tie, weigh lower for this one.

17. Sunset Summit Zone by Entropy
Ambiguous sections of the map are aggressively punishing for characters without vertical movement (which nowadays is pretty much only Sonic lmao), slopes felt a bit haphazardly applied throughout the map, felt like it needed more playtesting to improve the overall flow

Very clear aesthetic choice that was pleasingly executed throughout the map, simple gimmick worked well for the verticality, ambiguous sections were appropriately broken up with nice linear runny run run sections

4.5/10 -- pretty average but seems like a good first start, leaning 5/10 but 4.5/10 just in case there is a tie in later rankings

18. Blue Glacier Zone by BronsoKip
partially executed. map is unfinished, and was submitted in an unfinished state. very, very short because it is unfinished, and it just sorta... ends, with no modification to the ending parts of its unfinished-ness. map could have been salvaged in its unfinished state with a little bit of effort, but it's possible the mapper ran into some issues toward the end and just wanted to submit it. i empathize, but the map suffers as a consequence

extremely high effort aesthetic choice, lots of verticality that doesn't make the player suffer in terms of ambiguity (it's clear where you need to go, though this makes it semi-linear it's not a bad thing). clear platforming sections where the mapper wants you to take advantage of certain aspects of your environment. lots of very good ideas on paper that are partially-executed.

3.5/10 -- lots of promise, but is unfinished. looks very cool, but is very clearly unfinished. hopefully will be finished so it can receive a better rating, but it's unfair (in my opinion) to place this map high for its potential vs its execution.

19. Pineapple Prairie Zone by SupaCustardbro
relatively flat in terms of what to do. you just kinda runny jumpy run run jump through the stage with platforming that can likely be skipped by almost every character except for sonic (vertical characters will almost certainly skip most of this stage). hazards can be skipped, and some of the geometry is a bit confused, not because the mapper made bad decisions, but probably because of brand new impressions of some map functions like quicksand (which was used on clouds; kinda confusing), zoom tubes (which were used for no real reason), and some other line effects just kinda randomly put in. nice custom death animation, but the mapper expected the player to die to see it, and that's not always a good sign; probably not a good sign for this map in particular. no colormap on water, which i would consider to be relatively basic even if an aesthetic choice.

original assets! cute textures, cute design, cohesive aesthetic (i feel like most maps are really good about this in the present day, which is cool). linear map, but that helps it stay relatively organized in terms of directing the player to where they need to be. linearity is not necessarily bad, and this map doesnt suffer too much as a consequence of it

side note: map was very fun as robo-hood. please dont ask me why.

3.5/10 -- i think there's a lot of promise from the mapper in terms of what they might be able to do with some more experience and knowledge about how everything works, and how to put together their ideas in a more cohesive way. right now, it looks like they're off to a great start despite the low rating, and i think there's more they likely have to show, and can only go up from here most certainly.

20. Iron Dominion Zone by MK.exe
extremely confusing pathing throughout the map. directs a player one way, but actually requires other pathing, which can cause false soft-locking (eg: no idea where to go, stuck in the same simple area for a while due to a silly gimmick that was not pointed out beforehand to the player). player is expected to be on the lookout for breakables when the breakables are not at all obvious or pointed out to the player. informs a lack of playtesting (or playtesting that missed the mark). aesthetic is very generic THZ; executed fine, but nothing particularly exciting. relies on button-finding.

had some interesting mechanics with wall-bounces (though underutilized). despite aesthetic being basic, executed fine. button-finding was actually pretty OK when the pathing was discovered, because the buttons were localized to individual rooms and not the whole level.

3.5/10 -- looks fine, has technical prowess, but has a distinct lack of focus on what the player might be seeing. playtesting is critical when the capability of the mapper is very high. it feels a bit unfair to have higher expectations for mappers who know what they're doing, but empathy is the key to good gameplay, and for me, it was missing in this map. directioning was a mess, gimmick was not a good choice. also, a bit basic, and felt bit short despite its design.

21. Junkyard Jeopardy Zone by PhilJFou/ChaRG
hazards lack clarity. sometimes blend in with map too much. button gimmick toward the middle section of the map requires extensive backtracking, doesnt make it clear where to go, or what sectors are even buttons. can get very easily lost in areas of the map that are not very complicated in terms of design.

music is good. aesthetic is fine, passable.

