Lapis "Blue" Adair

Lapis "Blue" Adair 1.2.0


Dissonant Descendant
BlueSoD submitted a new resource:

Lapis "Blue" Adair - A human character with powerful, satisfying movement abilities!

View attachment 104696
Introducing Blue, the Dissonant Descendant!

📖 Overview
Blue is a highly movement-based character with powerful skill in the right hands. Although a bit slower than most of the cast, and unable to spinjump, he makes up for it with an incredibly high jump, exponential acceleration, and extremely useful abilities that let you zoom past any obstacle with ease.


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bro really thinks he:
gArDeNiNg tHyMe | Fandom
BlueSoD updated Lapis "Blue" Adair with a new update entry:

A Slammin' Update (V1.2.0)

Hey, long time no see!
Sorry, I got burnt out on SRB2 for a while and ended up putting down work Blue for a bit.
Finally, here's Blue's 2.0 update. It adds a new move, Boost Slam, activated by hitting a wall while diving (or pressing Spin while diving), sending Blue straight down. It also improves his controls, his model, and fixes several bugs and issues.

Here's the full update log!

V1.2.0 - A Slammin' Update

Read the rest of this update entry...
The page is down for now because the update needs to be approved before it goes back up.
Blame MB staff 🤷‍♂️
Well you can use the conversation button, which allows you to talk to any person you want to talk to. Or you can just wait for them to look at it, but I suggest asking them in the conversation button.
Well you can use the conversation button, which allows you to talk to any person you want to talk to. Or you can just wait for them to look at it, but I suggest asking them in the conversation button.
Alright, but who should I message? Just any online staff?
first thing is that you can skip one step on the tutorial

and second the face of the 3d model looks really weird, and it's not like you couldn't just draw the face onto the sprite
first thing is that you can skip one step on the tutorial
View attachment 129556
and second the face of the 3d model looks really weird, and it's not like you couldn't just draw the face onto the sprite
1. I am more than aware of that, I specifically left that in for anyone skilled enough to figure it out, it's an intentional exploit lol

2. You're playing with 3D models off, which I state time after time *not to do*, any opinion on them is null and void because no matter what I do they're gonna look off
2. You're playing with 3D models off, which I state time after time *not to do*, any opinion on them is null and void because no matter what I do they're gonna look off
1. I think I have mentioned before that I have had issues with getting modded character's models to work
2. the only part of the sprites that are off looking is the face itself, iirc when I was still in the OS you mentioned updating the sprites to make the face.

well, even if you don't do anything about the face this is still a pretty cool mod

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