UPDATE ---> Second Demo is out !!!
Well... You all know that I tried to create levelmaps in the past, but they failed, because they were too short and cramped. This time I want to try to make a little levelpack with maps I will work harder on than I did on my last maps. As a prove I've uploaded the first level of this pack. I hope it's better than the last ones.
The act is called "Mole's Domain". It is a land were giant moles had reigned before eggman killed them all and became the king of these messed up lands.
It was supposed to be the first level of the first act. So it is not very difficult. But I think I did a quite good job with the landscape.
----------- MD 1:
----------- MD2:
----------- MDB:
----------- RD 1:
----------- RD 2:
There are many secrets hidden (some lives, silverringmonitors, a token and an emblem) and there are alternate ways to make the level less "mazelike" and more interesting. I hope you like it.
Morph's Level Pack 02
[Please don't post that the links are broken or something... They all work fine. Just right click and save and you will get them. Thx.]
Morph's Levelpack Demo 1
Just write down your opinions and suggestions!
Well... You all know that I tried to create levelmaps in the past, but they failed, because they were too short and cramped. This time I want to try to make a little levelpack with maps I will work harder on than I did on my last maps. As a prove I've uploaded the first level of this pack. I hope it's better than the last ones.
The act is called "Mole's Domain". It is a land were giant moles had reigned before eggman killed them all and became the king of these messed up lands.
It was supposed to be the first level of the first act. So it is not very difficult. But I think I did a quite good job with the landscape.
----------- MD 1:

----------- MD2:

----------- MDB:

----------- RD 1:

----------- RD 2:

There are many secrets hidden (some lives, silverringmonitors, a token and an emblem) and there are alternate ways to make the level less "mazelike" and more interesting. I hope you like it.
Morph's Level Pack 02
[Please don't post that the links are broken or something... They all work fine. Just right click and save and you will get them. Thx.]
Morph's Levelpack Demo 1
Just write down your opinions and suggestions!