3/10 -- very clunky execution of one of the worst gimmicks in srb2's history. if you have a button gimmick, all of the buttons need to have a consistent design and clear "this is a button" energy to them so that the player knows what to look for in order to progress. when simple sections of the map, and i mean literal cubes of sections of map, cause directioning issues, it signals to me a lack of precision in testing the gameplay loop for a player from the perspective of someone who is *not* the mapper. also, some rendering errors in OGL, which is the map's preferred renderer. not sure if this is an error with the mapper's tagging, or with the renderer. may need to revisit to clarify.
On Sunset Summit I can collect all emeralds in the same place, one at a time. Each time I die the emerald changes.
Lucid Landscape's fifth emblem has been giving me so much grief. After so many retries of each room over and over again trying to figure out why it still thinks I have one room left, it turns out Follow Your Rainbow's room doesn't lower the counter for some reason. I have no idea why, but I'm at my wit's end in frustration.
Lucid Landscape's fifth emblem has been giving me so much grief. After so many retries of each room over and over again trying to figure out why it still thinks I have one room left, it turns out Follow Your Rainbow's room doesn't lower the counter for some reason. I have no idea why, but I'm at my wit's end in frustration.

Yeah, this is a known problem. The script is broken for Follow Your Rainbow specifically iirc, so you'll have to wait until the next patch for the LMFAO emblem to be collectable.
Lucid Landscape's fifth emblem has been giving me so much grief. After so many retries of each room over and over again trying to figure out why it still thinks I have one room left, it turns out Follow Your Rainbow's room doesn't lower the counter for some reason. I have no idea why, but I'm at my wit's end in frustration.
Between the beta and release- one of the judges changed Roger's level header from Follow your Rainbow to Follow Your Rainbow- and the script broke because of this...
This will be fixed in an OLDC patch.

In the meanwhile I've created a .wad that you can load over top of the OLDC that fixes this issue. I included gamedata in the wad so that you can still collect emblems and save files, so load this after the OLDC file.

Just tested it: here's proof that it works


  • OLDC_LLZEmblemPatch.wad
    1.9 KB · Views: 158
Between the beta and release- one of the judges changed Roger's level header from Follow your Rainbow to Follow Your Rainbow- and the script broke because of this...
This will be fixed in an OLDC patch.

In the meanwhile I've created a .wad that you can load over top of the OLDC that fixes this issue. I included gamedata in the wad so that you can still collect emblems and save files, so load this after the OLDC file.

Just tested it: here's proof that it works
View attachment 59512
Ohh, thank you so much... I can finish my voting properly now! (and remove all the "arggh this doesn't work"s from my notes)
Post automatically merged:

Oh god, don't return to hub while standing on a checkpoint.
Last edited:
Since I voted, I might as well leave the feedback here too:

Blue Glacier Zone - by BronsoKip
This level screams unfinished at almost every corner, except for the main path. I did enjoy exploring it and imagining what "could've been", but I'm supposed to rate this level based on what it is, instead what it was supposed to be.

Botanic Space Zone Act 2 - by DeltaSanic
The monitor gimmick isn't clear at first and the steam platforming is a bit bland. The first area is also a bit confusing with where you're supposed to go, but other than that, this level is really good.

Bricked Busted Zone - by Mikhael Blur
As big and pretty this level is, I really don't think it's all that enjoyable. It's easy to get lost in it and there are some jumps that are too precise (and they're over bottomless pits, nonetheless).

Caustic Crater Zone - by Seaballer
Not much to say, other than it's really fun and looks great. I do have an issue with the water - the magnetic shield gets removed due to it being in water and then you get damage, which means that the shield doesn't really protect you. Is that on purpose?

Command Facility Zone - by Twins'R'Okay
Hey, it's Doom! The level doesn't really seem to do much with it though. It's not bad or anything, though. The boss at the end is kind of pointless but it's easy enough that it doesn't hinder the experience. The polyobjects can push you inside the walls.

Digital DeLuche Zone - by RoyKirbs
The rollout rock gimmick is really creative but the quick bumpers make it hard to enjoy. The wavy floor rooms are also a bit frustrating. I simple love the "boss" at the end, although I got crushed by a screen of all things on my first playthrough. Use an intangible or intangible from bottom FOFs next time, so that it could be avoided. I also love style of the level. The simplicity works pretty well.

Follow Your Rainbow - by Rogerregorroger
I might be biased for anything Adventure-like, but I simply love this level. While being based on City Escape from SA2, it provides enough variety and originality that it doesn't feel like going through CE except in SRB2. I especially like the twist on the truck chase and the mall section was a... surprise. I had a few laughs here and there and the hidden easter eggs and references really make this level worth a while. Try to use a zoomtube on a loop-de-loop next time, though.

