[canceled] Saturn Dreams model pack

[canceled] Saturn Dreams model pack 2.5

That starpost model tho... it looks so (swear word) AMAZING!!
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Btw does anybody know whats the code for the chaos emeralds?
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That starpost model tho... it looks so (swear word) AMAZING!!
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Btw does anybody know whats the code for the chaos emeralds?
no se ay vere
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That starpost model tho... it looks so (swear word) AMAZING!!
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Btw does anybody know whats the code for the chaos emeralds?
MysteryMiles updated Saturn Dreams model pack with a new update entry:

just posting everything i had even if they're finished or not

my motivation run out so i'm just putting this here

sorry about that but i really can't help it

it has been so long that, i don't even remember the state this is at

i also did these, as a separate model pack, but guess what? motivation also run out and i just got sonic and tails models animated, not done tho

i'd say, don't expect a new update, don't expect these new models nothing, can't make promises so like. see you if i get that motivation back, and if i don't good bye.

(also i...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Damn these models look good as hell


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I don't know how you did it, but you managed to model the perfect sonic and tails, I wish I was exaggerating but I'm not, I see 0 flaws with these 2 models, this is without a doubt the best work u have done so far. I know u said no sad comments, but I'm still sad to see the curse of no motivation has taken another great creator away from us, I wish you luck in ur future endeavors though!
I don't know how you did it, but you managed to model the perfect sonic and tails, I wish I was exaggerating but I'm not, I see 0 flaws with these 2 models, this is without a doubt the best work u have done so far. I know u said no sad comments, but I'm still sad to see the curse of no motivation has taken another great creator away from us, I wish you luck in ur future endeavors though!
yep that's how thins goes for these, for me i don't find it too motivating to work in srb2 related thins

now for the models, yeah that was what i was aiming for, funny thing that they re WAY and when i say i mean WAAAAAAAAAAAAY easier to do that the sd models, for instance i dont have to worry about pixel perfection, or lot's of effects since, that's just a model in the saturn style, and i don't mean like imitating i mean like everything related to it, even limitations
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yep that's how thins goes for these, for me i don't find it too motivating to work in srb2 related thins

now for the models, yeah that was what i was aiming for, funny thing that they re WAY and when i say i mean WAAAAAAAAAAAAY easier to do that the sd models, for instance i dont have to worry about pixel perfection, or lot's of effects since, that's just a model in the saturn style, and i don't mean like imitating i mean like everything related to it, even limitations
for sonic, inspiring him off of the figthers model saved me a lot of figuring out
man you
Yeah I'm confused on that too
guys know nothing, that's a whole new model made from scarth, it looks nothing alike the sd model, for instance this one is limitated like a sega saturn model (meaning that i'm just doing things that would be posible on a sega saturn) and he doesn't have pixel perfect textures like the sd model, something that makes them easier,and desing wise, it's just trying to be peak classic sonic
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man you

guys know nothing, that's a whole new model made from scarth, it looks nothing alike the sd model, for instance this one is limitated like a sega saturn model (meaning that i'm just doing things that would be posible on a sega saturn) and he doesn't have pixel perfect textures like the sd model, something that makes them easier,and desing wise, it's just trying to be peak classic sonic
also ig you didn't read the message of the update huh?, this kind of stuff is what makes me more unmotivated, ignorance