DMSC BETA 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh.. because then it'd be a cup instead of a glass and you wouldn't be able to see the OJ.
I'm not saying the glass should be more opaque, the OJ should have an opaque, untouchable 3D Block around it to make it look more opaque.

Then again, would an opaque water block work? I know I've had problems getting them to render correctly in the past. x_x
But then you can't SEE people inside the orange juice!
And yes, simply changing the type of water block to opaque would work.
Ok guys, i need 100% honesty here, as Shuffle and i are in a bit of a squabble over this
You have to rate DMSC out of 10, 1 being STUPID..O and 10 being WOW IT ROX!

Please vote now.
It sux, it's buggy, poorly programmed, boring, and the programmer should be drug out into the street and shot.
6/10 Right now it is very buggy, but with some more work, and a decent amount of programing, it will be MUCH better. Count on it.
It was actually more fun than I expected at first.
I was like "We just jump or spin at each other? I dunno if that'll work..."
Then, I was like "Holy snap, that was fun!"
That pretty much describes it.
I loved to just spin in place, and see people attempt to bash into me in vain. : D Then I zoom right through them when they're wide open!
I'd like to see it finished.
7/10. I liked it, it has some real potential. The craziness of just bashing into each other and making everyone fly off mimicked the style of SSB well. With a few players and an updated EXE, this could get real good.

Really, it could use a bit more diversity. It really isn't that advanced yet.

And fix the Touch fighting.

And fix Toad.

And make spindash-abusers have SOME kind of weakness.

Fun, though, has great potential. I'd love to see this make some progress.

Great. Only 2 issues need to be worked on.
1) RINGS!!! You should be throwing rings!!!
2) Camera. Needs to be closer in.
Peno, you can jump over the spindashes, and they'll go flying away.....
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