Frozen Fissure Zone - by Garrean
I... really don't like this level. It's kind of blocky and there are many jumps that you can barely make. The black wall transitions lead you to a small ledge, which more often than not leads to you running off to your death. The polyobjects, while look impressive, tend to become invisible, which makes the last part way harder than it should be. Also, it's a presonal gripe, but I really don't like the idea of just standing on a platform and waiting for it to slowly carry you upwards.

Grass Planet Zone - by Voidy2246
The looks and plays nice but the overuse of Hive Elementals is what makes this level score so low for me. I was just minding my own business when a Bumblebore from START OF THE LEVEL came and sniped me into the pit. While I hate Hive Elementals with all my passion, they can be used properly. Unfortunately, when they're not, the entire experience comes plummeting and this level is a good example of that. Pterabytes are also a bit of an overkill, especially since they drop you straight to your death. But hey - I finally found out that you can actually break out of their grip, so that's good.

Invasion Zone by - JABSphere94
This level is really long and while the enemies and boss are cool, they're annoying to deal with. The waiting game at the end could've been omitted completely, though. I beat the boss only with Sonic and SA Sonic and while it was fine, I really can't imagine how frustrating it would be with other characters.

Iron Dominion Zone - by MK.exe
I have to say, levels like this one remind me how much non-vanilla music does to give a level it's own identity. I like the bouncy wall near the end, but the button hunt is kind of unnecessary (although I guess it would make this already short level even shorter). This level has a problem with directioning. Especially in the laser door part. That spinable wall is not telegraphed properly at all. I do think that the general gimmicks make this level stand out enough to make it not seem like a Techno Hill copy.

Junkyard Jeopardy Zone - by PhilJFou/ChaRG
Please turn down the intensity of the colormap next time. All I see most of the time is this weird dark-orange. While I appreciate the multiple paths (and even character exclusive paths) the stage is overall very mediocre. Now do mind that this OLDC was of very high quality. The toxic pool in the part where the paths come together is really bad. Despite being a safe-net it punishes the player and has a very unclear and easy to miss spring. The platforms are also way too small. Also, try not to rely on button hunting so much next time.

Lofty Woods Zone - by Vixuzen
I have to vote this first (being the creator and all). I'm actually really happy with how the gameplay aspect turned for this level (despite some slopes being a bit janky at times). I really wish I didn't procrastinate so much, because that lead to this level looking very bland.

Lucid Landscape Zone - by Othius
I have mixed feelings on this one. It looks simply gorgeous, but the gameplay is kind of hit-or-miss. There's a lot of big stretches where you don't do much and when you do, it's mostly rather gimmicky stuff, albeit pretty fun.

Nimbus Lake Zone - by Yyeellooww7
I love how this level both looks and plays. While linear, it's really fun to go through, even when underwater. The button to activate the geysers is kind of unnecessary, though.

Pineapple Prairie Zone - by SupaCustardbro
It's a bit too blocky for my tastes but it's generally fun, although the blue springs in bushes are pretty annoying. It's kind of weird that buttons are crumbling floors instead of just moving FOFs (or moving floors for that matter). The crumbling wall was kind of unnecessary.

Powder Park Zone - by DakotaSpine
I didn't like this level at first but I grew to enjoy it. The general layout reminds me a lot of 3D Blast. The invisible wall blocking the end was and unpleasant surprise, though. I think it's generally better to just use an actual wall instead or make the end somewhere that isn't right next to the start.

Rhyolite Ruin Zone - by Radicalicious
While I love NiGHTS gameplay I kind of hate the use of lavafalls in this level, especially in the first mare. They're used in thight spaces and the perspective makes it really hard to see them. I also might a little biased against the Red Volcano-styled NiGHTS stage from the original. Otherwise it's alright, although I personally prefer the single-mare stages.

Something Zone - by Marcos
While the use of Axis2D is nice and the "go through each vanilla zone" theme is interesting, each part seems way too short to actually make this level memorable. My biggest gripe with this level is that it's mostly "hold right to win". The easter eggs were really cool though.

Sunset Summit Zone - by Entropy
It's a fun level, although I do think that the credits island shouldn't have death floors (I actually died there). It's a little bland on the texture side, though.

The Twins Palace Zone - by Chaolino
I love the dynamic music. Didn't even know you could do that in SRB2. Other than that, it's really fun, although the electric shields not protecting you from the cyan lasers was a bit off-putting.
It works in SRB2 v2.2.9 and the v2.2.10 prerelease. Lua is used extensively, so it may not be compatible with certain addons, but I can assure you it works just fine. What issue are you having with it exactly?

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