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Crash Bandicoot Beta Thread

Welp, it's been a while, so might as well push out a new build.

Aku Aku's placeholder sprites and all of Crash's placeholder sprites that are seen in the main levels have been successfully implemented, which leaves the sprites for the NiGHTS special stages and the death sprites (which will come when I get his different deaths re-implemented). As well, I brought back the ability for Crash to knock back other players if he spins into them.

As for future plans, I'll be bringing back the jetpack/scuba gear idea as a reward for collecting all the chaos emeralds. After that and the many deaths gets implemented with placeholder sprites and everything, all that will be left is finalizing the sprites.
Post automatically merged:

Fixed a few bugs that were present in the last build, such as:
- Aku Aku not spawning in properly if you grab invincibility while he's absent
- Aku Aku level 3 not being in the right position when the gravity is inverted
- Slide thrusting you at a fixed speed that doesn't scale with the player's current scale
- Spinning and crouching in place not taking you out of the "woah" easter egg state, and rolling down slopes without touching any directional inputs not taking you out of that state either
- Aku Aku's despawn/downgrade sound not playing


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A user named Pan on this Discord Server I'm on mentioned that Crash could reasonably have a Super Form based on the CTR Mask Invincibility thing. (And I actually agree that could work as a Super Form, and kinda wish I'd thought of that.) The idea that they brought up would be it makes Crash's already implemented abilities better while in the form, as well as making him slightly faster (Pan suggested this to help Crash keep up with other characters in multiplayer).
A user named Pan on this Discord Server I'm on mentioned that Crash could reasonably have a Super Form based on the CTR Mask Invincibility thing. (And I actually agree that could work as a Super Form, and kinda wish I'd thought of that.) The idea that they brought up would be it makes Crash's already implemented abilities better while in the form, as well as making him slightly faster (Pan suggested this to help Crash keep up with other characters in multiplayer).
I might actually end up going with that since it saves on resources, I'm not all that enthusiastic about making a whole other set of sprites lol.
this mod is looking great! the main thing id suggest is maybe adding in the crash dash(the run you get at the end of Crash 3), since crash is pretty slow in these levels
I checked out the new Crash beta and got through up to Techno Hill with him

there were some things that I thought felt kinda... *ahem* wrong, but other than that I think it's pretty great for the state it's in
Whadya mean? Like physics feeling wonky or controls feeling stiff?
it's more things that need a little fixing or touching up
- there's no indication on whether or not a super belly flop has been activated, it just happens
- Aku Aku for some reason doesn't revert back to gold state after invincibility
- the Crash Dash feels unfinished (though i won't knock you for that)
- the Death Tornado Spin Glide doesn't last all the way until Crash lands (which really bothers me as someone who really likes Huge Adventure)
- the slide slows down too fast
- Crash still dies automatically with zero rings, even if he has Aku Aku with him

i also thought that including the super slide, fruit bazooka, and something from Titans (preferrably Titans Java) or Mutant would make Crash a bit more fleshed out

i can't believe i actually want something from Crash of the pissing Titans in normal Crash
it's more things that need a little fixing or touching up
- there's no indication on whether or not a super belly flop has been activated, it just happens
- Aku Aku for some reason doesn't revert back to gold state after invincibility
- the Crash Dash feels unfinished (though i won't knock you for that)
- the Death Tornado Spin Glide doesn't last all the way until Crash lands (which really bothers me as someone who really likes Huge Adventure)
- the slide slows down too fast
- Crash still dies automatically with zero rings, even if he has Aku Aku with him

i also thought that including the super slide, fruit bazooka, and something from Titans (preferrably Titans Java) or Mutant would make Crash a bit more fleshed out

i can't believe i actually want something from Crash of the pissing Titans in normal Crash
Alright, I'm gonna respond to each point individually:
- Crash doesn't have a super belly flop? It's just the regular belly flop. The damage detection for the belly flop is just a little janky, but there's not much I could do to improve it.
- Aku Aku reverting to normal instead of gold after invincibility is somewhat intentional due to the abundance of shield monitors in most of the levels, but I'll change it and see if it makes him too OP or not.
- I don't understand what you mean by this? Crash Dash is meant to act more like a sprint button than a boost button.
- I intentionally limited the Death Tornado Spin Glide to prevent Crash from just flying over about 90% of all the levels. If you meant keep him in the spin state until he lands and not keep him hovering, I would have to see what I can do.
I'll see if I can buff the slide slightly and fix the bug of Crash dying with 0 rings even with Aku Aku.
Also I'm avoiding adding more to his moveset than necessary because this Crash is also gonna come with an optional "box tally" mode (either gonna be released as a separate addon or bundled in with Crash), complete with crates replacing monitors and a counter keeping track of how many you've destroyed.
- I don't understand what you mean by this? Crash Dash is meant to act more like a sprint button than a boost button.
I'm saying that it feels unfinished because it just speeds up Crash's normal run animation instead of having its usual animation. it just feels really jarring.
I played with this for a bit and I've a few questions (mb if these have been answered elsewhere in the thread, I skimmed through it)
  • Will the faster-spin-after-a-slide and faster-slid-after-a-jump be implemented? I consider those very important to Crash's flow.
  • Death Tornado only seems to work in midair, will it also work on the ground?
  • Is Crash's spin radius to be made longer? Currently the hitbox only seems to include his body rather than his arms, which makes striking enemies with it rather precarious.
And I believe someone else in this thread mentioned Motorroach's Crash sprite, which if you're looking to replace the placeholder animations I'm sure he'd be willing to let you use.

