DMSC BETA 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm not saying that those things aren't plausible, I'm saying slopes suck and the idea of using rings for health is just plain stupid. That's taking a step BACK. C'mon man, we aren't a cell phone company!
Spazzo, don't plan things and go forward with them until you get feedback for them. Ask the people about the ideas first, don't just say "We'll do this and we'll do that whether you like it or not" :P
Yeh, sure. You just laugh yer head off from the sidelines. :roll: They're gonna get their act together, and they're gonna make something awesome.

... Riiiiiight? :twisted:

EDIT: Talkin' to JTE. XP
If anyone should be adding things without telling anyone else, it should be me :P.
Ya, i know =(.
It also would only work in OpenGL, dont know if you would sigsev in software, or whatever.
I have access to a PC that can run Half-Life II at 82.7FPS [Which is faster then the eye can detect, actually. Looking at it makes it look choppy, but it's really because the human eye sucks. =P]. I think I would be able to view slopes at a decent speed. :?
Omega the Hedgehog said:
And? Have it be a variable so us with powerful computers can still use it.
My computer IS powerful and it still lags.

There's a few reasons I decided to not use slopes.
1)They lag
2)They don't show up in Software
3)They don't have below textures, therefore it's pretty usless.
4)They aren't tangible, even more usless.
That's still fine by me. :/

Again, just have it be a variable you can turn on or off. Like I said, some of us out there actually have access to these neat little PCs called "Alienwares". =P
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