Kaldrum's 3D Models

Kaldrum's 3D Models v4.0 - it's-a-him!

hey kaldrum
sonic has no support for altsonic's sans laugh easter egg
kaldrum updated Kaldrum's 3D Models with a new update entry:

Door Outta Summer (cool update part 1)

It's been awhile! (also please temper your expectations)

I originally planned to have a far more substantial update by the end of the summer, but I just didn't quite have the time to finish it. I decided I'd save the new stuff for later and split what I have into two parts. This is the first part, or the cool mod compatibility stuff, character revamps and reanimations, and all-around polish. With that, lets get started!

First off, Sonic!
My second oldest model was in need of some fixes and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
so that's why peppermint made skid animations for amy, knux, tails, and fang a while back (idk when)
finally, metal's fingers got larger
his small fingers always annoyed me lol