All that aside, I like the systems you've implemented so far, especially with Aku masks, and I'm interested to see where this goes.

(Edit) I discovered a bug: if you hold down bodyslam over THZ goop, Crash continuously slams into the surface. It seems to bounce him back out, not sure why. Doesn't happen if you only press slam once.
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it's more things that need a little fixing or touching up
- there's no indication on whether or not a super belly flop has been activated, it just happens
- Aku Aku for some reason doesn't revert back to gold state after invincibility
- the Crash Dash feels unfinished (though i won't knock you for that)
- the Death Tornado Spin Glide doesn't last all the way until Crash lands (which really bothers me as someone who really likes Huge Adventure)
- the slide slows down too fast
- Crash still dies automatically with zero rings, even if he has Aku Aku with him

i also thought that including the super slide, fruit bazooka, and something from Titans (preferrably Titans Java) or Mutant would make Crash a bit more fleshed out

i can't believe i actually want something from Crash of the pissing Titans in normal Crash
I tried taking damage while having aku aku and 0 rings, and crash didn't die, he just lost aku aku like normal
I played with this for a bit and I've a few questions (mb if these have been answered elsewhere in the thread, I skimmed through it)
  • Will the faster-spin-after-a-slide and faster-slid-after-a-jump be implemented? I consider those very important to Crash's flow.
  • Death Tornado only seems to work in midair, will it also work on the ground?
  • Is Crash's spin radius to be made longer? Currently the hitbox only seems to include his body rather than his arms, which makes striking enemies with it rather precarious.
And I believe someone else in this thread mentioned Motorroach's Crash sprite, which if you're looking to replace the placeholder animations I'm sure he'd be willing to let you use.

All that aside, I like the systems you've implemented so far, especially with Aku masks, and I'm interested to see where this goes.

(Edit) I discovered a bug: if you hold down bodyslam over THZ goop, Crash continuously slams into the surface. It seems to bounce him back out, not sure why. Doesn't happen if you only press slam once.
I'll get around to fixing the bug with the body slam on goop.
To address your other questions, I have a very limited understanding of Crash's more subtle mechanics like the two you mentioned on the first point, so those might not be implemented. Death Tornado is intentionally coded to only work in midair for the glide, it's mainly to keep him from being practically indestructible. I'll see what I can do for increasing the spin's damage radius.
I'll get around to fixing the bug with the body slam on goop.
To address your other questions, I have a very limited understanding of Crash's more subtle mechanics like the two you mentioned on the first point, so those might not be implemented. Death Tornado is intentionally coded to only work in midair for the glide, it's mainly to keep him from being practically indestructible. I'll see what I can do for increasing the spin's damage radius.
If it makes any difference, the subtle mechanics are pretty straightforward--the slide is simply faster if done immediately after landing from a jump, as are the jump and spin if done during a slide. You've already implemented the high jump from the slide, so you're some of the way there!
At long last, we have an update.

"Box Tally Mode" has officially been re-added to the mod and monitors actually get replaced with custom boxes with different functionalities.
There's a blank crate that does nothing other than add to the tally:

An Aku Aku crate that gives a pity shield (placeholder sprite and functionality):

Ring crate that gives rings if you bounce on it, but gets destroyed and rewards nothing otherwise:

TNT crate that starts a counter when you bounce on it, but otherwise explodes immediately:

And lastly, there's the Nitro crate, which does exactly what you think it does:

As well, a nitro detonator will spawn in front of the goal post which will destroy all nitro crates in the map when activated.

The entire mode can be toggled using the "crash_boxtallymode" command. It is still incomplete since the Extra Life crate has yet to be added and the HUD needs to be revamped, but at least now it can be tested for bugs and such. The golden monitors are intentionally left alone, so don't fret over them if you see them.

Crash now has a super form when you collect all the chaos emeralds, which allow him to perform the spin glide infinitely alongside the speed buff that comes with any super form. More nerfs may be added when more feedback is provided and I'm planning to code a custom transformation sequence for the super form in the future.

As for miscellaneous changes, I've decided to move the Crash Dash to Custom 2 to avoid conflictions with addons like ChrispyChars and Cosmetics. And as you might've noticed in the gifs showing off the crates, Aku Aku now has some added visual effects depending on health and he's mostly transparent when viewed in first-person now.


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So I've now added a radar-type function for Box Tally Mode that shows how far away the closest box is and spawns a pointer that points towards the direction of said close box. This can be toggled by using "crash_boxpointer" for client-side, or can be allowed/disabled server-side by using "crash_globalpointer".

I've also removed 1-Up monitors from the box tally entirely, so they're left alone and don't contribute to the tally whatsoever. This is planned to be temporary until I can get the 1-Up crates to work properly, but if they end up making box-breaking much easier, they might be omitted permanently.

As for other changes, Aku Aku's invincibility now prevents you from drowning (which automatically carries over to his super form), and speaking of super, his slide and crawl are now buffed while super.


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The Radar function is fine, I guess? It's useful when 100%-ing the level with the Box Tally Mode enabled, since there are several monitors in places that are outside of the box. However, my personal problem is that it somewhat kills the feel of exploration and search for boxes completely blind, like it was in the PS1 Trilogy. Without the Radar, you are encouraged to go and explore stages, while with the Radar, you really just follow directions and don't do anything else.
It IS something that I can nitpick on when talking about the Emblem Radar in the Vanilla SRB2 for the same reason.

I know that it's a toggle-able function, but even then, it's really just a weird feature to me personally.

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