Taking a break from SRB2MB
As a fan of Sonic Robo Blast 2, I have mixed feelings about the recent decision to remove the iconic "thok" ability from the game. On one hand, I understand the developers' desire to refine the gameplay and create a more balanced experience. The thok was an incredibly powerful move, allowing Sonic to zip through levels with incredible speed and agility. However, it also made the game somewhat one-dimensional, as players would often rely solely on the thok to navigate the stages. By removing the thok, the developers are encouraging players to explore alternative strategies and fully utilize the game's diverse moveset. While I appreciate the intention behind this change, a part of me will always miss the exhilarating rush of soaring through levels with the thok. Sonic Robo Blast 2 will undoubtedly feel different without it, but perhaps this adjustment will ultimately lead to a more engaging and well-rounded gameplay experience.